


Chasing the frontier







Task: Take notes. Listening comprehension
·· modern society on the east coast
··government: Big role in settl
Task: Take notes. Listening comprehension
·· modern society on the east coast
··government: Big role in settl

CHASING THE FRONTIER Task: Take notes. Listening comprehension ..Natives ·· modern society on the east coast ··government: Big role in settling the west/europeans ·· Natives were suppressed by the Europeans. :- 17000 Natives gold in California / Texas, Oklahoma (grandpa found gold) • make room for the white men/for them .. no more fronteer- European - there is a fronteer-American the fronteer is that what makes us Americans" Fred Courner/Turner government paid for right rights roads Alaska, here we come" fish and gold · killed the buffalos for more space (25Mio) · two men are miners (because of the gold). · 100 years ago • food: Butter on toast •sent them across the continent ·create great citys on east coast •Jackson Andrew - against the Natives, president. •One is a Native and one is a European they didn't wanted it that way (the ancestors of the European Man) Who? ·Dialog between a miner and a Native man 16.9.21 FRONTIER word definitions reverred. hingewiesen Frontier: Grenzland Settlement: Siedlung notion: Vorstellung distinguished: ausgezeichnet declared: angegeben destiny: Schicksal myth: Märchen expansion: Erweiterung reached: erreichen ·referred to the line of settlement /civilisation/moving westward Frederik Jackson Turer: the notion of expansion distinguished Americans from Europeans 1890 declared the frontier closed Creached in Pacific) American idea: manifest desting and explain Americans, Americans I need for new frontiers •Myth of frontier kept alive in American culture + political rhetoric The frontier reffered to the line of settlement. (The...

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historican Frederick Jackson Turner thinks the notion of a Expansion is distinguished.) 1890 the frontier was clased, because the frontier reached by Pacific Close frontier is a good idea for The myth of frontier kept alive in culture American dream → manifest desting, Americans need for new frontiers