


comment communication







2.) Writing
"Without face-to-face communication something
important is lost.'
As we know from our current lockdown
Situation, online communi
2.) Writing
"Without face-to-face communication something
important is lost.'
As we know from our current lockdown
Situation, online communi

2.) Writing "Without face-to-face communication something important is lost.' As we know from our current lockdown Situation, online communication is a good way to stay in touch with each other. With the world growing closer and closer together, the question arises whether our modern technology is able to replace face- to-face communication. In the first place, online communication is an easy and fast alternative to face-to- face communication and is accessible from any device. That illustrates the point that you are allowed to connect with your family from anywhere and at any time. Besides that, talling to somebody in person might be unsuitable and arkward for some people que to the fact that they are nervous or are noor communicators. Most likely, they get comfortable and open up by texting or on their phone. Thirdly, throughout online communication, you have more control over BRUNNEN Your responses. For instance, you have the opportunity to think about what want to say or to decide if you want to reply at all. you On the other hand, talking face-to-face doesn't distract you from having an authentic and meaningful conversation such as, listening accurately and paying attention. Moreover, not seeing each other often leads to misunderstandings and misreadings, namely, on email or over the phone. Furthermore, you truly get to icnow each other and build a relationshin based on shared experiences and history. In addition to that, you are able to see how...

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the other person expresses their feelings; for example, facial expression, eye contact and nosture. Taking everything into consideration, online communication is convenient, however, face-to-face communication is something that should not be lost. Humans are very Social creatures and have been talking to each other since the beginning of time It would be sad to see us spealking trough a device rather than talling to each other in person. Clearly, it is necessary that we need physical interactions to build a community. In my opinion, online communication is a great addition to a relationship you already have. Especially in the handamic, it is of big importance to follow the rules.