


Elizabethan world picture







Elizabethan World Picture • The Elizabethan age
• The Elizabethan Stage
The Elizabethan World View 1
The Elizabethan World View 2
• The art
Elizabethan World Picture • The Elizabethan age
• The Elizabethan Stage
The Elizabethan World View 1
The Elizabethan World View 2
• The art
Elizabethan World Picture • The Elizabethan age
• The Elizabethan Stage
The Elizabethan World View 1
The Elizabethan World View 2
• The art
Elizabethan World Picture • The Elizabethan age
• The Elizabethan Stage
The Elizabethan World View 1
The Elizabethan World View 2
• The art
Elizabethan World Picture • The Elizabethan age
• The Elizabethan Stage
The Elizabethan World View 1
The Elizabethan World View 2
• The art
Elizabethan World Picture • The Elizabethan age
• The Elizabethan Stage
The Elizabethan World View 1
The Elizabethan World View 2
• The art
Elizabethan World Picture • The Elizabethan age
• The Elizabethan Stage
The Elizabethan World View 1
The Elizabethan World View 2
• The art
Elizabethan World Picture • The Elizabethan age
• The Elizabethan Stage
The Elizabethan World View 1
The Elizabethan World View 2
• The art
Elizabethan World Picture • The Elizabethan age
• The Elizabethan Stage
The Elizabethan World View 1
The Elizabethan World View 2
• The art
Elizabethan World Picture • The Elizabethan age
• The Elizabethan Stage
The Elizabethan World View 1
The Elizabethan World View 2
• The art
Elizabethan World Picture • The Elizabethan age
• The Elizabethan Stage
The Elizabethan World View 1
The Elizabethan World View 2
• The art

Elizabethan World Picture • The Elizabethan age • The Elizabethan Stage The Elizabethan World View 1 The Elizabethan World View 2 • The art in Elizabethan times Nicholas Hilliard Four Humours 1 Four Humours 2 • Sources Content G Period from 1558 to 1603 (golden age) age of government of Queen Elizabeth I. time for explorers and the time of Shakespeare • peak of the english renaissance The Elizabethan age 6 de Ab Elizabeth the I. The Elizabethan Stage 10th century: First play, a Mystery Play organised by clergy spread the word of god more effectively • 12th century: second kind was the miracle play • New method: a peagant wagon Upper gallery Middle gallery 15\16th century: morality plays actors tried to interfere with the audience o intended to teach a moral • contained personifications of death, goodness, knowledge and sin The yard where the groundlings (the 'ordinary' people) stood NGH clergy = die Geistlichkeit Gallery above the stage sometimes used by musicians or spectators Dressing rooms Backstage area Trapdoor in stage The stage The Elizabethan world view 1 alany XO-BE Janiya Earth is the centre • Well ordered world designed by god Great Chain of Being: • Godd • Angels @ King and Queens • Commoners Plants • Nonliving things The Elizabethan world view 2 All elements in place hierarchy is intact • If an element tries to progress to a better place order is shattered In the Chain of Being everything and everybody must stay in place all systems reflect each other: Lower levels reflect on a smaller scale the higher levels •...

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Insurrection, diseases and natural disaster are expressions of disturbance of the natural balance must be cured by restoring the balance The art in Elizabethan times Artists used Elizabeth as inspiration • She didn't distinguish between popular entertainment and the higher arts • She was happy to watch bearbaiting • No right of free speech artists found indirect ways to represent problems • most used the ancient art of allegory • Writers wrote about historical events that were similar to current social problems 200603 Painting of Elizabeth I. GRA Nicholas Hilliard ANET HIB Painting of Jakob I. Nicholas Hilliard is one of the most famous artist from the Elizabethan age only a few paintings are still preserved • He painted Elizabeth I. And Jakob I. Four Humours 1 e nature consists of four elements: ,, and • each element symbolises one juice of the doctrine of the four juice and one organ • each juice is connected to one of the four organs o fire = 。 water = • earth liver h!q-mak wom dry choleriker fire heart blood sanguiniker air damp water phlegin phlegmatiker yellow bile, Liver pleghm, brain = black bile, spleen 。 = air blood, heart doctrine of the four juice = Viersäftelehre, bile = Galle, pleghm = Schleim, spleen = Milz earth melancholiker black-bile Spleen brain cold Four Humours 2 • Health (eucrasia)= balanced mixture • Disease (dyscrasia)= faulty mixture • Recovery by natural self-healing, supported by doctors • Recovery through medical cupping, phlebotomy, administration of emetic, laxative and diaphoretic agents Picture of a phlebotomy 102 Picture of cupping someone a alamy stock photo cupping = Schröpfen, phlebotomy = Veneneinschnitt, emetic agents Brechreizerregendes Mittel, laxative agents = Abführmittel, diaphoretic agents Schweißtreibendes Mittel Sources https://youtu.be/QyeRcs4uKNA Last access: 20.02.2021 15:00 Uhr https://sites.google.com/site/3w14engelsk/home/shakespeare-1/the-elizabethan-world-picture last access: 20.02.2021 15:30 Uhr https://chsenglishap4.weebly.com/uploads/2/2/5/7/2257880/shakespeare-and-the-elizabethan-world-view.pdf Last access: 20.02.2021 17:00 Uhr https://chsenglishap4.weebly.com/uploads/2/2/5/7/2257880/shakespeare-and-the-elizabethan-world-view.pdf last access: 20.02.2021 11:00 Uhr https://www.encyclopedia.com/humanities/news-wires-white-papers-and-books/arts-elizabethan-world 20.02.2021 11:00 Uhr https://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/liza/hd_liza.htm 20.02.2021 11:00 Uhr