


Diary: Brave new world







English diary Aljosha
Diary: Brave new World:
In the following pages there is my reading diary from chapter one to seven of the book "Brave
English diary Aljosha
Diary: Brave new World:
In the following pages there is my reading diary from chapter one to seven of the book "Brave
English diary Aljosha
Diary: Brave new World:
In the following pages there is my reading diary from chapter one to seven of the book "Brave
English diary Aljosha
Diary: Brave new World:
In the following pages there is my reading diary from chapter one to seven of the book "Brave
English diary Aljosha
Diary: Brave new World:
In the following pages there is my reading diary from chapter one to seven of the book "Brave
English diary Aljosha
Diary: Brave new World:
In the following pages there is my reading diary from chapter one to seven of the book "Brave
English diary Aljosha
Diary: Brave new World:
In the following pages there is my reading diary from chapter one to seven of the book "Brave
English diary Aljosha
Diary: Brave new World:
In the following pages there is my reading diary from chapter one to seven of the book "Brave
English diary Aljosha
Diary: Brave new World:
In the following pages there is my reading diary from chapter one to seven of the book "Brave
English diary Aljosha
Diary: Brave new World:
In the following pages there is my reading diary from chapter one to seven of the book "Brave
English diary Aljosha
Diary: Brave new World:
In the following pages there is my reading diary from chapter one to seven of the book "Brave
English diary Aljosha
Diary: Brave new World:
In the following pages there is my reading diary from chapter one to seven of the book "Brave
English diary Aljosha
Diary: Brave new World:
In the following pages there is my reading diary from chapter one to seven of the book "Brave
English diary Aljosha
Diary: Brave new World:
In the following pages there is my reading diary from chapter one to seven of the book "Brave
English diary Aljosha
Diary: Brave new World:
In the following pages there is my reading diary from chapter one to seven of the book "Brave
English diary Aljosha
Diary: Brave new World:
In the following pages there is my reading diary from chapter one to seven of the book "Brave
English diary Aljosha
Diary: Brave new World:
In the following pages there is my reading diary from chapter one to seven of the book "Brave
English diary Aljosha
Diary: Brave new World:
In the following pages there is my reading diary from chapter one to seven of the book "Brave
English diary Aljosha
Diary: Brave new World:
In the following pages there is my reading diary from chapter one to seven of the book "Brave

English diary Aljosha Diary: Brave new World: In the following pages there is my reading diary from chapter one to seven of the book "Brave new world". This book is written by the author Aldous Huxley (1894-1963), he comes from a middle class- family in Surey. In the book it is the year 632 after Ford. First of all it is about a great grey house called Conditioning- Centre. The aim of the big centre is it to create people for a new world. In this world there are no more families, embryos are cloned, and children are conditioned to behave as befits the caste. It is a dystopic book. To analyse and understand the book, I divide the themes in different categories like people or things in the centre. Besides I tried to find out things about the background. Every day I red four pages and noted important aspects down with a list of vocabulary. After the third chapter, reading was easier and after the fourth chapter all became more comprehensible During the reading some topics I added again and again, for example the characters or the aspects of the new world. Science in brave new world and dystopia Facts of a dystopia ● ● ● ● ● ● Several aspects of the new world all grey high buildings, 18 floors less nature, lifeless cold rooms,...

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outside warm summer blue, frozen light ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Oppressive government Controlling people War, hell ● brave new world Nothing perfect Vision of a horrible world Inequality No individuum no families, children are cloned and conditioned less individuals, everybody the same people like machines all peop poor children (p.49) not everybody in brave new world is a clone, alphas and betas are individuals different buildings for different work ("College of Emotional Engineering" p.57, 1.11/12) at 8 o'clock the light goes out ("by eight o'clock the light was failing" p.62, 1.1) 1 must work and have no free time (p.49) English diary Aljosha ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● brave new world between the buildings and the reservations there are many trains and helicopters to transport the people ("buzzing of helicopters", p.62 1.8). big cities (p.62). Betas from the helicopter you can see crematoriums (p.63, 1.4) Inhuman way because the gases from the crematoriums get sold ("the gases go through four separate treatments. P²O²used to go right out of ... p.63, 1.11/12), it is normal there. Only the lower classes work there like Epsilons, Deltas and Gammas (the work is important but not so funny "nasty little Gammas and Deltas and Epsilons down there" p.63, 1.22) In brave new world every caste does important work. On this way every class is important for social life like in reality ("Everyone works for everyone else" p.63, 1.33). On this way the Epsilons are very useful. The aim is, that everybody in brave new world is happy, but this is not easy and everyone gets taught ("Yes, everybody's happy now, echoed Lenina. They heard the words repeated a hundred and fifty times every night for twelve years. Electric sky-signs=unnatural Many allusions to the real world today ("Big Henry, the Singery clock"=Big Ben p.67, 1.24) Warm night ("The night was warm and calm" p73, 1.14) Outside in the districts are lakes ("for going walks in the Lake" p.76,1.23) With planes it is possible to travel fast ("In the end she persuaded him, ... to fly over to Amsterdam" p.77, 1.1/2) Social classes from Epsilons up to Alphas Alphas (social superiority) The alphas are the highest caste in brave new world, but also, they do the hardest work. There are advantages to be an alpha, because alphas are clever, tallest, attractive, have good jobs, high quality, live in good houses. It is the best class with the colour grey. Every Alpha is individual and has much power. Furthermore, there are Alphas + and Alphas ++. Because the Alphas have the most intelligence and live like kings, the Alphas control the lower classes. Only men are Alphas. "Alphas are so conditioned that they do not have to be infantile in their emotional behaviour" p.84, 113) To be a beta-person is the best way in brave new world. It is the middle class and the work is not so much. Nonetheless the Betas are qualified workers and have more power than the lower classes. The most Betas work in the embryo faction. Just as the Alphas the Betas have names, the colour is red. Like every lower class the Betas are the sex partners of the Alphas Gammas It is the "underclass" with the Deltas and Epsilons. Gammas are stupid and the sex partners from the Betas. The colour (dressed in green uniforms p.90,1.4) is green. 2 English diary Aljosha Deltas Deltas are ugly and their colour is khaki. Epsilons Epsilons are the absolutely lowest caste in brave new world, because these embryos get less oxygen and alcohol. His only reason to live is to work hard. This people do not have intelligence and their colour is black. It is very hard to be an Epsilon, but the most people in brave new world are Epsilons, because many workers are needed. These people are the contrast to the Alphas and not popular. An evidence how stupid the Epsilons are is that every Epsilon is too stupid to work till eighteen. Epsilons are stupid, because for the society in the new world they do not need intelligence. (p. 1815/6) The lower classes are discriminated. All classes/embryos resulted from bottles. With the different dose of oxygen different classes are created because the classes are depending from the intelligence of the embryos. Every caste needs another amount of intelligence. How people live in brave new world Your caste determines the way you live The caste is predetermined, you can not change it or decide for yourself. If the people take the drug soma, the world is good ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● The most life comes out of bottles (clones) (p.66) Children are not conceived naturally. brave new world All very impersonal ("good night" comes from speakers) There are no families or relationships No couples Some people (the savages) live out of the society in many different reservations (for example the "New Mexican Reservation" p.82, 1.7) There are hotels ("They slept that night at Santa Fe. The hotel was excellent" p.86, 1.2) For the people of the new world there are good and bad places "There won't be any in the Reservation" p.86, 1.13) Reservations are guarded ("An Epsilon-plus negro porter took..." p.86, 1.27 "The Warden was blond...and an Alpha-Minus with a loud booming voice" p.86, 129-31) Partially big reservations ("five hundred and sixty thousand square kilometres" p.87, 1.1) No escape from a Savage Reservation, because the people were born there and should die there (the warden" I repeat who are born in the Reservation are destined to die there" p.88, 1.4/5) The civilizations are separated with a frontier (p.90). In the reservations live savage people The Frontier is electrical, many people try to break out but die (...the skeletons on the ground...p.90, 1.24) Marriage is not allowed The aim is, that people like their social destiny. (p. 19, l. 11) 3 English diary Aljosha What is a class society? A class society is not the same as races. The typical social class consists of many poor people and less rich people like a pyramid. The poor people are worker, but very important for the country. All classes are separated and it is not possible to change the own class. On this way the rich families and the poor families are always the same. Today in the real world the typical class conditioning is not so important. But there are a couple of .countrys where an upper class and a working class existed, like the USA, China or Indian. For many years Germany had social classes, too. An important fact of the class constitution is that only same classes can marry and classes live on different places and get different education. "even Epsilon are useful" (p.78, 1.14) on this way the world can existed in brave new world. Background to understand the described methods- Classical Conditioning brave new world It is a learning procedure, in which a biologically potent stimulus is paired with a previously neutral stimulus. This creates a behaviour. The best-known example is the experiment of Ivan Pavlov: He found out, that dogs were salivating not only when their food was presented, but when the person who fed them arrived. The dogs associated the person with the food, and so associate the little children in the book the nature and books with pain. The children in brave new world learn by noises. That means for example, that the children get always by the same noise an electro-shock. In the future the children learn that this noise is bad because it means pain. (Condition) Hypneupedia It is also called "Sleep-learning, it is an attempt to convey information to a sleeping person. Hypneupedia is in brave new world a normal possibility to learn anything. The special fact is, that it is possible for the children to learn important things belonging to the society in the sleep. But this is not healthy and the children are influenced by this way. They mainly learn to like their own caste, admire the upper and hate the lower castes. 4 English diary Aljosha Drugs in brave new world like soma Tablet of half-gram (drugs) For example "served with the coffee" (p.65, 1.4) Feel happy, better Universe. Dream of a better world (after soma "Lenina and Henry were yet dancing in another world - the warm, the richly coloured, the infinitely friendly world of soma - holiday" p.66, 1.12/13) Soma delicious ("half a gram for a half-holiday" p.49, 1.10) "A gram in time saves nine" (p.77, 1.11) Soma can be in sundae ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● DHC People ● ● ● ● ● ● Fanny ● ● ● ● By singing the people are also happy (songs like:"...skies are blue inside of you..." p.77, 1.30) Soma changes the thoughts ("did you think it was fun yesterday? Bernhard nodded" (after soma p.79, 1.30,31)) From an early age the alcohol in the blood influences the life in the future negative. Soma has strong effects ("...half gram of soma with the result that she could now sit" p87, 1.18) Drugs helps to find himself ("take a gram and only am" p.89, 1.32) brave new world He is the director of the Central London Hatchery and Conditioning - Centre. One of the main characters. Is a Beta Likes his work (proud) In the past he loved Linda (It is his secret) Talks bad about the lower classes Thought of a girlfriend for travelling like "...a Beta-Minus, and I think she had yellow hair" p82, 1.26/27) Strictly ("Marx I give you fair warning" p.84, 1.16) For the triumph he does all ("would ever do anything" p.89, 1.24) She works in the bottling room Has a pregnancy substitute 21 years old Sensible girl (chapter four) Goes out with Henry Foster 5 English diary Aljosha Mustapha Mond Alpha + and one of the 10 world controllers (Part two chapter six) Black hair and dark eyes Once he worked as a physician. ● ● ● ● ● ● Lenina crown ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Bernard Marx ● He is very intelligent. He knows much about history ● All respect him He warns Bernard because of his questions about the world ● has long hair join four months with Henry Foster before Fanny Her nickname is Crowne girlfriend with Fanny respects Epsilons (p. 56) Is a Beta and happy about that (p. 55)/ ("I'm glad I'm not an Epsilon" p.64, 1.13) Wears green shoes (p.45 1.20) Is very popular and has spent a night with almost all (p.50) Likes Bernhard Marx, but does not want a relationship She flies in the helicopter over the different reservations (accompanied Bernard by a business trip to new Mexico) Is shocked about the living conditionings. brave new world In the past she was the forbidden love of the DHC In the past she had many dates "A cheap weekend in New York - had it been with Jean- Jaques..." (chapter six p.75, 1.13) She is obstinately because she persuaded Bernhard in many things (chapter six) Is an Alpha + ("As an Alpha-plus psychologist, Bernhard was one of the few "...p.75, 1.19) Specialist of Hypnopeadia (p.43, 1.5) He does not like Ford (hate him p.47) He does not feel like the other Alphas, he is a kind of outsider. For Bernard in brave new world you are not free ("I were more me" p.78, 1.7/"what would it be like if I could, if I were free" p.78, 1.19,20/ "It's this horrible place" p.79, 11) 8 cm. shorter than other Alphas and slender (p. 56) for consequence he is bullying and alone Is glum (bedrückt) (p.48) Does not like old people (p.49, 1.4) Has problems ("Bernard Marx were the result of a physical defect" P. 58, L.19) In the forth chapter he picks up Helmholtz Watson with the helicopter. likes Lenina and flies with her to new Mexico ("I'm taking Lenina Crowne to new Mexico with me" 6 English diary Aljosha ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Henry Foster ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Benito Hoover ● Does not like the celebration for Ford but dance ("He also jigged and shuffled" p.72, 1.14/" 'yes, I thought it was wonderful,' he lied" p.73, 1.26) ● Often changes his languages while he talks with Lenina ("When Bernhard spoke at last, it was in a small tired voice" p.79, 1.16/ or he "laughs" p.79 1.14) By the return fly he "began to fondle her (Leninas) breasts" p.79, 1.24 Lenina is happy about this and thinks that all is normal again With drugs in his blood-surrogate Bernhard talk a lot of bullshit ("talk a lot of incomprehensible and dangerous nonsense" p.80, 1.19/20) He talks halting in the Directors room at first (chapter six part two). He does not like the director "Bernard felt extremely uncomfortable" to talks with the director (p.82, 1.14) But the director takes the same opinion like Bernard. In the end of the conversation both talk a lot. Scared about his place in brave new world in the future ("...for someone to take my place? Bernard's voice was agonized" p.89, 1.7,8) ● Older as Fanny Like a brute (p.48) Has many girls (p.59, 1.26) Self-pity (p.61, 1.16) Has a plane (p.59, I. 15) Goes crazy (p.61, 1.9/10), but nobody is behind the door Lives in Westminster Takes soma with Lenina His office is on the 28 floor Helmholtz Watson brave new world Is an Alpha Is chubby (p.52) Other people said: that he "got through the life without ever touching soma" (p.52, 1.27) Is a teacher ("I try to teach my students" P.60, 1.32), an Alpha Teached that words can have important effects ("Words can be like X-rays, if you use them properly p.60, 1.29/30). Feels much power, but he can not use it (can't any use of the power" p.60, 1.16) He likes the reality Respects the Epsilons (p.56) Has many different girlfriends, popular ("Three charming girls...come hand have a picnic supper with us" P.59, 1.6-8) Has 640 different girlfriends in four years. 7 English diary Aljosha ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Johanna Diesel ● ● Fifi Bradlaugh He travels with Lenina in the forth chapter to Obstacle Golf Powerful, but seperated (p.60) likes Bernard and want the best for him ("hope that Bernard show a little more pride" p.61, 1.19/20) built stable (p.58) dark hair ● wrote for the Hourly radio speaks slowly and mystery ("you had something inside you that was only waiting for you..." p60, 1.6). Is very busy ("no he repeated, I'm busy" p.59, 1.13) He likes to talk many (p.59) Talks about his problems with Bernhard ("He liked Bernard" p.85,1.11) ● Tom Kawaguchi ● Black eyebrows "Plump, blonde, not too large" (p.68, 1.27) Sit besides Tom Kawaguchi by the celebration day Also in the room: Herbert Bakunin, Clara Deterding, Sarojini Engels... and a strong president ("You're late,' said the president of the group severely" p.69, 1.3) Also at the celebration of Ford (p.73) ● sits between Joanna and Clara (the seat Bernard wished to get) minor character brave new world Likes the celebration and Ford ("ecstasy of... the peace", p.73, 1.18) Likes Bernhard Marx ("she looked at Bernard with an expression of rapture" p.73, 1.17) Minor character Very attractive Morgana Rothshild Also in the room by the celebration of Ford Speaks loudly ("her tone was loud" p20, 120) Subjugate (unterwerfen) themselves to Ford ("sprang to her feet" p.71, 1.31) Many people feel alone like Bernhard ("Being alone even in Morgana's embrace" p.74, 1.1) Unattractive Minor character 8 English diary Aljosha Henry Ford ● ● technique of mass production. The year 1 in the book is the year, in which the car "Model T" was introduced. This is the reason, why the typical sign of Ford in the book is a "T". In the book: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● brave new world Interesting Background: In fact Henry Ford, the automobile manufacturer, is meant. He lived from 1830-1947 and was the founder of the Ford Motor Company. He developed the The surrogate word for God He was the first one, who revealed "the dangers of family life" (p.39, I. 12 ff). It is the year 632 after Ford Ford was very popular and famous (celebration: "voice from all the golden trumpets. 'Ford, Ford, Ford' Nine times" p.67, 1.26) The auditorium for Fords celebration has 7000 rooms Bernard is in one of this rooms with twelve different people with separate identities (p.69,1.9) By the celebration all listen music and sing hymns like "Come, Greater Being, Social Friend..." (P70, 1.6) After this the twelve people in the room take soma ("out on every face in happy..." p.70, 1.11) The hymns like a bit strange ("Rejoice and, in rejoicings, die" p.71, 1.2) The nation prises him ("tears came into their eyes; their hearts, their bowels seemed to move within them, as though with an independent life. "Ford"" p.71,1.17) Rhymes like "Orgy-porgy Ford and fun, Kiss the girls and make them fun" (P.72, 1.27/28) convey the sexism in brave new world. The people like it to sing hymns Ford and feel better "And they sang, the lights began slowly to fade-to fade and at the same time to grow warmer" (p.73, 1.2/3) 9 English diary Aljosha Short overview about the chapters First: The DHC presents the system of the centre and explains it. The main lessons are how to clone people in bottles and how children learn. (This is an inhuman way and the technology is used for bad things.) brave new world It is the year 2540. In this chapter the reader gets to know the system of the new world. The whole world is one state, all people are divided up in classes from alphas to epsilons. Every class has a different role in the society. It is interesting, that most of the people are happy, even if they do lower work. The reason is, that they get soma (a drug to make them happy) and that they were conditioned. (Interesting: The system sounds strange and terrible, but brutal things are told as if they were normal. The explanations of the DHC are not only informative for the students, but also for the reader) Second The second chapter is very strange, because the children play sex games on the playground. One little boy does not like the games and is considered abnormal. The children are conditioned and learn all about the system. So it is normal in brave new world to treat babies and to go inhuman ways. Also there are many bad words and a negative atmosphere "The screaming of the babies" p.20, 1.30, "bodies twitched and stiffened", p.21, 1.1, "hate of books and flowers" p.21, 1.22). Also hypnopedia is a big topic in this chapter (children learn by sleeping. (This chapter was interesting and quite shocking because in the new world everybody thinks that it is normal to torture little children. The author intensifies this effect by a factual speech. Third Mustapha Mond is one of the ten world-controller. He speaks to the visitors and explains the system. Two women (Fanny and Lenina) have a talk about men and a group of men talk about woman. (In this chapter you get to know other main characters and you see examples of the way, the people handle the system. Here I had to read many passages one more time. Sometimes it is quite distracting, it is difficult to find out, who now speaks.) Fourth Lenina wants to have sex with Bernard, but he is not interested. You get to know something about Bernards character and his special way of life. Also about his friend, Helmholtz Watson. 10 English diary Aljosha Fifth Lenina and Foster speak about many things, they consume soma and have sex. Bernard is involved in a strange ritual (This chapter is very curious, because the ritual is really strange and mysterious.) Sixth brave new world It becomes clearer, that Bernard is not like the other Alphas. Lenina does not understand him, but she wants to be with him, because he takes her to interesting places. In this chapter the reader first gets to know the normal humans, which live in reservations. Furthermore in this chapter are many things about drugs and sex. (It is scurrile, that the people, who are strange for the new world, in our eyes are the normal people. I liked to discover, that not all humans live in the described system, because the system sounds brutal and inhuman. The author creates the scurrile effect by describing the perspective of the inhabitants of the new world.) Seventh This chapter shows many things about the reservation. Lenina does not like this kind of living, she is shocked. Other important news are that Bernard finds out, that the directors has a son, John, and that John lives in the reservation. (Interesting chapter, it becomes clear, that the director is not the man he seemed to be. Further on it is paradoxical, that Lenina is so shocked, because the reader is shocked of Leninas world.) 11 English diary Aljosha brave new world Characterisation of the DHC The DHC is one of the main characters in the book and a Beta ("awfully glad I'm a Beta" p.29, 1.24). He is the director of the Central London Hatchery and Conditioning- Centre. In the first capital he explains the system of the new world. He belongs to the Alphas. It seems that he is convinced of the system. He explains everything to the students and during that he sounds almost enthusiastic. He speaks an elevated language and his voice is mostly silent ("The voice was silent" p.29, 1.6 and he talks impressive with breaks p.26, 1.17). Also, he uses another tone for Ford and speaks more friendly (p.30, 1.6). His behaviour is very self-assured, and he likes to control the work. He likes the system and thinks, that he is an important part of it. So, the lower classes are inferior in his eyes, he speaks negative about them ("Gammas are stupid" p.29, 1.2). His self-confidence is very high and his work is brilliant in his eyes ("We can electrify that that whole strip of floor" p.23, 1.10) At the beginning the reader hears nothing about friends or family of DHC. Later the reader gets to know, that the DHC has a secret: In earlier times he was in love with a woman (Linda) and had a child with her. This shows that he is a hypocrite and that he is not so sure of the rules as it seems. It also shows that he can be emotional and that everything is not so easy for him, he has feelings and problems, too. So at first he seems like a strict man, later he shows himself human. You can see that he too is not infallible. 12 English diary Aljosha Vocabulary (unclearly words and important words for repetition) Chapter one pallid, pale evils innumerable Ceiling conveyor Chapter two Decanting room Announced Nurse tight stiffened curtly Duly set out gaily Shelves alike evident to crawl clusters Sleek profound suffuse pleasure purpose swiftest lever violent maddeningly distorted desperate utterance twitched limbs wires to ceased maniacs obeyed infants Asunder indissolubly unalterably undesirably trouble patiently Bleich, blass übel unzählig Decke Beförderer Umfüllraum Angekündigt Krankenschwester Fest Versteift Kurz Rechtzeitig Fröhlich Regale Gleich Offensichtlicht Kriechen Gruppe Glatt Tief Erfüllen Vergnügung Zweck Schnell Hebel Heftig Unerträglich Verzehrt verzweifelt Äußerung Zucken Gliedmaße Draht Auflösen Wahnsinnig Gehorchen Kleinkinder Auseinander Nicht kaput bar Unveränderlich unerwünscht Mühe geduldig 13 conditioned particular available compel gratuitous hence admiration interrupted to suppose several distinction smut to hesitated to approvingly decanted overwhelmed confusion unpleasant whose oversight astonishment permitted authenticated elapse occurred stomach brave new world to scribbled edge extends latitude rushing to howl Burst, place discouraged investigators Beglaubigen incomprehensible Unverständlich Verstreichen Aufgetreten attempt, to try leading desperately rational sibilant cautiously shuttered consciousness pillow attentively Gewonheit Besonders Verfügbar Zwingen Unentgeldlich Daher Bewunderung Unterbrechen Annehmen Mehrere Unterscheidung Schmutz Zögern Zustimmen Umfüllen Überwältigt Verwirrung Unangenehm Dessen Aufsicht Erstaunen Zulässig Magen Kitzeln Rand Erweitert Breite Überstürzung Heulen Platz Entmutigen Ermittler Versuch Führend Verzweifelt vernünftig Zischend Vorsichtig Geschlossen Bewusstsein Kissen aufmerksam English diary Aljosha distinct beastly frightfully thin whiff crude buttocks wholesale distinctions behaviour force indefatigable awful suggestion desire Chapter three lawns shrubs among revolving caught apparatus elaborate consumption requires to interrupt Might, force gravely intent patronizing aside rather recently contempt pair fooling maudlin emerged matter reluctant ordinary superintendent to scampered sight accustomed afterwards suppressed astonished Deutlich Scheußlich Schrecklich Dünn Hauch Roh hintern Großhandel Ziele Verhalten Kraft Unermüdlich Schrecklich vorschlag Wish, Wunsch Rasen Strauch Unter Drehbar Gefangen Gerät Erarbeitet Verbrauch Benötigen Unterbrechen Kraft Ernst Absicht Herablassend Beisete Eher Kürzlich Verachtung Paar Dummheit Gefühlvoll Entstehen Angelegenheit Widerwillig Gewöhnlich Leiter Huschen Sicht Gewohnheit Danach Unterdrückung erstaunt 14 incredulity adolescents Surreptitious fringe hooked conveniently scattered outstretched effusive unexpected pleasure discarnate duty to averted unsavoury reputation faint crept briskly amusements to suppose bunk invisible whisk enquired rug marvellous taught rumours forbidden intercepted anxious derision confusion overwhelmed to despised contemptuous to bear diaphragms brave new world smutty obviously to plunged torrents hissing simultaneously sucking sunburnt coincidence zippers Ungläubig Jugendliche Heimlich Rand Gebogen Bequem Verstreut Ausgestreckt Überschwänglich Unerwartet Freude Körperlos Pflicht Verhindern Widerwärtig Ruf Schwach Kriechen Lebhaft Unterhaltung Vermutung Quatsch Unsichtbar Schnebesen Anfragen Teppich Wunderbar Gelehrt Gemunkel Verbo Abhören Ängstlich Spott Verwirrung Überwältigt Verachten Verächtlicht Tragen Zwerchfell Schmutzig Offensichtlich Stürzen Strom (of water.) Zischen Gleichzeitig Saugen Sonnenbrand Zufall reißverschluss English diary Aljosha gesture undergarment stiflingly teeming vivid pale mere to plugged nozzle commit laid dabbed chypre/perfume squalid frictions reeking to suffocating insane to brooded agonizing advised substitute compulsory till to wide pelvises shelf inscrutable reveal appalling misery to blossoms ancestral substitute disapproving narrow channelling Belongs to proverb emphatically merely utterly indisputable accusing defiant intense pressure madness infectious precious Geste Leibwäsche Ersticken Wuselig Lebendig Blass Bloß stechen Öffnen Verpflichten Liegend Tupfen Perfüm Schmutzig Reibung Stinken Ersticken Verrückt Grübeln Quelend Angehoben schwangerschaft Pflicht Bis Brechen becken regal undurchschaubar Offenbar Entsetzlich Elend Blühen Ahnen Ersatz Missbiliggen Schmal Lenken Gehört zu Sprichwort Ausdrücklich Nur Völlig Unbestreitbar Vorwurfsvoll Trotzig Stark Druck Wahnsinn Ansteckend kostbar 15 spurts foamy urge wicked sane to obey diseases temptations diseases uncertainties solitude conventionality to scrabbled starved untended obedient groaning fever to bemoaning coaxing insisted Primal effort squeeze usual force brave new world smoothly decanted to desire consummation fortunate pale tiny excessive to consider compelled hesitated precisely deliver degrading to advise to assure belongs to rejected mention mucus splendid infecting splendid supplies Strahlen Schaurig Dringend Böse Vernünftig Gehorchen Krankheiten Versuchungen Krankheiten Zweifel Einsamkeit Gebrächlich Aufwischen Ausgehungert Ungepflegt Gehorsam Stöhnen Fieber Beklagen Zuspruch Beharren Ursprünglich Anstrengung Druck Gewohnt Kraft Glatt Umfüllen Verlangen Vollendung Glücklich Blass Winzig Übermäßig Betrachten Zwingen Zögern Mit Bedacht Liefern Erniedrigend Beraten Versichern Gehört zu Abgelehnt Erwähnen Schleim Herrlich Anstehen Herrlich vorräte English diary Aljosha consciousness to supply untiring fists averted to compelled mending stitches dismal infinitely cartridge regulation contraceptives charm suppression consumption surrogate quantities immortality Morphia/cocaine glum narcotic pleasantly Fend off proffered headache assured wisdom stigmata to abolished along belt peculiarities Obstacle to renounce leisure crevice substance delicious crevice distraction innumerable Chapter four to crowded to nods saddened recollection curiously gaping Bewusstsein Versorgen Unermüdlich Faust Abwenden Zwingen Ausbesserung Masche Duster Unendlich Patrone Verordnung Verhüttungsmittel Reiz Unterdrückung Verbrauch Ersatz Mengen Unsterblichkeit -drugs Schlecht Betäubend Freundlich Verweigern anbieten Kopfschmerzen Sicher Weisheit Narben Aufheben Entlang Gürtel Besonderheit Hindernis Aufgeben Freizeit Schmal Stoff Köstlich Spalt Ablehnung Unzählige Schreien Zunicken Betrügt =remember =strange gaffend 16 atonement Sühne unfaithfulness Untreue wondered Wundern upset confusion to suppose roof tunic rapture stupor kind adoration ceiling reference to slammed instantly obstacle retreating vivaciously chubby Beaming malice tempers cures matter brave new world ruminating wheeled screws to diminished beneath mushrooms concrete upward lever to whistle separated suburbs courts prejudices crucibles shift queues Alighting to pursued behaved to suffer contemptuous refusal wretched affairs Umwerfend Verwirrung vermuten Dach Anzug Entzücken Benommenheit Art Verehrung Decke Bezug Zuschlagen Sofort Hinderniss Zurückziehen Lebhaft Pummelig Strahlend Bosheit Stimmung Heilen Angelegenheit =thinking Mit reifen Schrauben Abnehmen Unter Pilze Beton Aufwärts Hebel Pfeifen Getrennt Vorstadt Justiz Vorurteile Sammelbecken Verschieben Schlangen Ausstieg Verfolgen Artig Leiden Verächtlich Ablehnung Erbärmlich Angelegenheit English diary Aljosha extraordinary Lock-up attendants orders hideous superiority distressing due Haunted him to proposal mockery contempt hostility dignity to obeyed granted utterly reluctance irritably rasp Basement research occupied receiver briskly pillar forcible lecturer verdict superiors aware whereas recently surrounded Indefatigable admirable concerned to imploringly unshaken delightful resolutely slammed reproaches awful casual committees reversible purposes deafness deliberate Außergewöhnlich Schließfach Begleiter Bestellungen Hässlich Überlegenheit Erschütternt Fällig Verfolgen ihn Vorschlag Spott Verachtung Feindschaft würde gehorchen Zugeben Völlig Abneigung Gereizt Kratzen Keller Forschung Belegt Empfänger Lebhaft Säule Gewaltsam Duzent Urteil Vorgesetzten Bewusst Während Kürzlich Umgeben Unermüdlich Bewundernswert Betroffen Flehen Unerschüttert Herrlich Entschlossen Zuschlagen Vorwurf Schrecklich Beiläufig Ausschüsse Umkehrbar Zweck Taubheit absichtlich 17 expected improvement foolish Self-pity discomfort Chapter five to announce to abandoned to trust provided incessant departure monorail approaches roof plain Recovery achievement perpendicularly queer occasion brave new world beam fear smoothing descending delightedly disappearing resolutely straight unaware fortunately scent sunset to moaned to tremulous climax conductor thunder lingered allusion expectancy simultaneously decanted fine exhausted might together to left veiled Voraussetzlich Verbesserung =stupid Selbstmitleid unbehagen Anmelden Verlassen vertrauen Sofern unablässig Abreise Eingleisig Ansätze Dach Ebene Erholung Leistung Senkrecht Sonderbar Gelegenheit Strahl Angst Verschmelzung Absteigen Entzückt Verschwinden entschlossen Gerade Ahnungslos Glücklicherweise Duft Sonnenuntergang Stöhnen Zittern Höhepunkt Leiter Donner Bleiben=still Anspielung Erwartung Gleichzeitig Umfüllen Gut Erschöpft Kraft Zusammen verlassen verschleiert English diary Aljosha obediently to retained to raise impenetrable yet prescribe inevitable cartridge alternate (Aphroditaeum) to hailing to incandescence vast solemn auditorium arranged unoccupied inconspicuously frown to enquired failure arrival severely to apologized plangently hymn compassion annihilation accompaniment obsession melt to initiate rite concerned remote affected circuit rejoicings excitement radiated to dissolved expired tauter tearing simultaneously to testified throat spite preceding buttocks gehorsam Beibehalten anheben Undurchdringlich Noch Vorschriftsmäßig Unvermeidlich Patrone Abwechseln Good club Stamen Glühen Riesig Feierlich Zuschauerraum Angeordnet unbesetzt Unauffällig Stirnrunzeln Erkundigen Ausfall Ankunft Stark, strong Entschuldigen,excuse. Klagend Lied, hymne Barmherzigkeit Vernichtung Begleitrung Besonnenheit Flüssig Einleiten Zeremonie Betroffen Entfernung Betroffen Schaltung Jubel Aufregung Ausstrahlung Auflösen Abgelaufen Stramm Rassend Gleichzeitig Bezeugen Durch Gehässig Vorangestellt gesäß 18 slabbily atonement to prone=neigen agitation rapture unsatisfied replenish insisted agony Chapter six verdict decidedly anxiously to respond disquieting precious considered persuaded obstinately saves impatiently dignity current to preserve dreadful intently to uttered to prolonged to ventured to fondle to enquired satisfaction premature unabashed desire interruption to evaporate halting sourly to permit agitated intrinsically eagerly oppressive agonizingly gully guilty brave new world malignant righteous Schlampig Erstaunen Bewegung Entzücken Unzufrieden Erneut ausfüllen Beharren todesangst Urteil Entscheident Besorgt Reagieren Beunruhigt Kostbar Überlegt Überreden Hartnäckig Wirkung Ungeduldig Würde Stömmung Erhalten Schrecklich Konzentrieren Äußern anhalten Wagen, to dare Streicheln Erkundigen Zufriedenheit Verrückt Unerschrocken Wunsch Unterbrechung Verdampfen Stockend Verdrießlich Erlauben Aufgeregt Wesentlich Fleißig Drückend Qualvoll Schlucht Schuldig =aggressive gerecht English diary Aljosha disapproval persecution acquaintance deplorable to obey occasionally reassuringly Missbilligend Verfolgung bekanntschaft bedauerlich gehorchen gelegentlich beunruhigt 19 uneventful required warden apparent revolting persecution to swallow brave new world Ereignislos Erforderlich Wächter ersichtlich abstoßend verfolgung schlucken