


Englisch Abi: Great Britain Übersicht







Englisch Lernzettel: Great Britain
History, Racism, Now
British Empire: powerful/wealthy
- gained much land throu
Englisch Lernzettel: Great Britain
History, Racism, Now
British Empire: powerful/wealthy
- gained much land throu

Englisch Lernzettel: Great Britain History, Racism, Now History: Expansion: British Empire: powerful/wealthy nation - gained much land through war/ colonization - Motives: economy (trade) Spread Christianity Situation now: Ethnic Minorities: 14% are represented From Commonwealth: - Pakistans, Asians, Indians - Dividing factors: religion Ethnic background - disadvantages: job market Flats → fear: they are against British identity → xenophobia Definition: Colony: country/area controlled by a more powerful state Justification: Cultural - Europeans = superior Economic benefits Religious - conversion to christianity - ,,blackness" as a sin/devil Attitudes: 1. fully adapt to society 2. Return to traditional values → isolation, radicalization → topics of identity/belonging appear to play a central role in.. on ethnic minority groups.. Britishness: - Monarchy, symbol: representative function. - Polite people „East is East": - based on writer Khan's experiences - different values on cultural identity → generation conflict - father: muslim traditional, conservative - Mother: English → modern

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