









Carl Ott
Larry's father and Silas' father
Mechanic operates an auto repair shop
Owns a few acres of land (including the plot with the cabin
Carl Ott
Larry's father and Silas' father
Mechanic operates an auto repair shop
Owns a few acres of land (including the plot with the cabin

Carl Ott Larry's father and Silas' father Mechanic operates an auto repair shop Owns a few acres of land (including the plot with the cabin where Silas and his mother spend their initial time in the South) Negative influence on Larry - is a cause for Larry to withdraw from people in general and instils fears in Larry 1 Despises and rejects Larry / is disappointed by Larry (he doesn't resemble him but his mother's brother, doesn't show any masculine attributes as Carl himself, Larry is not talented as a mechanic) -> has certain preconception of how Larry should be Has height expections of Larry who are only met once (before the date with Cindy - Carl approves of Larry's male qualities) Doesn't hide hid disapproval and disappointment from his son whose preferences and interest (reading books) he rudely rejects Has hardly any contact or communication with Larry - Avoids calling Larry by his name but addresses him with „boy" or ,hey" Extremely bossy behavior (especially towards Larry) - orders others / Larry around and is very condescending towards Larry - Bad husband (cheater) Prejudiced towards people Has beer drinking buddies / is a heavy drinker - Is biased and racist Behaves in an insensitive and cold - hearted manner (especially towards his son) / is not a caring father Is a predominant person in the...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

family (gives orders that have to be obeyed) - Not talkative at home Enjoys telling jokes and stories among his buddies /male- dominated audience that admires him (even if his jokes and stories turn out to be racist) Hidden life: impregnates Alice Jones (family's attractive black maid) and sends her off to Chicago -> racism: abuses a black woman who is dependent upon him and cannot defend herself - Racist attitude: makes Silas and Larry fight - humiliated by Larry losing (insults him ,,Momma's boy") and he is connected to Alice who is dependent upon him once again by living in his cabin - Sadist: Silas is beating Larry up - Carl even hugs Silas while Larry is lying defeated on the ground 2 Can't show any deeper feelings- not even for Silas who resembles Carl more than Larry and not able to es ablish any deeper relationship or show sympathy with a person After Cindy's disappearance: Carl's shop gets into trouble, Carls becomes addicted to alcohol and dies in a fatal car accident