


Englisch Abitur 2023 (2/4)







the media
the impact of the media & it's downsides
the way people present themselves creates false standarts &
distorted views people are hi
the media
the impact of the media & it's downsides
the way people present themselves creates false standarts &
distorted views people are hi
the media
the impact of the media & it's downsides
the way people present themselves creates false standarts &
distorted views people are hi
the media
the impact of the media & it's downsides
the way people present themselves creates false standarts &
distorted views people are hi
the media
the impact of the media & it's downsides
the way people present themselves creates false standarts &
distorted views people are hi
the media
the impact of the media & it's downsides
the way people present themselves creates false standarts &
distorted views people are hi
the media
the impact of the media & it's downsides
the way people present themselves creates false standarts &
distorted views people are hi
the media
the impact of the media & it's downsides
the way people present themselves creates false standarts &
distorted views people are hi

the media the impact of the media & it's downsides the way people present themselves creates false standarts & distorted views people are hiding their true self & became self-conscious people only know as much about you as you share anonymity makes people too confident or rude not all news on the media are true leading to inappropriate reactions, values society at the mercy of the media be aware that your statements can be used against you / influence your future. → developments in the media. media in former times: newspaper, radio, TV now: online communication; always & everywhere accessible online & mobile media created new opportunities to share, remix and create new content → user-generated content everyone is now able to gather & spread news/stories danger: Lack of control regarding copyright & piracy → social media & politics. · social media became a forum for politics & political activism ·can change the course of elections because politicians have new ways to reach out to voters and the collected data can be used to customize the campaign & address the needs of a particular target group social media also enabled people to draw attention to politically charged situations and gives them the possibility to share their stories even if journalists are banned from reporting or if the press is censored → advertising in former times: on billboards TV in newspapers · how:...

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consumers are bombarded with emails & online adverts that have been specially customised according to the user's search history & digital footprint often celebrities are recruited to advertise certain products. on their social media page · viral marketing & crowdsourcing are now popular because advertisers can get consumers to sh their experiences. - advertainment combines advertising with entertainment Like product placements in film or TV shows Disgraced, Ayad Akhtar. → Summary. (The book is centered on sociopolitical themes such as the self-identification of Muslim American citizens, politics, religion & Islamophobia in general) opens with a married couple in their Upper East Side apartment, Emily: white painter, takes inspiration from Islamic tradition, sketches a portrait of Amir (American-born Lawyer who renounced his Muslim background); the couple discusses the night before when Amir was mistreated by a racist waiter → incident inspires E. to paint a portrait of A. based on Diego Velázquez's Portrait of Juan de Pareja which depicts a former slave who serves as the author's apprentice → A. finds this unsettling · A's nephew Abe (formerly Hussein) arrives at the apartment & wants A to help Imam Fareed who has been wrongfully charged with funding a terrorist organization with charity money he collected for his mosque, A. refuses at first because he renounced his faith and gets agitated because E. tries to persuade him 27 scene: E. reads the newspaper out loud, an article about S the imam's trial (an alledged terrorist); Amir is frustrated because the article makes it seem like he is his attorney & protecting him, obscuring the fact that A was only there to support the imam E tries to assure him that this will not harm his reputation Amir exits when Isaac ( friend of the couple & curator arrives, they talk about E.'s art work being included in a show he is curating but he is worried that she will be accused of -orientalism (depicting non-western culture in an exploitative way) 3 scene: Amir is angry and drinking alcohol because his boss found out that the changed his last name (muslim/ arabic to hindu name); Isaac & his wife Jory arrive for dinner and I announces that he will feature I's art in the exposition; A prefers I's art before she used Islamic imagery A & I have a disagreement over the interpretation of the Quran; A. admits a small part of him sympatized with the terrorists, which he hates thats why he distanced himself from Islam; A. Leaves & 1 accuses him of being a terrorist A. & J. head out to get champagne. I tells E that I got promoted instead of A. because the article made them suspicious of A.'s dealings with the imam; 1. alludes to him & E having sex recently & tries to kiss her but A. & J. come back A, I. & J. scream at & insult one another and then leave A & E. alone E. tells A. that she cheated on him with 1. A is blind with rage beats her up, just as he realized what he has done Abe walks in 4" scene: 6 months later A. lost his job & wife; Abe & E. arrive as he is packing up his apartment, Abe changed his name back to Hussein & is in trouble with the law and may get deported, A. scolds him for puplicly portraying himself as Muslim; H. tells him he used to look up to A. now he thinks A. hales himself & his own people → Leaves A repeatedly apoligizes to E. and tells her that he is proud of her success; E. interjects that her art was naïve & that she had a part in their marriage collapsing too; she tells A. to not write her again & leaves; A. unwraps the painting she left him → E's portrait of him → character constellation Abe Emily Amir 1 religious conflict: - E. is proud of Amir's success but also wants to be successful herself (Landmark of portraiture) • mutual dependance on money /social status different attitudes on Islam & helping the Imam →Ami- fears to be connected to the Islam → disadvantage for his career • Amir + Abe & Emily have different cultural backgrounds • E. wants to change society regarding the social standing of Muslims → E. thinks that Amir & Abe are placed in an interior ronk in society → aspects of Assimilation pros • Living a normal life ·less racism/prejudices members of society - better work possibilities · reunion of society (→→ melting pot) cons -fixed values -Loss of identity, culture & religion - reduces diversity -pressure to assimilate - not accepted by society ↳ need to change identity => definition: process whereby outsiders aim at becoming indistinguishable with the dominant host society ИЛ →Amir's Assimilation change of name, married to an American (white) woman ·lies about his cultural origin => Racism & prejudices influence Amir's identity → the change of Amir's self-identification. influenced by mother & 9/11 confrontation due to the Imam / Quran gives up his religion apostate", drinks alcohol, eats pork doesn't want to be connected to Islam → refuses to help the iman being a lawyer (normal job), buys/wears expensive western clothes V painted by his wife discussion with Isaac, racial profiling role of women - Did you feel pride on 9/11? (key event) I guess I forgot which 'we' I was." 4 confusion between two identities/inner conflict newspaper article associating him with Muslim culture & the crime of the iman) - background check + feeling treated unequally Jory gets promoted instead of him his wife betrayed him with Isaac spits in Isaac's face beats Emily perceived himself as an American/ fully assimilated . a oriental identity. occidental. his oriental identity gets the upper hand → hypocrite? not strong enough has lost himself → helpful definitions - racism: refers to prejudices against individuals/groups based on beliefs about one's own superiority • prejudices: negatif feelings/beliefs about a particular group of individuals. • Assimilation: the process whereby outsiders aim at becoming indistinguishable with the dominant host society cultural appropriation: the act of taking /using things from a culture (kulturelle Aneignung) that is not your own → drama structure. exposition character introduction climax. 11 American history timeline discussion at the dinner table Amir beats Emily calm breakup, Emily leaves retarding moment catastrophe : 11 1607: 1. permanent Anglo-Saxon settlement is established (Virginia) 1619 Beginning of slavery - 1620: Mayflower Compact signed by pilgrim fathers, who were intolerant of everyone who thinks differently. 1775-83: American revolutionary war: 13 colonies vs. British colonial power, climax: American independence movement → creation USA 1776: Declaration of Independence on July 4th 1789: first president of the US: George Washington 1803 Louisiana Purchase: US purchased territory from France → opened up the continent for westward expansion 1861-65: American Civil War: US vs. Confederate States of America, Slavery got legally abolished. 1863 Emancipation Proclamation by Abraham Lincoln 1890 end of Indian wars, economic depression, industrialization, urbanization & immigration, wounded knee massacre 1917: US enters World War 1; prohibition -1919: congress approves 19th Amendment = women now have the right to vote - 1929: Wall Street chrash → worldwide Great Depression; Influenza epidemic. 1941: US enters WW2 → declaring war on Japan → Pearl Harbor 1945: WW2 ends; bomb dropped on Hiroshima & Nagasaki 1954: Detonation of Castle Bravo; Eisenhower proposes, Domino theory" (13) 1955 start of Vietnam War; warsaw pact 1960s: civil rights movement, Martin Luther King 1989-91 end of the cold war, collapse of the Soviet Union. - 2001: 9/= terrorist attack of world trade center & pentagon → US invaded Afghanistan & toppeled taliban government 2006: protest for immigration rights -2008: collapse of national financial system → worldwide depression, Obama becomes the 44" president of the US →American Dream · term for the hope of immigrants. while maintaining personal freedom the belief in in the USA for economic success > social progress (things will get better with time; the self made man) the the fo * > individual success (everyone can realize their highest ambitions, • from rags to riches") > American exeptionalism (Manifest Destiny) > ever new frontiers (go west movement, new opportunities discoveries) liberty & equality (no class distinctions life, liberty & the pursuit of happiness, everyone can participate) > > the melting pot & multiculturalism (different nationalities, ethnicities, religions & Languages fused into Ination) > ever new beginnings (climb the ladder of fortune) the Promised Land puritans suffered in England bc of their religion which made them see a parallel between them & the Israelites in ancient egypt thought America was promised to them by god like Canaan to the lorgielites - believed to be guided by god so they have every right to take the Land & the violence is justified and right (→ God's chosen people) America was supposed to be a fertile & broad Land where they would find freedom & everything they need for a good life → Manifest Destiny (dt. offensichtl. Bestimmung) definition: the ideology that the expansion of the US troughout the American continent was justified & inevitably • the right to settle on the American continent was given to Americans by god it is their duty to expand over the whole continent in order to bring liberty & democracy to the other nations as well (godly mission) justification/explanation for Americas territorial expansion & imperialism → Declaration of independence definition: the formal proclamation that the colonies would now be an independent country seperate from Great Britain • it contains: 1. the ideals & goals of the American nation Requality, justice, seperation of church & state, democracy, freedom & happiness) 2 the complaints of the colonists against the British king (unalienable rights are not respected; not represented or treated equally) 3. the explanation/arguments why the colonists want to be free of the British rule (protection of divine providence god's chosen people optimism) "We hold these truth to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. => The ideas of the founding fathers had not been valid for all ethnicities, only the WASP (White Anglo-Saxon Protestants). →Bill of Rights • it's part of the constitution & added to protect civil rights it consists of 27 ammendments & was passed in 1791 us