


Double Helix - Nancy Werlin







Double Helix - Reading Journal
Chapter 1
Plot: - Eli has an appointment with Dr. Wyatt at Wyatts Transgenics
- Eli is waiting for Dr. Wyatt,

Double Helix - Reading Journal Chapter 1 Plot: - Eli has an appointment with Dr. Wyatt at Wyatts Transgenics - Eli is waiting for Dr. Wyatt, they are going into his office - wrote an Email to Dr. Wyatt drunk and didn't thought he would answer - Eli told his father that he had applied at no college Dr Wyatt: - busy and important man - nobel prize winner - one of the most important scientists alive - big head with the tight, grizzled, reddish-white hair - round back-rimmed glasses - uses/needs a steel cane (Gehhilfe) Viv: - Elis girlfriend - he loves her, without her he would feel lonely - can talk with her about private problems but doesn't tell her everything (let her thinks what she wants sometimes) - she is caring (wanted to buy a new suit with him) - Vivs mother likes Eli (smiles when they come home from school) Eli's Father: - can't talk with him about private problems or secret matters Chapter 2 Plot: - Eli expected a different office (no windows, only Quincy Wyatt on the door) - he felt comfortable and nervous the same time - Dr. Wyatt is asking normal questions like how tall Eli is then about his school (Eli feels comfortable with them) - but uncomfortable that Dr. Wyatt is watching him...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

whole time Eli: 18 years old - 6 foot 7 - hated being a teenager sometimes - hated not having the full control - feels like even if you're 18 adults don't take you seriously - you're considered as a child Dr. Wyatt: - says Eli should definitely go to college - tells Eli that he knows his mother from years ago (also his - says that they won't talk about the "situation" - Eli felt security and comfort - is offering Eli a job Viv: - is going to Brandeis (university) Ava Samuel's (Eli's mother): - is sick Chapter 3 Plot: - Eli on his way home - in two weeks Eli has is graduation then lab assistant at Wyatt transgenics - talks about how Viv saved a guy in fifth grade and how they met first time he saw how beautiful she is when she smiles at you directly (Vivian Fadiman) - tiny two bedroom (small apartment) Eli and his father live in - is thinking about things he could buy and afford with his money - Judith Ryan tells Eli he needs health insurance Eli: to work there is a form of adulthood - control and power of own destiny - wanted to take Viv out with first paycheck (really loves her) > and buy flowers for his mother's room in the nursing home - current job: running backups for a local computer company - is thinking about helping his father with the bills with his earned money later (maybe they have money problems) - never would or had bring viv to his home with his father