


Describing, analyzing & evaluating graphs and charts







Describing, analyzing & evaluating graphs and charts
• Name the type
Title, who, when and where was it published
•1 sentence w
Describing, analyzing & evaluating graphs and charts
• Name the type
Title, who, when and where was it published
•1 sentence w

Describing, analyzing & evaluating graphs and charts Description • Name the type Title, who, when and where was it published ● •1 sentence what the graph is about • Talk about the axes and unit, the key, the labelling and the different categories / colors • Mention many details as you can! Analysis Englisch Lernzettel ● Bar graph/ line graph/ table • Describe how figures increase or decrease over t figures! • Mention obvious peaks and throughs. Name figures! • If there is more than one line graph, describe each graph separately. . Name Pie chart/ bar chart/statístical map / table • Clearly name majorities and minorities. Name figures! • Deal with every slice / segment / category/region/ column/ row. Name figures! Compare the figures to each other Evaluation •Summarize your main findings from the analysis • If there is more than one line graph, decide if the figures seem to influence each other. Explain why? Decide if the source and the data are reliable. · Explain the data with your background Knowledge or draw a conclusion about the topic of the graph. •For line graphs and bar graphs: make predictions about possible future developments on the basis of your analysis. you. • State your own opinion on what the graph tell Informations over Californian

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