









When writing a characterization, we usually have to look
at a character in a novel, story or film. But how can we
analyze a charact
When writing a characterization, we usually have to look
at a character in a novel, story or film. But how can we
analyze a charact
When writing a characterization, we usually have to look
at a character in a novel, story or film. But how can we
analyze a charact

English. When writing a characterization, we usually have to look at a character in a novel, story or film. But how can we analyze a character? First, you have to know that there are different categories of characters in literature/fiction. 1. Categories of Characters: A) Central character/Main characters are characters, which are most important for the story. In traditional fairy tales, for example, they are usually the heroes / the heroines. Characterization The plot¹ is built around them, and most of the time it is their story being told. In the Shrek movies, Shrek and Princess Fiona would be called central characters, for instance². CREED II ROCKY'S LEGACY B) Background characters ... are characters that play important roles and sometimes they have their big moments, nonetheless³, they are just supporting characters and are not always present in the story. They are part of the story but it is not their story! In Shrek, the Donkey or Puss in Boots are such characters. BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY Homeschooling C) Intermediate characters are characters that are only important to keep the story going. Normally, they appears just for a few moments and mainly stand for short actions and ideas that help the story/plot. In Shrek, the three blind mice or the gingerbread-manº are these kinds of characters. Handlung 2= for example 3 nichtsdestotrotz/jedoch/hingegen 4 unterstützend/Neben- 5 auftauchen/erscheinen 6 Pfefferkuchenmann NUSSWICKER MAMMA MIA GRINCH SOLO GLASS HOTEL TRANSSIONNEN 3 January 26th, 2021 STAR IS BORN WERK OHNE AUTO DEADPOOL 1 English 3. Steps for...

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a characterization When you have to write a characterization, you can use this very helpful checklist 1st you have to check on the outward appearance of the character Outward appearance What does the character look like? clothing, hair, eyes, body, other specials How does the character talk? speech, dialect, (talking friendly, rude¹, slang) How does the character behave¹¹? actions Homeschooling What does the character like? What does he do? hobbies, etc. 2nd Inner nature How does the character treat other characters? interaction with others What kind of belongings does the character have? belongings¹2 (What do their houses/flats look like? Do they carry anything with them all the time?) you have to check on the inner nature of the character January 26th, 2021 What are the character's feelings? feelings What are the character's thoughts? thoughts (What does she/he think about him-/herself or about others) What are the character's attitudes¹3? believes, opinions, etc. What are the character's (inner-) motives? motives¹4 äußere Erscheinung 10 unhöfflich 11 (sich) verhalten) 12 Besitz/Habseligkeiten 13 Haltung/Ansichten/Standpunkte 14 Beweggründe 15 gut durchdacht check !NOTE Keep in mind that not all characters in stories or films will give answers to every question of the checklist. But if you follow the checklist and take down notes for every question that may be answered, you are well prepared to write a thoughtful¹5 characterization. check 3 English. Homeschooling Additional Information: 4. Different ways of characterization We do not always get to know a character by his speech, thinking processes, actions, etc. . Sometimes we get facts about a person by other characters in the story. That is why we distinguish¹6 between .... January 26th, 2021 Self-Characterization (Selbstcharakterisierung) O The character tells something about him-/ herself, by talking, thinking, acting, or interacting, etc. (see checklist) Third-person Characterization (Fremdcharakterisierung) O A second or third person thinks or talks about another character. Or you are given information by the way the second character behaves or talks when the character you want to analyse is around. This kind of characterization can happen in various kinds of ways in literature/ fiction. 5. Writing the characterization: Introduction: 1. Start with your character's name and general statement about him or her. The opening paragraph should include a statement about why the character is important in the story. Use the present tense. Andy, one of the main characters and the narrator's best friend in the story "Bread on the Water" by David Lubar, is a teenage boy. Body: 2. In the middle of your profile, add details about the character. This information should support what you have said in your opening statement. In church, Andy makes puns on the quotes from the Bible. This shows him to be a very clever boy with a good sense of humour. But the fact that he does not stop, even after he and Tommy are thrown out of the church indicates that 3. Back up every statement you make about your character with examples/quotes. Andy is caring and tries to help the homeless man by buying him something to eat. 16 unterscheiden Conclusion: 4. Finish by restating your main claim about the character followed by a few concluding sentences. You can also include why or why not you like this character. As we have seen, Andy is very generous and, although 4