


Content overview of the Short Story „Mambo Sauce“ by Camille Acker







A 50
249 297
-by Camille Acker
"unexpected first time"
Uving together /
The right nome?
A 50
249 297
-by Camille Acker
"unexpected first time"
Uving together /
The right nome?
A 50
249 297
-by Camille Acker
"unexpected first time"
Uving together /
The right nome?

PART A 2 LINES: A 50 64-95 96-218 249 297 MAMBO SAUCE HEADING -by Camille Acker "unexpected first time" Uving together / The right nome? constance discovers "Hinging it' visiting Brian's college friends NOTES: - explanation of realationship - equal Brian Job in DC, ask Constance to move there with him (in regad to how they love each other ) - Constance would like to be an artist finding an apartment - only interracial couple? - remembering childhood in San Francisco + NYC familys reaction about moving to DC. Brions father is dead Constance explores neigbourhood discovers • Hinging H (take-out restaurant, no fancy restaurant, chicken and fries -Winging it is cheap - speaks to woman worlding there (one family?) and man sitting them - Constance tries mambo sauce (likes 1+, Brion doesn't) - first weekend in DC - go to dinner with Brionis friends in Georgetown - Constance feels unconfortable out of place (alfferent way of clothing) unusual environment and vibe for Constance - Mark & Alissa are white, privileged - Alissa is a teacher -talk about ghetto souce " (for mambo sauce) other people left , Brian and Constance left with Alissa and Mark PART 5 → LINES: 298-350 351-447 448-565 HEADING Long way home & lots of unspoken words realizaHIONS Constance's second visit at.Hinging it' Constance takes action NOTES: - Constance 2 Brian fight - Constance gets defensive - realise thier relationship is difficult (different friends, view on the world, experiences ) - Brian justifies his friends actions, play it down • was disappointed in Constance - Brian calls Constance a bitch Constance Hanted mare...

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Support of Brian mock Constance for not having been there for a Hme names girls in the restaurant with names of her friends in NY (familiarity) get into a conversation (mocking Constance), talking about Constance's profession (sculpture) want to see her work (jokingly) suggest to present her I work in the restaurant Constance learns they are clasing at the end of the month -.Hinging it restaurant opened in 1968 after the riots in DC. the owner wanted to help rebuild the city by starting a black bulsiness • Developers are now interested in the area for new condos Constance is upset about the potential closing of the restaurant She tries to get media attention for the story but the owner, Gina, is not interested in participating Brian Supports the restaurant and wants to visit Constance tries to make a live appearance on the news to tell the story but is unsuccessful PARTI 8 LINES 566-627 628-668 HEADING Gina talking to constance Constance and Brian NOTES: Constance went into Hinging it! and asked Brian to wait outside Constance wanted to handle her own business with Gina. who was angry and asked constance how she knew what She wanted. Gina accused constance of thinking she was better & interfering with her life. and business Gina was frustrated that constance didn't know. her name and thought she knew everything better, including moving to the neighborhood Gina hoped the developer wouldn't back out of the deal because of constance & Slammed a fist on the counter & went to the back. -The others in the room turned to Constance, and she tried to leave but tripped on Mr. Bruce's cane Shame & the smell of grease clung to constance as she left the building a conversation between constance and Brian? is taking place Constance was helping and doing her best Constance says Brian doesn't understand anything, but Brian disagrees He walks away from Constance Constance is left in a dark apartment with neglected chicken She tries to get rid of the memory & throws the chicken in the trash She reflects on gentrification and how it's good at first, but takes over and can't be stopped She fears love will do the same to her.