


Character Constellation „A Streetcar Named Desire“







,,A Streetcar Named Desire" - Scenes 1-3
description of the weather: tender
blue, almost turquoise sky; warm
description of the houses:

,,A Streetcar Named Desire" - Scenes 1-3 description of the weather: tender blue, almost turquoise sky; warm description of the houses: white frame; weathered grey; rickety outside stairs and galleries; quaitly ornamented gables Blanche DuBois sisters about thirty years old white woman welcoming idyllic from Mississippi, lived a luxury life on her parent's plantation Belle Reve, because they were a wealthy slave- owning family, until she lost it lives in Laurel (Mississippi) her mother and father died was an English teacher at high school until she got dismissed was already married in young age but her husband died visits Stella not happy about the place Stella lives always dressed elegantly, she owns many expensive clothes talking very much (about herself) she's fishing for compliments Which conflicts might arise between the characters? a conflict between Stella and Stanley about his behaviours when he is drunk Atmosphere vivacious Stella Kowalski + friends* harmonious MAJOR CHARACTERS joyous about twenty-five years old white woman living in a downstairs flat with two rooms in the French Quarter her mother and father died left the plantation and Blanche to go to New Orleans she's pregnant loves Stanley, doesn't like it if he hast o leave for a few days Harold Mitchell (Mitch) married MINOR CHARACTERS about twenty-eight or thirty years old plays Poker friends* neighbours he has no wife and lives together with his mom works on the precision bench in the spare parts department seems to be impressed by Blanche when they first met a conflict between Blanche and Stella about Blanche's behaviour concerning men (especially Mitch) and because oft he lies she tells conflict between Stanley and Blanche about...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

the papers of the plantation and in general about her staying at their small flat neighbours many people are on streets so their voices are also heard the whole time the music which is played by Negro entertainers the whole time Stanley Kowalski married friends* ➜the ,,blue piano" expresses the spirit of life in the French Quarter *The men Stanley, Mitch, Steve and Pablo are all friends and playing poker together. about twenty-eight or thirty years old medium height and strongly, compactly build he's Polish he's a Master Sergeant in the Engineer's Corps loves Bowling plays Poker thinks Blanche sold the plantation to keep the money for herself to buy expensive clothes and jewelry beats Stella when he was drunk Eunice Hubbell white woman living in the upstairs flat Steve Hubbell plays Poker Pablo Gonzales plays Poker A Negro Woman ► colored woman neighbours friends*