


Englisch Abitur Zusammenfassung 2022







- Term referring to the belief that every American can
have success through hard work: From rags to richest
-> M
- Term referring to the belief that every American can
have success through hard work: From rags to richest
-> M
- Term referring to the belief that every American can
have success through hard work: From rags to richest
-> M
- Term referring to the belief that every American can
have success through hard work: From rags to richest
-> M
- Term referring to the belief that every American can
have success through hard work: From rags to richest
-> M
- Term referring to the belief that every American can
have success through hard work: From rags to richest
-> M
- Term referring to the belief that every American can
have success through hard work: From rags to richest
-> M
- Term referring to the belief that every American can
have success through hard work: From rags to richest
-> M
- Term referring to the belief that every American can
have success through hard work: From rags to richest
-> M

AMERICAN DREAM: Definition: - Term referring to the belief that every American can have success through hard work: From rags to richest -> Motivates citizens, various interpretations History - Freedom & equality: - 4th July 1776: Declaration of Independence -> States American Independance from Great Britain - 1791: Bill of Rights = equal rights, religious freedom, freedom of speech... ENGLISCH ABITUR ZUSAMMENFASSUNG: Immigration & ethnic minorities: Equal rights not always guaranteed for women, black & gay people -> Abolition of slavery, women's right to vote in 1920s, Civil Rights Movement (= Martin Luther King as leader) Black people still experience injustice, racism, lower quality education, police brutality or a lower income rate -> „Black lives matter movement" = rise after George Floyd - 1820-2010: Immigration to the US = escape oppression, hope -> salad bowl" Politics: - Democracy expressed through different parties: Democrats: Leftsided & liberal -> Obama, Biden, Clinton Intervention and control of government in economy No immigration restriction, Pro-choice, same sex marriage More gun control, less military More taxes for rich people Insurance through ObamaCare Republicans: Rightsided & conservative Bush, Trump Free market, no taxes & control = states control themselves Immigration restriction, against abortion and same sex marriage Less control, more individual rights Same flat tax for everyone Private healthcare Myths & realities: American Dream: Everyone has opportunity for success -> equal rights for better future for individual and children -> Motivation to work hard: Barack Obama, Bill Gates American nightmare: Huge social...

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issues, discrimination 1. Bad Healthcare System: huge medical costs & lack of insurance coverage -> Costs rise by 10-12% annually, people do not want treatment = vicious cycle 2. Only children from higher classes have success: -> 2/3 remain stuck inequality accepted in US -> European children have better chances 3. Highest crime rates since WW2: violent crime in many states 4. Parent trap: Loss of children wishes due to non flexible jobs -> Both need wages to pay insurance = no home maker -> Need for paid leave and insurance for couples 5. Gun control: Not regulated who can buy guns, 2nd amendment -> 30ths deaths by fire arms = need of stricter rules 6. Politics: President Trump as a patriot = homophobic & racist -> Takes nothing serious, many scandals, restricts immigration 7. Tuitition crunch: college costs are rising -> No financial help for low-income families Richer students more likely to receive degree = 75% more money -> Capitalism: richer become richer & poorer become poorer 8. Economy & illegal immigration: strong but not invulnerable Illegal immigrants mostly Mexicans that do easy jobs -> Experience racism -> Economy dependent on them = mass deportation no solution -> Tend to blend in with legal immigrants = stress out system 9. Climate Change: America as large emitter of greenhouse gas -> Due to materialism: rise of temperatures, pollution, no resources Death of a Salesman: Drama deals with the reality of the American Dream = Failed attempt - Willy Lohmann wants success and recognition but ends up sacrificing his identity and ends up poor = suicide WORLD OF WORK: Present and future trends in business world: Centre of economic power more centralised -> Shifting to Asia-Pacific-Region Leads to more outsourcing: companies hiring outside suppliers from other countries Pro: More profit, fewer costs, less restrictive laws, productive Contra: Underemployment in national country Companies become international: more digital, flexible hours... -> Need for better qualifications: better language and IT-skills -> More home office and remotely work -> Less job security, more hiring and firing systems, braindrain -> More pressure: Need of good work-life-balance Creation of new jobs & loss of jobs due to technology Growth of service sector and part time employment -> Loss of younger highly skilled workers -> Need of better access for women Economic activity: Advanced economies try to shift -> Primary sector for raw materials and resources, secondary for manufacturing, tertiary as service sector Gender equality: Women in 1950s = objectified, no possibilities -> Traditional family roles evolving = more well educated women in workforce Gender Gap: driven by gender stereotypes, inequal treatment of women -> Difference in salaries, fewer leadership positions and participation in workplace = barrier to development, need for better access -> Estimated 100 years to close gap overall -> Many mothers do not get paid maternity leave or full-time earnings Global job market competition: 996: from 9am to 9pm, 6 days a week = work practice in big companies - "Rewards of hard work" = the more committed the more success -> Lack of time for passions, no children, unfair, unpractical Work-life-balance: Overworking can lead to burnout - Younger workers demand flexibility, home office, paid leave, vacation -> Companies try to adapt and take care Robotics: Artificial intelligence Al: ability of a computer to perform task that require human intelligence - „Autonomation": Machines carry out processes without intervention -> Reduction of costs, faster & more accurate, simplifies human activities -> Less available jobs in production sector: depend on right programming - "Digitalisation": Transforms business process using digital technology -> Increase in business sector: more profit and efficiency White- & blue-collar workers: Blue-collar workers: low-skilled & paid, non office, jobs killed by robots White-collar workers: highly-skilled & paid, job requires degree "Globotics": Globalisation + robots from Al threatening white-collars -> Machines could erform medical diagnosis, ng robots... -> No need for face-to-face contact, more outsourcing & competition = need for jobs that deal with people Getting a university degree: Pro: Wise investment, protection against underemployment = not stereotyped Sounds good in CV Economic benefit = demand for educated workers Good knowledge about topic Higher salary International universities or scholarships Contra: Since 2000 wage gap slowed to half = oversupply, college graduates do not earn more Depends on social class = poorer students have less access to high-paid jobs High student loans = gap year as better investion Less practical experience = takes much time SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY: Genetic Engineering: Manipulation of DNA or genes using biotechnology -> Resulting in GMO's = genetically modified organisms Cloning: Process of producing a genetically identical copy of a cell or organism - Reproductive cloning: cloned embryo transplanted into uterus natural birth Therapeutical cloning: Stem cells manipulated to develop into tissues or organs = embryo dies In vitro fertilisation (IVF): Egg combined with sperm in a culture medium = outside of body Main branches of Genetic Engineering: Health & Medicine: IVF, production of vaccines and drugs, cancer stemcells, synthetical organ donations... Plants & Animals: Modified genes, substances or animals, more Resistant or nutritionally dense, GMO crops Personal & Cultural: BioArt,, aesthetical changes -> Benefits: Could save lives (=chemotherapy), helps women who cannot carry babies, more production in shorter time, no pesticides, healthier animals, entertaining, improvement -> Risks: Threat to human health, ethical dilemmas, expensive, no long-term studies (= allergies), unsafe or not successful, threat to artists, endless cycle of modification (=designer babies) The CRISPR-method: - New gene transferring tool = cut out unwanted part of DNA with genetic scissors and replace with new one -> Shortens genetic research, could eliminate diseases, modifies fruit Mitochondrial DNA-transfer: - Take mitochondrial DNA of donor and nuclear DNA of parents -> Parents with mitochondrial diseases can have babies = results unproven Ethical Babies: - Genetically modified children: "Designer babies" = chosen by parents - Genetic screening = examining DNA for certain qualities -> Testing embryo or adult for diseases to select healthy children Pro: Eliminate diseases = healthy child - Moral obligation = less harm -> less psychopathy, alcohol & drug abuse, violence... - Genetic revolution is voluntarily - Better society, less insecurity Everyone scared of change Contra: - Misuse manipulates nature = interferance with god No moral understanding = everyone is beautiful, too good if everyone was the same Cloning is unsafe, children not free Probably only for wealthier people Virtual reality: Computer generated environment that seems to be real -> Is often expensive, isolating and obsessing Metaverse: Term for collection, universe of virtual worlds -> 3D version of internet = enter online world through VR glasses Virtual schools: Online teaching, everyone enters through an avatar Pro: Interesting classes, no bullying because of look, stay home, no distraction Contra: No social contacts or skills, mental health suffers, hide behind avatar more insecurities Uploading your mind: duplication of mental essence into digital world = People have an indefinite afterlife as working from a cloud world, gain experience from older generations, virtual and real world connect Al & robots: Machines could perform task that require human intelligence - Can make decision and learn from mistakes through algorithms -> Fear of robot supremacy and them becoming autonomous -> Make work more productive and easy, but also kill jobs Brave New World: Dystopian novel by Aldous Huxley - About a controlling world state that mass produce humans through cloning: "Community, identity, stability"= motto -> Motto achieved through conditioning and soma (=drug to forget pain) Society parted in a caste system = alphas, betas, gammas... Ford Era: Ford as substitute for god, religion replaced by technology -> Misuse of science & surveillance = loss of freedom & individuality GLOBALISATION: Definition: Network of trade: Expansion and speedup of exchanges and movements all over the world affects everyone Global villages: urban centre that has an important economic role Global player: Company with world-wide presence in production Global economy: - Activities that take place between or within different countries = Influences citizens mood & often dependent on international trade Free Trade: - Trade policy that does not restrict import or exports -> Government does not interfere = independency -> Is economically efficient, lower prices, no trade barriers Protectionists, Opponents:= want protection of industries Say that free trade is not fair = economic inequality -> Rising gap between rich and poor = small businesses suffer Workers in less developed countries exploited in sweatshops -> Bad working conditions & payment, human rights not respected -> Child labour = no education, live in slums = Fair Trade 15% more expensive but offers safe conditions Outsourcing: Maximises big companies profits due to less labour costs -> More economically efficient and developing countries have jobs -> But leads to loss of jobs in developed countries, inhumane working conditions and pollution = no safety standards in labors Environmental challenges: Climate Change: longterm shifts in temperature -> Human-induced: farming, consumerism, transport, waste... -> Leads to greenhouse gas effect = warming of earths surface Deforestation: loss of nature and vegetation -> Destroying forest for increased demand of commercial goods -> Leads to loss of biodiversity = destruction of species habitats Communication: Better business opportunities through globalisation: -> More information, connection and employees from other countries -> Leads to better understanding of foreign cultures = less barriers -> A lot of virtual interaction through internet = need of media skills English as Lingua Franca: Spreading all over the world, easy to learn, communicative = Huge influence in accepting in American way of life Americanization: The US shapes and influences the world - Mass culture: companies, words, music implemented by other countries = never feels foreign, is familiar -> Many people afraid of American replica of the world International relations and peacekeeping: - United Nations (UN) peacekeeping organisation as the world's biggest organization to solve conflicts -> At the moment 12 operations to secure peace -> US as a global peacekeeper = part of NATO Pandemics: Disease that affects large number of people and spreads over multiple countries or continents -> Globalisation speeds up spreading due to increased traveling -> Need of unified work against for example COVID-19 Pros- & Cons of globalisation: Chances: Better cultural awareness = travel & freely - Global togetherness: = friends from other nations through easy & unrestricted internet access Easier access to products for example medicine Secures jobs and economic stability = outsourcing, more opportunities Helps developing countries by Fair Trade Challenges: Westernization and Americanization: = loss of other cultures - Personal data less secure in network = control, too much information Unsustainable lifestyle = waste, consumerism, health issues Can cause disputes or wars Unfair distribution of wealth & bad working conditions = frustration NIGERIA: General information: Country on the western coast of Africa Nigeria was colonised by Great Britain -> Colonial era & British rule had huge impact: = education, christianisation, new infrastructure... 1960: Gained their independance = federal republic -> English as official language remains = pidgin English Country failed to keep up with modern standards through civil wars like Biafran war Facts & figures: About 70% of around 200 million people live in poverty No access to drinking water, health facilities or electricity = in Germany almost 100% -> Lower life expectancy and median age = affected by limited resources and lack of basic needs Nigerian economy: 1. Oil industry: Whole export of country dependent on the oil industry = Offers jobs, big contributor to the GDP, debt-relief 2. Tourism: Try to provide wide variety of tourist attractions -> Unique wildlife, local traditions, growing cities -> Some people scared by prejudices & underdevelopment Challenges: - Country is ethnically divided = competition, disparities Bol Haram: Isla hist terrorist group Attack, murder and kidnap people, destroy schools -> Want to prohibit western education & other religions -> Constant fear & insecurity of becoming a victim -> Lack of trust in government = corruption, political instability UN now trying to interfere and support Nigerians = Nigerian army also tries to fight against Child Labour and soldiers: Many children in Nigeria have to work as hairdressers, street vendors... = lack of education, fatigue -> Due to poverty, rapid urbanisation, expensive secondary education many orphans = children become soldiers out of despair -> Projects like the Makoko floating school the Lagos slum tries to ensure education and medical care for children Sexually transmitted infections: Sex education or access to contraceptives is not supported by governement = many Nigerians infected with STD's like HIV -> Through unprotected sexual intercourse, a lot of girls raped = Need for better enlightenment, vaccination, diagnosis SHAKESPEARE: General information: - William Shakespeare was an English poet, playwright & actor of the Renaissance era -> Contributed over 1700 words to English language = are still used -> First one to create characters with psychological complexity = even monarchs with feelings The Elizabethan Age: 1558-1603: Reign of queen Elizabeth I -> Time period of English Renaissance in which Shakespeare lived -> People start questioning role of god, religious & political order World Picture: - Belief that world was ordered in ladder by god -> Great Chain of Being = revolting against system as deadly sin -> King was chosen by god became sole authority Era heavily affected by superstition that was believed by folk Four elements are body fluids that influence mental & physical health Macbeth: Summary: Macbeth is a brave soldier who is tempted by prophecies of three witches that he will become king. -> As he is urged by his wife he murders King Duncan and gets to the throne of Scotland -> Then his wife & him loose touch with reality and deals with the immense consequences of guilt, anxiety and paranoia. = Lady Macbeth kills herself and Macbeth gets killed in the end. Macbeth as a tragic hero: -> Person that is seen as good & noble but has a tragic flaw = self-inflicted downfall, trapped Macbeth firstly portrayed as perfect, obedient hero -> His blind ambition to kill Duncan as a tragic flaw -> Is easy to impress by witches and his wife = flaws lead him to become a tyrant who cannot stop -> Hero at heart, but flaws contribute to his death = downfall Changing relationship between husband and wife: In the beginning symbiotic relationship = communication, trust When planning the murder = more passionate -> LM manipulates him through mocking him & questioning his masculinity = she is dominant After the murder: gap between both = both feel guilty -> LM takes responsibility and judges him at the banquet but cannot help him In the end is he not interested by her suicuide Language used in Macbeth: Imagery: blood, darkness, disease, nature Often includes soliloquies, monologues and asides Uses paradoxes and antithesis to contrast good & bad -> Apperance vs reality, order vs disorder, male vs female His Relevance in modern times: Should we still teach Shakespeare in school? Pro: - Able to identify with characters = psychological insight Increases vocabulary and ability to learn about power of language = important for education National monument and plays are constantly performed today Opportunity to discuss moral issues Contra: Language over 400 years old = looses force, grammar alters Students not able to understand or not interested in true meaning = Need to wait few years Should be voluntarily to honor his work = contemporary texts more interesting GREAT BRITAIN: United or disunited Kingdom: England + Scotland + Wales + Northern Ireland = UK -> GB: geopgraphical term, land mass UK: political union, sovereign state -> Devolution process: administration decentralized & more locally = tendency in the UK to stay united Gap between rich & poor: Developed through raise of minimum wage & many low paid employees = 20% live in poverty, kids on streets Widest gap of rich & poor in EU = often false image North-South divide: After economic revolution and the World Wars -> Downfall of North & as London grew South wealthier South has access to global markets & offer better paid jobs = people immigrate there, brain gain North depends on public sector & only minor development -> Revival currently happening = hard due to Stereotypes Empire & Commonwealth: British Empire ruled 1/4 of the world in early 20th century -> Controlled many colonies = most became independent Commonwealth as voluntarily association of many former colonies Australia, Canada, South Africa -> Head is the Queen, cooperate & have trading deals... Ethnic minorities & immigration: -> Diversity due to British Empire is reflected in GB Multiculturalism: many cultures exists in a country More diversity, understanding & tolerance for other cultures -> But can also lead to discrimination & segregation -> Difficult for first generation of immigrants but easier for 2nd Assimilation: Migrants take on host country's culture completely -> Easy immigration but loss of own culture Hyphenated identity: Migrant and host country's culture blend -> Good community spirit but no diversity & national identity Monarchy: - Head of state under reigning of Queen Elizabeth II. Pro: Personify state & reaches out to people = look up to - Traditional & warmhearted - Attracts tourists, economic value - Monarchs live with privileges Currently modernising = gender equality British identity: - National identity as a feeling of belonging to a country -> Tradition, culture, language = unites citizens, stereotypes Contra: A life of sentence for them, pressure = cannot choose, dresscode Represents inequality & classism = prevents modernisation, irrelevant Appearances cost much, scandals More a front of parliament, = unelected head of state Britishness: - Proud & connected to country: royal family, tea time, rain... -> No common definition = often Stereotypes Many people have dual identities: Scottish, Irish... -> Leads to confusion & no feeling of belonging to UK but is inclusive & multicultural successful nation-state Brexit: - Term referring to withdrawal of the UK from the EU -> Boris Johnson: British PM in favor of Brexit UKIP-Party stands for Brexit -> Mostly middle class majority who feels left out = feel anxious about immigrants, national identity - 2016 referendum majority voting in favor of exit -> January 2020: official leaving date Leave: Govern themselves better -> No payment for EU, make their own trade deals Control over immigrants, less terrorism Keep traditions & ancestry More opportunities for smaller companies & more jobs Stay: EU as bigger entity & decision maker = influence & economic profit Single european market access = helps with investment, better infrastructure Work together in globalized world = trade deals - More opportunities for companies to grow = millions of job linked to EU THE MEDIA: The role of the media: - Traditional media like radio, television increasingly replaced by online news sources social media... Positive: unlimited & quick access internationally staying connected, entertainment, exchange Negative: Collected data & spying, filter bubbles, creation of extreme political & public opinions, illusionary world, anonymous publishing, influencing people negatively = influencers, Filter bubbles & fake news: Filter bubbles due to algorithms created by our online activity = only media content that encounters personal worldview Fake news can lead to mal-, mis- & disinformation -> Mostly unchecked & possibility to harm others -> Media literacy as a skill to analyse navigate news environment =neutral, reliable sources with legal notice of website owner... Whistleblower: Leaks criminal activity or information of wrongdoing of an organisation to proper authorities = important to protect them from punishment Deepfakes: Computer-edited realistic looking videos & audios through a software with Al intelligence algorithms = changes facial features, false impression -> Can threaten someones reputation, difficult to detect = misleading or manipulated content, clickbait... -> Good for editing a voice for someone who cannot speak AUFBAU: Comprehension: Topic sentence: Titel, Autor, Jahr, Thema, Textsorte -> Zusammenfassung ohne Zeilenangaben Analysis: Fictional & non-fictional text -> Immer aspektorientiert & Schwerpunkte achten! Non-fictional text: speech, article... Language: Style: formal/informal, colloquial,serious, scientific, emotional... Tone: ironic, critical, ironic, worried, hopeful... = attitude & feeling towards content Syntax: paratactic/hypotactic, Register positively/negatively connoted... = choice of words Word fields, vocabulary Argumentative & communicative strategies: Headline, use of pronouns, questions, thanking Quotations, expert opinions, statistics, many viewpoints Historic events, personal experience, current examples Line of argument: structure Introduction, definition, thesis, guiding question, background information, example, conclusion... Stylistic devices: Structural devices: Enumeration, parallelism, repetition, antithesis, anaphora... Figurative devices: Metaphor, image, simile, personification... Other devices: Euphemism, pun, irony, hyperbole, paradox... Fictional text: short story, novel extract... Narrative perspective: first or third person narrator -> Authorial = omniscient, personal = limited Atmosphere: of horror, lovely, idyllic, depressing... = feeling of environment Characterisation: Personal data, outward + inward apperance -> Direct or indirect, round/complex or flat character Cartoon: Description + Deutung Bildelemente Oratorical style: emotional... = Redestil Mode of presentation: scenic (=showing) & panoramic (=telling) Re-creation of text: Comment: Eine Seite + eigene Meinung Discussion: Argumente abwägen -> Assess or evaluate: Formal letter: beide Adressaten + rechts Datum -> Dear Sir or Madam, Yours sincerely or faithfully... Informal letter: rechts deine Adresse + Datum Email: From/To/Subject + Empfänger beachten Letter to the Editor: links Adresse Editor + rechts deine Adresse & Datum -> Vorstellung und Grund des Schreibens, auf Text Beziehen + eigene Argumente & Ausblick Soliloquy/inner monologue: Gefühle, Fragen & Kontext Diary entry: Gefühle, Text, Sprache & Datum beachten Speech: Leute grüßen + Anlass Interview: Kontext herum interessant darstellen Blog entry: Leute grüßen, interessante Einleitung, Anlass Newspaper article: Überschrift & introduction -> Tabloid: exaggeration, slang, provocative -> Quality: informative, formal, facts... Review: Einleitungssatz + Interesse wecken, reviewing, Information about author, conclusion + Empfehlung -> Author, title, place & year of publishing, ISBN, publisher...