


Dead Poets Society







Dead Poets Society
Charles Dalton
->Charlie, Nuwanda
Dean Nolan:
Mr. Perry
John Keating
"O Captain! My Captain!"
Neil Perry
Dr H
Dead Poets Society
Charles Dalton
->Charlie, Nuwanda
Dean Nolan:
Mr. Perry
John Keating
"O Captain! My Captain!"
Neil Perry
Dr H
Dead Poets Society
Charles Dalton
->Charlie, Nuwanda
Dean Nolan:
Mr. Perry
John Keating
"O Captain! My Captain!"
Neil Perry
Dr H
Dead Poets Society
Charles Dalton
->Charlie, Nuwanda
Dean Nolan:
Mr. Perry
John Keating
"O Captain! My Captain!"
Neil Perry
Dr H
Dead Poets Society
Charles Dalton
->Charlie, Nuwanda
Dean Nolan:
Mr. Perry
John Keating
"O Captain! My Captain!"
Neil Perry
Dr H
Dead Poets Society
Charles Dalton
->Charlie, Nuwanda
Dean Nolan:
Mr. Perry
John Keating
"O Captain! My Captain!"
Neil Perry
Dr H
Dead Poets Society
Charles Dalton
->Charlie, Nuwanda
Dean Nolan:
Mr. Perry
John Keating
"O Captain! My Captain!"
Neil Perry
Dr H

Dead Poets Society Tina Gloria Charles Dalton ->Charlie, Nuwanda Dean Nolan: Mr. Perry John Keating "O Captain! My Captain!" Neil Perry Dr Hager Gerad Pitts 12 Characters George McAllister Steven Meeks Richard Cameron Todd Anderson Mr. Anderson Knox Overstreet Virginia Danburry- -> Ginny ♡ Chris Noel ♡ -Chet Danburry Joe + Janette Danburry Neil Perry popular, smart, has lots of achievement pins, under pressure, plays the role of "Puck", feels alive with the DPS, founder of DPS, found his passion for acting, Mr. Perry wants him to be a doctor, strict father, kills himself, "Five-ninety-eight" Todd Anderson 16 years old, brother: Jeffrey Anderson, parents are not paying any attention for him ->only love his brother, shy, new at Welton Academy, YAWP, Seize the day instead of history homework, had volunteered to read out his poem in the cave, tries to defend Mr. Keating and was the 1st one to step on his desk, smart, anxious. John Keating →> 0 Captain! My Captain! influences people, new English teacher, had been teaching at the Chester School in London for the last several years, soccer instructor, wants his students to be open-minded and learn how to think for themselves, "Carpe Diem" Seize the Day Knox Overstreet short curly hair, outgoing smile, athletic build, visits the Danburry's, fell in love with Chris (Chets girlfriend), gets encouraged by Mr. Keating to drive to Chris' school and read out his poem, watches Neil's entrance with Chris, risky Charles Dalton →Charlie, Nuwanda handsome/preppy look,...

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plays the saxophone, parents made him play the clarinet. and hated it, brought girls to the cave ->starts flirting, writes an article in the Tina + Gloria annual, confident, Mr. Nolan asks him about the DPS Steven Meeks smart, carpe diem Gerard Pitts also got inspired by Mr. Keating, bad grades Richard Cameron "honor" student, mean Virginia Danburry -> Ginny 15 years old, cute but rather plain, school -> Henley Hall, plays "Hermia" Chris Noel Chet's girlfriend, feels ashamed while Knox read out his poem Chet Danburry Ridgeway High, Chris' boyfriend Mr. Perry Neil's father, strict, not supportive, wants Neil to be a doctor instead of being an actor Dean Nolan headmaster, assigns extracurricular activities, strict, likes traditions, teaches facts George McAllister teaches Latin, is influenced by Keating's teaching methods Chapter One Welcome-ceremony. of Vermont (1959) four pillars tradition 1 honor, discipline, excellence Welton Academy was founded in 1859 John Keating →introduction at the stone chapel of Welton Academy in the remote hills Chapter Two Headmaster Nolan's office -> assign extracurricular activities . Todd struggled to say sth., fought back tears L> would prefer rowing ·Todd and Neil get to know each other. -> roommates Todd, Neil, Knox, Charlie, Steven meet in Todds & Neils room · Neils father comes in -> Mr. Perry Chapter Three Mr. Perry decided that Neil is taking too many extracurricular activities →> "Until then, you will listen to ME!" Neil: "So, what do you think of my father?" Todd: "I'll take him over mine." Chapter Four Chemistry -> have to pick three lab experiments and report on one every 5 weeks · Latin with Mr. McAllister · Math with Dr. Hager English with Mr. Keating -> "In this class you may refer to me as either Mr. Keating or 'O Captain! My Captain!" Carpe Diem ->"Seize the day." 1st English Lesson: "Weird" "But different", "Spooky" Chapter Five gym class Neil asks Todd about a study group. Knox visits the Danburrys •Knox fells in love with Chet's girlfriend Chris • next English lesson: -"Understanding Poetry, by Dr. J. Evan Pritchard " - "Rip it out of your books. Go on, rip out the -> "[...] I'd better do history." entire page!" Chapter Six •Mr. McAllister and Mr. Keating argue about the way how to educate students. Mr. Keating wants his students to be open minded · Neil finds an old annual of Mr. Keatings generation in the libary -> shows the annual to the other boys. "Dead Poets Society" ->? later the boys asking Keating about it • he tells them about the "secret organisation" where his friends and Keating read poems and had fun together -> boys decide to found their own club ·Todd is too shy and tells Neil that he simply doesn't like to read Chapter Seven the "Dead Poets" -> first meeting in a cave · read some poems. boys were entranced by the compelling rhythym of a poem ->danced and jumped to the beat next day: English lesson "If you're sure about something, [...] force yourself to think about it another way [...]" homework: write a poem and present it Neil wants to act Chapter Eight the Dead Poets Society met in the cave before. soccer practice Knox talks about his feelings for Chris "Carpe cavem, boys. Seize the cave." in the cave they'd found a home · Mr. Keating is the soccer instructor slip of paper and line up L> read the poem, than kick the ball Neil is going to play Puck next day: presenting poem (English Lesson) after Knox -> Todd (wasn't prepared). "Charlie Todd has to use his imagination L"for the first time he smiled with an air of confidence." ·next meeting in the cave • Charlie played the saxophone Knox -> "God, I can't take it anymore! If I don't have Chris, I'll kill myself!" Knox calls Chris -> she invites him to Chet's party Chapter Nine Neil -> •Henley Hall for rehearsals. Todd's birthday. -> his present is the same as last year (desk set) -> "Maybe [my parents] don't think at all unless it's about my brother!" · Neil trys to change the mood 'Five ninety-eight ->father told him that was all he'd ever be worth unless he worked every day to improve himself • next English lesson ->courtyard, experiment. ·7.30 --next meeting in the cave, Knox didn't come → party Charlie brings Tina and Gloria and wants to be called "Nuwanda" bring whiskey Bubba and Steve at the party Chapter Ten at the party -> Knox drinks lots of alcohol Chris and Chet are kissing. -> Knox Starts touching Chris Chet smashed Knox in his face ·Nolan asks Charlie about the Dead Poets Society. Chapter Eleven Neil and Mr. Perry discuss about acting ↳> "It's bad enough that you've wasted your time with this absurd acting business." Neil talks with Mr. Keating Knox visits Chris at her school -> "I love you, Chris.", poem for her Chapter Twelve Neil lied about what his father said -> Mr. Mc Allister · Neils entrance Knox goes with Chris as a chance for changing Chris' opinion Mr. Perry is standing at the rear of the auditorium Chapter Thirteen Mr. Perry: "Son, I am trying very hard to understand why you insist on defying us, but whatever the reason, I am not going to let you ruin your life. Tomorrow I am withdrawing you from Welton and enrolling you in Braden Military School. You are going to Harvard and you are going to be a doctor." English lesson: Todd volunteers to read his poem Neil's passion had dried up and left his body Chapter Fourteen quick, short sound broke the night's silence • Mr. Perry climbed out of bed -> find his revolver and Neil, bathed in his own blood Charlie tells Todd that Neil shot himself Todd think it was Neil's father who pulled the trigger · Mr. Keating → Struggeling to control his emotion after burial -> whole school in the Welton chapel "Believe what you want," Cameron shrugged." But I say let Keating fry. Why ruin Lives?" Chapter Fifteen Dr. Hager brings the boys to Mr. Nolan Todd's parents were already in Mr. Nolan's office father angry "We are not yet clear as to whether Mr. Keating has broken any laws. If he has, he will be prosecuted. [...] Mr. Keating will never teach again." signatures from the others "What do you care?" Mr. Anderson shouted. "What do you care about me?" Todd shouted back. "He cares about me! You don't!" · "It's not true! I won't sign it!" consequences if Todd doesn't sign • next day: English lesson by Mr. Nolan Mr. Nolan wants to talk about the Pritchard textbook and page which was ripped. out Mr. Keating comes in to get his things Mr. Keating wants to leave. -> "One by one, and then in groups, others in the class followed their lead, standing on their desks in silent salute to Mr. Keating."