


Empire State Building







The Empire State Building is a skyscraper in Manhattan.
With a high of 381 Meters - round up to the antenna
tip round

empire state building The Empire State Building is a skyscraper in Manhattan. With a high of 381 Meters - round up to the antenna tip round 443 Meters - In the short building time from 1930 until 1931 erected building is not only the fallest building New Yorks, but until 1972 even the highest Building of the World. Since the destruction of the World Trade Center in the 9/11 attacks until the topping= out ceremony for the successor to the one World Trade Center in 2013, it was once again the tallest building in the city Building is a must-see for any visitor to New York City. Between and 20,000 people visit the building each day. The Empire State Building is open daily from 8am until 2am. 10,000 Basic data Opening: : 1st of May 1931 Architectural style: Art Déco Architect: William F. Lamb. Technische Daten Nutzungsfläche: 208.000 m² Baukosten: 40,9 Millionen US-Dollar entspricht: 685 Millionen $(2021) Etagen: 102 Rang (Höhe): 6.Platz (New York), 8. Platz (USA), 47. Platz (Welt)

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