


Characterization Vee







The book "NERVE", which was written in 2012 by Jeanne Ryan, is about an online game of
dares and the participants can decid

Characterization The book "NERVE", which was written in 2012 by Jeanne Ryan, is about an online game of dares and the participants can decide if they wanna be a watcher or player. In the following text, I want to characterize the main character, Vee. After Vee embarrasses herself in a coffee shop NERVE wants her to go there again for another dare. If she completes the dare she will get the shoes, she wanted for a long time. Vee and her friend Tommy think about whether she should do it or not. Then they decide that Vee should do the dare and both get in their cars. The narrator is a girl called Vee. She seems to be between 16 and 18 years old because she has a car (cf. I. 50) and goes to a high school (cf. I. 1). Furthermore, she describes herself as skinny (cf. I. 43). Her two friends are Sydney and Tommy (cf. I. 8). When Vee gets a message from NERVE she's unsure if she should open it or not but then the curiosity wins and she reads it (cf. I. 10-16). Besides the game offers her the shoes she wanted for a long time in return for another dare. First, she doesn't want to do it...

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and thinks about it a lot because she doesn't want to break the promise she gave her friend Sydney (cf. I. 30-31). Her behavior shows that she tries to be a good friend even though she later does it anyway. Vee's friend Tommy suggests that she can sign up as a watcher but Vee disagrees and says that she watched enough in her life (cf. I. 39-41). I think that Vee experienced something bad in her life that made her say that. Furthermore, Vee is strong-willed about the things that she wants because when she decided that she wants to accept the dare, her friend can't talk her out of the idea (cf. I. 44-46). When they're about to drive off to the coffee shop Vee describes her neck as "damp" (I. 53). This could mean that she's nervous about going to the coffee shop. All in all, I think that Vee is naive concerning the online game because she didn't think about the consequences it could bring with it. She doesn't know anything about the game because it is anonymous and online. But I can also understand her because she's a teenager and in the beginning, the dares don't seem so bad like in the end. Furthermore, it's an easy way to get money. In my opinion, Vee is a brave person because not everyone would embarrass themselves in a coffee shop for money or shoes they really wanna have like she did it. Moreover, Vee is a good person and friend because she wants to keep her promise even though she didn't, but I think it's normal that humans sometimes make silly decisions because they don't know the consequences and Vee really couldn't expect the things that happened to her in the end. In conclusion, I think that Vee is a round character because she's the main character and we get a lot of information about her. Moreover, the book is written from her perspective and you get to know all her feelings to different things