


Crooked Letter







Crooked letter
Chapter 1
Larry Ott: is 41 years old, lives alone, white, is an outsider
lives in his parents home, father is dead, mother is
Crooked letter
Chapter 1
Larry Ott: is 41 years old, lives alone, white, is an outsider
lives in his parents home, father is dead, mother is
Crooked letter
Chapter 1
Larry Ott: is 41 years old, lives alone, white, is an outsider
lives in his parents home, father is dead, mother is

Crooked letter Chapter 1 Larry Ott: is 41 years old, lives alone, white, is an outsider lives in his parents home, father is dead, mother is living in an old people's home has chickens, works in his fathers garage. murder suspect. very punctual, lonely monster mask →→ zombie, somebody shoots him → mash belongs to darry all monsters can be misunderstood' symbols: zombie mask, gun, "scary darry" Chapter 2 Silas Jones: police officer, black, nickname : "32" → baseball team, driving patrol looking for Tina Ruthe ford, investigates the birds, finds body of M&M in a swamp area M&M and Silas went to highschool together, played baseball together → M&M became drug dealer darry has been calling silas to welcome him back his boss: French, girlfriend: Angie French had talked to darry about the missing girl Silas has to investigate a snake in a letterbox in the white poor and trash neighbourhood he sents Angie to check on Larry because the garage was not open symbols: Silas is hiding something Chapter 3 - March 1979 meeting of the boys, very cold, Larry gets driven by his dad, they see Silas and his mother on the road, they stop and pick them up Larry's father knows silas mother, keeps happening a few days darry tells his mom, father gets very angry →→she drives darry to school gives them clothes →→→...

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"don't take what's mine", doesn't take them to school Silas and his mother are living in a small cabin which Larry wants to become friends with Silas belongs shows Silas how to shoot & lent his gun, gives his symbols: ·lent the gun gloves to Larry's father Carl Chapter 4 they find Larry barely alive >gets taken to the hospital. Silas and French examine the crime scene together Silas and Jarry might had been friends French thinks that darry tried to will himself, because of guilt Larry had called Silas on the phone Chapter 5 beginning of summer hoolidays Cindy Walker lives close to carry, stand on porch smoking (14 years old). his mom and dad disapprove of his interest in books his dad is very patriarchal, Larry and Ina are very careful how they behave around him he obviously drinks a lot darry stopped by Silas and the boys hang out and play boys assume they're not allowed to be friends because of their shin colour. don't understand why Cindy's stap dad is abusive to Cindy, Silas goes over and tells Cecil to stop and runs away • Larry was to scared to act, hides in safe distance his dad finds out the rifle is gone, Larry tells him he lent it to Silas →→ Carl freaks out Larry considers Silas as a friend but couldn't tell anyone about it Larry wants to the rifle back from Silas the next day, Larry's father appears drunk and forces. get the boys to fight and the winner gets the rifle darry is constantly ridiculed by his dad and loses the fight Larry calls Silas the n-word this ends the friendship with Silas Chapter 6 Silas is thinking about darry, drives to his house, searches the house for evidence finds a box of old photos and finds out that his mother was taking care of darry as a baby • Alice gones must have been the Ott's nanny, keeps the photo secretly flashback: •Silas remembers when he was 13 and his mother's of was arrested for assult with a deadly weapon •they lived in Chicago → had to leave • took busses traveling south, journey is discribed in detail Chapter 7 ·Cindy asked him on a date, tells his parents that he did asle her his dad is so proud that he even wants to give him the better car (got a bigger backseat). • gives Larry money to pay for the movie •"clate" turns out to be a distraction for Cecil, lets her out with carry because he doesn't consider him Cindy tells Larry she wants to meet her bf, because she is pregnant and afraid as a threat he drops her off in the woods to meet her bf to plan their run away. Cindy wants to meet Narry at 11pm, to pretend he was out with her he waits for her but she never shows, Cecil strangles him police is called and Harry lies at first. Co there is no evidence for proving darry's story. he remained as a suspect, most people think he willed her his father started drinuing more heavily died in an accident with his car Chapter 8 Silas is in the diner his mom worked, meets Angie & tells her about the past and being friends with Larry → talks about one Halloween when darry came to school with a monster mash, as real as anything anybody had ever seen" →Angle leaves & Silas goes to check on Larry at the hospital, then drives to Larry's mom in the nursing house → wants to tell her about darry, she has Alzheimer →→it is revealed that Silas is Carl Ott's son on the way back to dary's house he stops Wallace Stringfellow, a hid with his four wheeler Chapter 9 when darry was 31, 10 years before Tina Rutherford would vanish Larry noticed things amiss in the bam , someone was stealing/ misplacing thing darry hides in barn and scares a young boy with his monster mask • ten years after the boy comes back, it is Wallace string fellow, early twenties asus if Larry needs a satelite dish for his TV Larry's past comes to light Wallace identifies with Jarry because he also feels like an outcast • Wallace is an animal cruelty used his mom's bf's van as an excuse to come to Larry's house has no steddy gf, goes to wanda, a black women for sex Wallace tells Larry that he first heard about him (in 4th grade) when he willed that girl is fascinated by it, brings Larry a revolver as a present (# isn't allowed to own a gun asus him about Cindy and her disappearance, he would still be friends with Larry even if he willed her. Wallace has sexual fantasies how he would do it, Larry doesn't like the talle •Wallace goes crazy, breaus his truck, says he will tell the police that darry confessed to him