


Characterization of Tony: Bend it like Beckham







Characterization of Tony: Bend it like Beckham
Bosse Harder
Tony, the passive character throughout the hole book "Bend it like Beckham"

Characterization of Tony: Bend it like Beckham Bosse Harder 11.3 Tony, the passive character throughout the hole book "Bend it like Beckham" written by Narinder Dhami is a kind and special young Indian man, who is very supportive towards the dreams of the protagonist Jesminder Bhamra. First, I name a few background information, then I tell about Tony's character traits, his behavior and how his character grows in the novel. To close up the characterization a short conclusion. He is a traditionally Indian educated teenager who is living in London. His passion is playing football and because of that, he leads a close friendship to the main character Jess. Tony, is one of Jess's closest friends. They are spending a lot of time together and their friendship is very stable. Both are talking a lot and Tony trust's Jess in everything. This character trait becomes apparent while reading the lines on page 11 line 1 and page 67 line 11. In addition, the parents of Tony and Jess always thought that they will marry, but because of Tony's gay sexuality he is not interested in a marriage. (p.67 1.4-11) Due to his behavior on page 17 line 4 and page 12 line 1 the reader concludes that Tony is a very respectful, helpful teenager, who do not judge people...

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and do not discriminate against gender. Moreover, he always wants, that his friends achieve their dreams. For example at the beginning of the book, he gives Jess the advice to play football in the team with the boys. Besides of his reaction on page 10 line 12 it is clarified that Tony is a very shy, but very kind person, hence it is embarrassing for him to appear with his mother. Furthermore, his hobbies are playing football and spending time with friends. (p. 11 I. 26) Also he is person who likes deep conversations. This character trait is underlined during the conversation on page 67 line 4-11. There Tony confesses that he is of gay sexuality. He told's Jess that he "really like(s) Beckham". He knows that homosexuality is not well accepted in Indian culture, hence his strict education, but he trust's Jess his huge secret first. "I haven't told anyone yet, (...) Only you." (p.67 1.11) All in all you can say, Tony is a special helpfully teenager. Who is a bit shy, but very kind, and he is enjoying his childhood with friends, family and playing football in London.