


Comment schreiben/Writing a comment







A comment is a statement in which you critically express your opinion on a certain topic.
You either comment on - a question
Planning stage
A comment is a statement in which you critically express your opinion on a certain topic.
You either comment on - a question
Planning stage

A comment is a statement in which you critically express your opinion on a certain topic. You either comment on - a question Planning stage - a problem Writing a comment - a fact 2) BODY 1) If it is up to you, think about what position you will take. or take a position on a statement in a text. 2) Brainstorming: Find ideas/ arguments/ examples which either support or oppose (if needed) your opinion. 3) Write an outline and order your arguments. If only one side is to be considered → start with the weakest argument If both sides are to be considered → start with the strongest argument of the opposition and finish with your (personal) Writing stage - Structure of a comment 1) INTRODUCTION you introduce the reader to the topic and arouse the reader's interest (with a fact, a current event, a statistic,...) strongest argument 3) CONCLUSION and clearly state your thesis. →"Thesis statement" at the end of the introduction. You go into the problem in detail and clearly state your opinion. → only one side needed: weakest to strongest argument → both sides needed: strongest of opposition to weakest of the opposition, then your weakest to strongest arguments → You can try to refute the arguments of the opposition with good examples. → The first sentence of each...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

paragraph (topic sentence) presents a statement i claim/ idea (=thesis) You come back to your thesis and draw a conclusion. → NO NEW ARGUMENTS! → Sum up the most important arguments and state your own opinion Useful phrases for writing a comment FOR THE INTRODUCTION • Recently there was.... • Nowadays there is... • Many people think/agree/claim that... • Is it that right/true? FOR THE BODY on the one hand... on the other (hand) ... • For one... for another... •It might be argued that... One might say... • To begin with / First of all... • First I Second / Third ... • This can be exemplified by/ with... • It is true that.. FOR THE CONCLUSION • Considering this... • That is why/Therefore... • As a result... • In summary / To sum it up. CONNECTIVES AND ADVERBS • In the following I shall be concerned with / deal with the problem / subject/ topic ... less, whereas, while • I would like to discuss / comment on the question whether... • I intend to present arguments in favour of... and against ... • In the following I will discuss / comment on ... • Furthermore / Moreover / In addition 1 On top of that... In contrast to that... • Nevertheless ... • Although / Despite ... Because of / Due to ... • An example for this... • Finally I Last but not least.... All in all, it can be said that ... • In conclusion, I would like to say that... • I would like to conclude by saying that.. • connectives: although, as well, because, even it, however, in order to, in spite of, not... either, provided that, since, therefore, un - • adverbs of degree: absolutely, almost, at least, completely, rarely, rather, really, extremely, hardly, particularly, especially