


Fast Fashion - Monolog







Fast Fashion
Sonntag, 25. April 2021
Did you know that the fashion industry is the fastes growing category of waste?
In this monologue

Fast Fashion Sonntag, 25. April 2021 15:12 Did you know that the fashion industry is the fastes growing category of waste? In this monologue i am going to tell you something about fast fashion and the problems about it. First something general: Fast fashion is the production of inexpensive clothing. It is quickly mass-marketed by retailers in response to the latest trends. And according to the UN it is also the second biggest polluter. Around Half a million tonnes of microfibre from clothing is now being dumped into the ocean every year, the same as three million barrels of oil. Even in the average household, the amount of new clothing bought by one family in a year is the same amount of emissions as driving a car for 6000 miles and to make, it takes enough water to fill 1000 bathtubs. Our love of clothes is also contributing to plastic pollution. With one washload of polyester clothes sending up to 700.000 microplastic fibres back to the environment. But do we at least appreciate our clothes once we've bought them? Well, we send around 140 million pounds of our clothes to landfill every single year. And one in six of us have as many as five items in our wardrobe that we've never even worn. So here are some tips...

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on how to break our fast fashion habits. Number one: Get more wear out of your clothes - Even extending the life of your garments by less than a year can make a big difference. If half of us wore our clothes for an extra nine month, we could cut carbon emissions by 8%. Number two: Get second-hand shopping - Charity shops save over 300.000 tonnes of old clothes from landfill each year and online sites where you can buy, sell or swap used clothing are more popular than ever. Number three: Get savvy with your shopping - If you are buying new clothes, see wich stores have made commitments to combating fast fashion. Some shops are using more recycled material, whereas others offer lifetime repair services, or even vouchers for bringing in your old clothes. After all, fashion doesn't just have to be about looking good it's also about doing good too.