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-~September; flashback: summer
- Chabot, Misssissippi with a population of ~500.
- Diverse (black, white, mexicans) but ,,poor
-~September; flashback: summer
- Chabot, Misssissippi with a population of ~500.
- Diverse (black, white, mexicans) but ,,poor
-~September; flashback: summer
- Chabot, Misssissippi with a population of ~500.
- Diverse (black, white, mexicans) but ,,poor
-~September; flashback: summer
- Chabot, Misssissippi with a population of ~500.
- Diverse (black, white, mexicans) but ,,poor

CLCL Setting: -~September; flashback: summer - Chabot, Misssissippi with a population of ~500. - Diverse (black, white, mexicans) but ,,poor" small town. Cell phones don't always work there. - Crime infested town with drug addicts and homeless people. - Fulsom is a bigger city ,,close" to Chabot. - Larry: - 1979 = past flashback. 13/14yo - 1982 = Cindy disappearance 16yo -~2007 = present, 41yo Larry Ott: - a 41 years old white man living alone in rural Mississippi, in Amos, at his parents house. (remote place) - Works as a mechanic in the garage that belonged to his father: Ottoman Repair. He has no customers but still shows up every day. He's alienated/isolated from society. ostracized - He is not very rich (lower middle class) - Likes to read books (horror) & takes care of his (mothers) chickens from the barn. - He is the main suspect (person of interest) of two missing girls/murder case: Cindy Walker, 25 years ago & Tina Rutherford, a few days ago. -> Perceived as an alleged killer/rapist by society. (He is innocent) - People call him "Scary Larry" or ,,Psycho", he has a bad reputation. Sometimes people insult him and vandalize his car. or mailbox. - His mother Ina has dementia & resides in a nursing home (River Acres). He takes care of her...

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and visits her frequently. 72040. - His only friend" is: Wallace Stringfellow. They saw eo in church and went to the same high school. - He gets shot by someone wearing his zombie mask (Wallace) in his house. He's badly hurt but still alive. He's ends up at the hospital in a coma. - He quit high school and later went to the army. - He doesn't drink; his father died in a drunk-driving accident. (Carl Ott) - His father Carl (dead) insulted him & treats him badly (cruel/dominant/manipulative/beatings), yet Larry seeks his approval and tries to please him; Larry's father isn't very proud of his son. He thinks of him like some kind of loser. - He has always been ostracized/excluded/rejected by society and used to get bullied at school (an outsider/outcast). None of the kids accepted him, no matter how much he tried. -> he wanted to fit in - He taught Silas how to shoot and also lent him his rifle and they became friends. when they were kids - His attempt to fit in by insulting a black girl (monkey lips) to impress Ken and David failed miserably. He was tricked into doing so (thought they could go to the drive-in movie together) -> peer pressure. - He used to have asthma and stutter -> sickly child. - He went to Cindy to a drive-thru cinema and ever since then she has been missing. He was the last" person who saw her. Cindy's stepfather tried to have Larry arrested but no body was found and Larry never confessed. - After Cindy Walker's disappearance (her body was never found), Larry can't go to school anymore; his father starts to drink heavily, and his mother can't go to church anymore. - Personality: shy, loyal, polite, insecure, kind, naive, lonely, empathetic, sympathetic, „people-pleaser", ,,suicidal", smart, "effeminate", organized, an outsider, "Scary Larry", "Psycho", "weird", not athletic, a book lover, religious, artistic, feels guilty for something he hasn't done. L>Cindy Walker, Tina Rutherford Silas Jones: - People mostly call him "32", his baseball number - African American; Constable (police force) in Chabot. - He has been a Chabot for only two years. Before that he was at Oxford. - He used to play baseball with M&M (Morton Morrisette) and found his dead body in a swamp/creek. - Girlfriend: Angie Backer, a paramedic. People respect and look up to him. (integrated into society) - He used to know Larry Ott when they were children, but denies that they were friends. - He joined the navy - He lies about his past with Cindy Walker & Larry Ott. - He and his mother Alice (died some years ago) used to be very poor. - His mother's boyfriend is called Oliver. He was arrested by the police for assault. He was absent for Silas childhood. origin, uprooted - When he was 13, his comfortable life with Oliver in Chicago changed forever and he moved to Chabot with his mother. Their journey was filled with hardships. - Silas and his mother lived in a poorly hunting cabin owned by Larry's father Carl. It didn't have electricity nor water. - He secretly used to be good friends with Larry Ott. Larry taught him how to shoot and lent him his rifle. - Silas protected Cindy against her stepfather Cecil (flashback). black boy stands up against white racist man - Silas and Larry's friendship came to an end one summer when Larry said something unforgivable. -n-word. (during a fight) - He used to be in a relationship with Cindy Walker. (secret) - Personality: proud, athletic, smart, popular, well-liked, courageous, brave, sensitive, strong. Relationship between Larry & Silas: - Larry & Silas became friends when they're alone. Larry teaches Silas how to shoot and how to fish. They also catch reptiles/insects etc. - They spent a lot of time together and play. - Their parents don't want them to be friends. - It is obvious that Larry's parents (Carl & Ina) know Silas' mother Alice. - Larry takes Silas with him to spy on Cindy Walker (bc Larry has a crush on her), later Silas defends Cindy against her stepfather Cecil. (A black boy challenged a white man) - Carl (Larry's father) finds out about the rifle that Larry lent Silas and forces them to fight for the rifle. - Their friendship comes to an end that summer, bc Larry said something unforgivable to Silas (n-word). He hasn't really talked to him ever since. - Cindy asked Larry out on a date (drive-thru cinema), but she used this opportunity to meet up with her secret boyfriend (Silas) and told Larry she was pregnant (a lie). Larry followed her request and the next day she was missing. hasitant, but - Silas goes to the hospital to visit Larry after the shooting. He is still in intensive care and hasn't woken up yet. Silas wants to inform Larry's mother about his condition. ord buried in a grave in - Silas finds out he and Larry are half-brothers and nds the missing girl Tina Ruthe the old cabin he used to live at with his mother. Lnow Larrys cabin Roy French: - General County Chief investigator. - Works with Silas Tina Rutherford: - Missing girl (since a few days), 19 years, university student at the ,,Ole Miss". The Rutherford's are a rich family. Morton Morrisette: - A few days before, M&M's burning car had been reported. Silas had played baseball with him at school. - After an injury, Morrisette had made money by selling marijuana. Although the police knew about it, they had never arrested him because he wasn't selling hard drugs. Because of the burning car, the police knew, that he has been seeing a well-known drug addict called Charles Deacon. - They policemen agree that the killer must have been more intelligent than the drug addict Deacon. Angie Backer: -Silas' girlfriend and a paramedic. Hops Larry after she knows the thith Miss Voncille: - The only other full-time employee of the town (with Silas). City Hall. Irina Mott: - Owner of the mailbox with the snake. Flirts with Silas. Morris Sheffield: - The mayor - He and Silas were both volunteer firefighters. Carl Ott: - Larrys father - racist, cruel, mean, proud, aggressive, sadist - doesn't accept Larry the way he is. - at first he drove Alice and Silas to school. - "secret" father of Silas with Alice. ->affair Ina Jean Ott: - Larry's mother - developed dementia and resides in a nursing home. She forgot almost everything. - she is closer to Larry than Carl. - she gave Alice and Silas coats so they wouldn't freeze. Alice Jones: - Silas' mother - has two jobs, a waitress at Fulsom Diner and grocery store worker. - died a few years ago Oliver: - Alice's former bf when they lived in Chicago (comfortable life kinda) - he doesn't care about Silas - he was arrested by the police for assault. He was absent for Silas childhood. - after the arrest Alice and Silas left and moved to Chabot, Mississippi. Cecil Walker: - Cindy's stepfather - racist, cruel, mean, evil, proud, indecent, aggressive, sadist? - killed Cindy Walker - dead Wallace Stringfellow: - Larry's ,only" friend. They could relate with eo bc both have been made fun of and were "weird". They had a good time together at first, but later Larry realizes how sick he is yet he still cared for him and prayed for him. (better a bad friend, than no friend) - He was in his early 20s and rides a four-wheeler - at first he tries to sell Larry a satellite dish and they start talking. as achild - 10 years before the incident with Tina Rutherford, he has been sneaking in Larry's barn. Larry wore his zombie mask to frighten the intruder away. Larry later realized it was Wallace. - He is disgusting, aggressive, racist, a creep, a liar and a pervert; blond, dirty, white. He drinks and smokes. - has a dog named as a serial killer. his dogs prior all died aggressively. He's cruel to animals. - he is fascinated by Larry and thinks he killed the two girls. (role model) - He gifted Larry a pistol for Christmas and they spent New Year's Eve together. - He shot Larry with his zombie mask and killed Tina Rutherford and hid her in the cabin. - In a twisted way, Wallace admired Larry and wanted to copy (with Tina) what he thought Larry had done to Cindy. but he was wrong Charles: - Bus driver "helped" Alice and Silas on their journey to Chabot