


Characterization of Alex- Notes from the Midnightdriver







of Alex
look at the second
Alex Gregory is the main character in the story,, Notes from the
midnight drive
of Alex
look at the second
Alex Gregory is the main character in the story,, Notes from the
midnight drive

05.03.2011 Characterization of Alex " you look at the second Alex Gregory is the main character in the story,, Notes from the midnight driver from Jordan Sonnenblick. He is a round characte who has to deal with many sikations, which is sometimes not easy for him, but he is a charakter that readers like. Alex Gregory (cf. P. 11) is 16 years old (cf. P.7) and lives in New Jearsey (cf. P. 27). He is a student and plays the guitar in a jazzband (cf. p. 29). His parents are seperated (cf. p. 10/11). His mum describes him as a smart boy" (p. 17). His uncle said, that Alex is a decent student" (p. 29 1.10). When chapter, Alex is characterized as an irresponsible person, because drove with his mothers car, while he was drunle (cf. p. 6). But in the other chapters Alex is shown as a "good boy " who is always in time (cf. p. 30/p.38) and who is able to umile formal and polite (cf. p. 37/p.41/p.43). He is an emotional boy, who can't deal with some sihations (cf. p. 6/p. 101.22). He is humerous, what we can see at page 101.22 ,„,, Call me an ambulance!" (…..), Okay, you're an ambulance".", that's why you might think that he is selfeonfident, because he tells joke...

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in sihations and in front of persons, who are older and in a higher society, but when you read the chapter, Day of the Dork-Wit' you can see, that he isn't self confident. Laure has to help him getting out of the sination, because he can't deal with it. He tries to make silvations more comfortable with humour, or he is just overwhelmed with those sitations. 4 (14 Alex is also full of phantasie and he always hries to know what's going to be next. He has for example an exact idea how the court looks (d.p. 231.). The most lime Alex is really optimistic as well. Esspecially at page 29 Alex is upset and suprised about his punishment, he thought be would get a minor punishment, "And that about my license ? " " (p201.13) ,, I didn't hurt anybody! I broke a laun A LAUN GNOME!!! " gnome. (p. 29 1.21-22). In this silvation he might seem to be selfish, because he is just thinking about his punishment and not about all the people he could have hurt that night (cf. p. 29). At the first page the reader might think he is selfish, Lou, because Alex sais, I know that sometime soon, the boops (heartbeat) will become one long beep. [...], and I will be finished with my work here. I will be free." (p.5 1.6-9). The heartbeat is probably Solomons heartbeat and in this situation he thinks about himself and not about him, but I think this situation isn't clear because it's in the future and he don't know about what will happen the next chapters. to sum everything up I can say that Alex is a emotional humerous and polite person, who has problems with dealing some sihations. First he seems to be a self confident boy, who has no fear, and who is irresponsible, but during the story he developed to a nice, emotional and responsible boy.