


Cartoon Analysis Lernzettel







Cartoon Analysis
1. Description of piclorical elements
the source
and the topic
Lo structured (foreground, background, top/bottom, c

Cartoon Analysis 1. Description of piclorical elements Lo name the source and the topic Lo structured (foreground, background, top/bottom, corner/center, above / below) Lo headline, slogan, Speech bubbles, caption L рау. attention to details present progressive ! 2. Interpretation Lo what's the message? mündliche Prüfung 3. Personal opinion Lo do you agree/ / disagree with the message? Lo argumentation to knowledge oblained in class Useful phrases The cartoon was published. the illustration shows... the focus of attention is on... • The characters Pacial expression body language reveals that.... the cartoonist wants to convey message. the • The of the castoon is... message The cartoon is ... by the cartoonist... .... the cartoon illustrate the problem of... to criticize make fun of..... the cartoon is effective/sucessful eye-catching/shocking because..

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