


Comment on belonging







Englisch Leistungsfach
"At least since Corona, it is no longer our family and friends that provide a sense of
belonging but social n
Englisch Leistungsfach
"At least since Corona, it is no longer our family and friends that provide a sense of
belonging but social n

Comment Englisch Leistungsfach "At least since Corona, it is no longer our family and friends that provide a sense of belonging but social networks. " Comment Feeling belonged to someone or something is deeply engraved in every human's mindset. It is a fundamentally need we all stive for. Some people rather belong to their friends, some people to their families, some people to their pet. Anyhow, it goes without saying that a belongingness gives us comfort and provides a safe haven in our lives because we know that we are loved, wanted and worthy. It makes up an essential part in everybody's lives. But in times like these in which we cannot meet up with friends or even with family because of the COVID Lockdown and the curfew, it is getting much harder to keep our social attachments uphold. It seems that many people, now more than ever, seek their belonging and acceptance in social networks such as Instagram, Tik Tok, etc. since they cannot meet with their friends and families. However, I think that it is especially the family and friends which provide me a constant sense of belonging in times like these even if I cannot see them all in my daily life right now. In the following essay I will state my...

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arguments why I think that way. For many people the social networks are an escape from their restricted lives right now. Beautiful pictures from all around the world like wonderful ocean sunsets or breathtaking city views, make the people smile and wish they could be there even if it is simply not possible right now. You can immerse in this "world" for hours and see all these beautiful pictures from places you have never been to before. But in the end, I do not belong there because it is only an escape into a fake world from my reality. And yet it is my real friends and my real family which are still there in my real life. I do not need these fancy places on Instagram where I know I cannot visit them right now. But instead, I still can meet up with one friend at a time, knowing that it is still possible. On top of that it is a fact that all positive emotions such as delight joy or even stronger, love, are caused by having a sense of belonging, social attachments. Real joy and fun, I can only experience that whether with my family or my friends. When I go on Instagram and see all these beautiful models which have just posted a picture of themselves, I compare myself with them, get jealous because they are prettier than me and this can put me in a really bad mood. This hatred and judgement in the comments contribute to the negative feelings which are spread in one. Personally, I have never heard from anybody that social networks make people feel worthy and wanted. You are just one of millions of platform users and they do not care if one is still alive or not. But family and friends care. They care if you feel sad or angry. Comment Englisch Leistungsfach Finding a sense of belonging in social networks is definitely not easy when it does not make me confident or feel good. That is why it is important to not let these negative emotions overwhelm you but staying in contact with family and friends whose company bring real fun and laughter. Last but not least, real friends choose you as their belonging because of who you truly are, because you share the same interests and the same age with them. They are the people who really know you and not just one side of you which the social network community gets to see. And needless to say, your family loves you no matter what. I do not need a certain amount of likes or followers to be loved and accepted by my friends and family. I have so close ties to them because they know all of me. My parents do not see me as a girl on Instagram, they see me as their daughter. My friends are not my friends because they liked my picture. They are my friends because the like my character which cannot be fully seen on social networks. Whether it is the social network or your family and friends which you belong to - my conclusion is as followed: Though the social network is a pretty good escape from our isolated lives right now I think we must not forget that this is not reality, that we still can strengthen social ties by seeing each other - which is possible in a restricted way. In times like these it is even more important that we do not get lost in this hatred and negativity on social media platforms but still remember that we have friends and family which know all of us. They are the ones which provide real fun, happiness and make one feel at ease - even if we cannot see them physically at any time.