


character overview (L.A. Crash)







Name of character
Graham Waters
Peter Waters
Jean Cabot
Rick Cabot
Daniel Ruiz
Lara Ruiz
Shaniqua Johnson
Officer John Ry

Name of character Graham Waters Ria Peter Waters Anthony Farhad Jean Cabot Rick Cabot Daniel Ruiz Lara Ruiz Shaniqua Johnson Officer John Ryan Tom Hansen Cameron Thayer Christine Thayer Jake Flanagan Personal background (ethnicity, job, family, etc.) African American detective; brother (Peter), mother (Louise); in love with his Hispanic colleague (Ria); lower class family background, has moved up socially Caring for drug-addicted mother who thinks he does not care enough for the family; finding his brother (criminal) to please mother; withstanding corruption; dealing with issues of racism in society as they pertain to his person Latino detective; Puerto Rican and El Salvadorian Does not want to be labelled as "White" Black; talks about racism and social Killed because Hansen thought he problems with Anthony would draw a gun, his St. Christopher statue is his undoing Uses his race as excuse for actions, steals Black; feels victimized of racism; talks about racism and social problems with Peter; refuses to take bus ("degrading"); does not want to steal from Black people anymore Persian; daughter (Dorri), wife (Shirin); shop owner; does not speak English very well White; Ricks' wife; carjacked; has a maid (Maria) → apparently her best friend White; Jeans' husband; carjacked; running for District Attorney Latino locksmith; 5-year-old daughter; loving father; moved away from bad neighborhood to keep his daughter safe 5 years old, afraid of bullets, tries to protect father at any costs HMO Administrator; sympathetic but bureaucratic LAPD Officer, uses his authority against non-whites Ryan's partner; claims Ryan to be racist, wants a different partner; African American; Movie director; does not defend wife when she is searched...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

by Ryan; African American; Cameron's wife challenges Rick Cabot's campaign manager; wants Graham to publicly blame white cop Store is trashed and covered with anti-Arab graffiti → does not feel treated fairly by American society Anger issues, feels helpless Tries race as political strategy, wants to be elected Prejudices at work (that he would keep spare keys and break into house) Childhood, bad neighborhood Unable to help Ryan, gets attacked by racist comments when she cannot help Sick father he has to take care of Surprised by own racism he was not aware of when he kills an African American Confronted with racism at work Relationship struggles with Cameron Tries everything to help Rick getting elected