


Lernzettel Charakterisierung







Englischklausur II.
I. Summary
-höchstens 1/3 d. Originaltextes
- zuerst Text gut lesen + markieren
1. Einleitung text type,
Englischklausur II.
I. Summary
-höchstens 1/3 d. Originaltextes
- zuerst Text gut lesen + markieren
1. Einleitung text type,

Englischklausur II. I. Summary -höchstens 1/3 d. Originaltextes Inhaltsangabe = - zuerst Text gut lesen + markieren 1. Einleitung text type, title, author, date /place, main topic 2. Haupttal agf. an Sinnabschnitten orientieren, W-Fragen (- whos where/why! how I what for). Faroule tingent -The author points out that... He stresses largues letates lemphasizes that.... - In the first/second/third part of the text..... In addition, Moreover / Furthermore 3. Schluss Main aspects To alterungen - Finally I Altogether - Considering the this -The author Hext concludes that... He claims (behauptet) that.. Simple Present; eigene Worte; sachlich, Synonyme II. Characterization -Text lesen & markieren + Notizen machen 1. Einleitung: Name, [agel, the role in the story general statement about the character (round / flat charactersiehe unten) 2. Hauptteil Outward appearance (most prominent to minor ones) direct information about her Thim conclusion from the character's behaviour (adjectives) NAME it! QUOTE it! EXPLAIN it! lines formulierungen: - Another important Isignificant aspect / factis (that)... -From this one can conclude that... when x... - However, even if x is ... he/she is ... Proof of this can be found in 11. -This behavior clearly indicates that x.... -This is an example of... -This reveals that x.... -This very feature becomes apparent in 11. when..... -without any doubt.... -x also appears (to be)... -x is described / portrayed as -x seems to be/represents... -It is quite apparent that... 44.10 ? No new aspekts 3. Schluss Summarise what the reader learns...

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about the character state whether the character has developed or stayed the same during the plot formulierungen:-Finally, one can say that.... -In summary.... In conclusion.. All in all II. II. Showing us. Telling Showing Fals Lese-lin selbstständig charakterisleen - elaborating Telling deser linnen informieren -gives the readers the bare Pacts, with little to no illustration -gives the readers the details ofa scene including what the charac- teris) are seeing Thearing !... reader is part of the experience II.III. Flat vs. round characters Flat character -uncomplicated remains the same throughout the story characterized by one or two traits -tend to be static Round character complex -undergoes changes -characterized by many different, maybe contradictory character traits -tend to be dynamic can surprise the readers Cannot surprise the readers since they are predictable III. Types of Characterization 1. Direct lexplicit characterisation => It uses another character, narrator or the protagonist himself to tell the readers laudience about the subjet 2. Indirect/implicit characterization → more Bubtle way of introducing the character; the audience has to deduce (-ableiten) for themselves the characteristics of the character by observing his/her thought process, behavior, speech, way of talking. appearance. III. Comment +Bsp.? Aufgabenstellung beachten & kommentieren (Argumente abwägen) -Simple Present rohullistungen : On the one hand .... on the other hand, It might be argued that; First of all; Furthermore / Moreover / In addition, Never the less (trotzdem); Although; Due to (-aufgrund von); Therefore II. Mediation - nur das Wichtigste abersetzen -Tokus auf einen (wenige (Haupt.) Aspekte -Typisch-Deutsches erlauton (23. Varneval, Abitur) -Talls Brief /E-Mail: An Emplongerlin anpassen!