


crooked letter, crooked letter







cooked cenen Crooked much
• introduction to Larry Ott.
• Larry is a loner who lives in
isolation from the rest of
cooked cenen Crooked much
• introduction to Larry Ott.
• Larry is a loner who lives in
isolation from the rest of
cooked cenen Crooked much
• introduction to Larry Ott.
• Larry is a loner who lives in
isolation from the rest of
cooked cenen Crooked much
• introduction to Larry Ott.
• Larry is a loner who lives in
isolation from the rest of
cooked cenen Crooked much
• introduction to Larry Ott.
• Larry is a loner who lives in
isolation from the rest of
cooked cenen Crooked much
• introduction to Larry Ott.
• Larry is a loner who lives in
isolation from the rest of

cooked cenen Crooked much CROOKED CHAPTER ONE • introduction to Larry Ott. • Larry is a loner who lives in isolation from the rest of society He is suspected of having killed a girl when he returns home one morning a gunman in a mask is waiting for him and shoots him in the chest 0.000 CHAPTER TWO an introduction to Silas Jones Silas has returned to the small town where he grew up to work as a police constable He knew Larry as a boy but has avoided him since returning to Chabot it seems that the two of them share a secret when he hears that Larry. is not at work, he is sure something. is wrong CHAPTER FOUR •Silas and French investigate Larry's house after the attack moo darry has been found, badly hurt but still alive •Silas remembers the day he spent with Larry in the barn • it is hard to say whether Larry was attacked or tried to kill himself CHAPTER THREE • a flashback to Larry's and Sila's first meeting • it is clear that darry's parents and have met before Alice Larry is a misfit at school: teased by the while Kids and bullied by the black Kids. Larry's attempts to be accepted. by the white xids fail miserably Larry and Silas become friendly when they are alone: Larry teaches Silas how to shoot сееееее CHAPTER FIVE • the friendship between Larry and Silas comes to an end one summer the two boys have to...

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keep their friendship Secret darry takes Silas to spy on Cindy Walker •Silas defends Cindy against her step-father's abusive behaviours a black boy who dares to challenge the actions of a while man Carl finds out that darly has lent his rifle to Silas and orders him to get it back He forces Silas and Larry to fight for the gun. Larry says something unforgivable to Silas moo CHAPTER SIX Silas makes a surprising discovery while looking through Larry's house Silas looks for more clues at Larry's shop and in his house. • he finds a photograph of his mother there is a flashback to Silas and his mother's trip South from Chicago the journey was difficult most of their possessions were stolen on the way they end up moving into Larry's father's old hunting cabin Sias secretly keeps the photo leeeee CHAPTER SEVEN • the story of what happened on the evening Cindy walker. Larry is going to take Cindy on a date • his mother is very excited about his first date 1 and even his father is supportive Cindy is the one who asked Larry to take her out her step- father is vident towards Larry and contemptuous of (indy Cindy reveals the real reason why she asked Larry out when she does not turn up again, Lally is suspected of having harmed her • Larry's family is destroyed by the accusations بففففقد CHAPTER EIGHT • Silas discovers an unexpected connection between himself and Larry Silas tells Angie a lot about his personal life, and almost reveals a secret • he goes to see Larry in hospital, but Karry is still unconscious • he visits Larry's mother and tries to tell her what has happened, but, because she has Alzheimer's I she cannot understand him the truth about who his father Silas realizes was he comes driving a across Wallace Spring fellow, ilegally fow-wheeler -CHAPTER MINE • Larry makes a new friend, Wallace String fellow Larry discovers that a young boy has been breaking into his barn and scares him away by wearing the zombie mask ten years later, the boy, Wallace String fellow, starts to visit him • it turns out that Wallace has been fascinated by darry for many years Larry considers Wallace the first friend Silas since he has had Wallace has an unhealthy obsession with Cindy's disappearance Larry misses Wallace when he stops visiting. CHAPTER TEN Silas finally admits the truth about his relationship with Cindy Silas has found Tina Rutherford's body Larry, still unconscious in hospital, is suspected of her murderer • Silas volunteers to guard his hospital room at night convinced that Larry is innocent, he wants to stop him from confessing Silas opens up to Angie about his relationship with Cindy he has been carrying the guilt about Cindy's disappearance for twenty-five years around with him Larly comes out of his cona CHAPTER ELEVEN • Larry has woken up in hospital and has to face accusations from the police • at first, Larry does not know what is a dream and what is reality • he discovers that Silas saved his life . he reacts violently to the news of how Tina. Rutherford died, which makes him seem guilty. the police try to make him confess to the crime CHAPTER TWELVE Silas admits his part in Cindy's disappearance Silas rushes to darly's bedside he admits his part in Cindy's disappearance • French questions Silas, but does not want to Walker case any further take the Silas tries to apologize to Larry, but Larly does not accept it drinking alone in a bar, he meets Irina again and finds out that Wallace probably sent the share to her mailbox CHAPTER THIRTEEN • Larry realizes who killed Tina Rutherford and decides to tell French in hospital, Larry has time to think about his past he remembers that Wallace had come to his house one evening after having done something bad • he puts two and two together and reauses Wallace must have killed Tina Rutherford and shot him Larry is no longer prepared to protect his " friends": he does not want to be a victim anymore ееееее . CHAPTER FOURTEEN to Wallace String fellow's house to confront him . Silas goes. at darry's house, Silas realizes the driver of the four-wheeler has been back and wonder if it is the man he stopped on the road I • he comes across a run-down house on the catfish farm and. reauzes he has found Wallace's home. he talks his way into the house, making Wallace nervous Wallace sets his dog on Silas, which Silas then has to shoot Silas has also been shot and is left bleeding on the floor in Wallace's house . CHAPTER FIFTEEN • Larry tells French about his relationship with Wallace, French now also believes in Larry's innocence French is unable to visit Larry because he is. investigating Sila's shooting when he finally arrives, Larry gives him evidence of Wallace 's guilt Larry had originally wanted to tell Silas about his suspicious, but decided not to talk to him after finding out the truth about (indy Walker · Larry wonders if he is in some way to blame for the Rutherford gill's death not read the signals from because he had Wallace correctly CHAPTER SIXTEEN Larry and Silas share a hospital room, giving Silas the opportunity to reveal that they are half brothers Silas wakes up in the hospital room to find Larry watching the TV news the story of the attack and wallace's death is on the news Silas tells Larry that they are half-brothers; in a way, Larry has always known Silas had longed for a father whereas Lorry had been miserable growing up with one Larry does not want to remain in the same Voom as Silas CHAPTER NINETEEN Silas and Larry make the first steps towards rekindling their friendship Larry enjoys Silas's visits but does not feel the ·need to speak to him • one night he gets up and walks out of the hospital the hospital volunteer notices to LOOK for him and calls Silaj, who goes Silas finds. Larry. waliting along the road and drives him home Larry tells Silas to bring his jeep over the next day So that he 'can 'repair it' moo CHAPTER SEVENTEEN 2ally is still refusing to talk to Silas being popular, Silas has a lot of visitors Angle has forgiven Silas for the way he has treated her; she also shows sympathy and understanding towards Lorry French tells the two men that Larry's name has been cleared there are lots of television news teams that want to talk to silaw and Larry Silaw leaves hospital; Larry decides not to change rooms CHAPTER EIGHTE EN Silas starts trying to make amends for the way he has treated. Larry the only interview Silas will give is to the local police reporter, who he has been avoiding the mayor wants Silas to take on more real police work darry is still refusing to talk to him Silas and Angie clean returns the rifle darry's house, and Silas