


Oral exam global challenges







Cartoon analysis
The cartoon created by.. And published in... On the... Illustrates/deals with the topic)
A first impression
Cartoon analysis
The cartoon created by.. And published in... On the... Illustrates/deals with the topic)
A first impression
Cartoon analysis
The cartoon created by.. And published in... On the... Illustrates/deals with the topic)
A first impression
Cartoon analysis
The cartoon created by.. And published in... On the... Illustrates/deals with the topic)
A first impression
Cartoon analysis
The cartoon created by.. And published in... On the... Illustrates/deals with the topic)
A first impression
Cartoon analysis
The cartoon created by.. And published in... On the... Illustrates/deals with the topic)
A first impression
Cartoon analysis
The cartoon created by.. And published in... On the... Illustrates/deals with the topic)
A first impression
Cartoon analysis
The cartoon created by.. And published in... On the... Illustrates/deals with the topic)
A first impression

Cartoon analysis Introduction The cartoon created by.. And published in... On the... Illustrates/deals with the topic) A first impression Description - The cartoonist shows... -There is a caption at/on/in and speech bubbles where's written... -The situation that is presented draws parallels to... -The figure on the left/right hand corner / in the background/foreground is... Interpretation - x is represented as... The facial expression of ... shows/reveals... - It could be concluded that... - His message/point seems to be that... - Perhaps his intention is to show that.... The cartoonist exaggerates character traits in order to (draw attention on...) - the cartoonist wants to attack/criticize/show... Opinion Is it effective or not? Discussion Stating your point - if you ask me,... - I strongly believe that... - To be quite honest with you, I think... - The point I'm trying to make is... Concending a point - I have to admit that... - I'd never thought of it like that. - I see what you mean, but... Agreeing - your absolutely right - I couldn't have said it better - That's my feeling exactly Clarifying - In other words... - What im saying is.... - I'm sorry but i didn't quite get that, could you repeat that Helping someone - What's your view on this? - Which statement do you like the best? - Is there anything you would like to add? Listing arguments - in addition... - Furthermore,... Disagreeing - Im sorry, but i don't agree at all -...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

You seem to miss the point that... - I would like to remind you that... - Well, i have my doubts about that. Concluding - to sum up - all in all - I think we can all agree that... Linking words Additionally... - Furthermore... - Moreover... - In addition... Topics American Dream Definition: anyone can achieve anything if they work hard and passionately, the belief that anyone, regardless of where they were born or what class they were born into, can attain their own version of success in a society Main idea: -Is used to inspire and motivate Americans to improve themselves - ,,anyone can go from rags to riches" = unrealistic expectations Dream of: - fame and fortune, fulfilling life, success - social: equality, opportunities, classless society - political: democracy, right to vote for everyone, religious freedom Myth: - freedom for everyone - opportunities success - democracy - pursuit of happiness - religious freedom - upward mobilityI - work hard->success Reality: - black people: slavery - hatred - discrimination - inequality / gap between rich and poor / genders are not treated equally - police violence/ racism education is not affordable for everyone Today: - critical view on the American dream -growing gap between rich and poor no classless society - children cannot be better than their parents - success depends on financial background of their parents - sometimes it still gives hope for people and motivates them Globalization Definition Globalization is about the world becoming increasingly interconnected Countries today are more connected than ever before, due to factors such as air travel, containerized sea shipping, international trade agreements and legal treaties, and the Internet. In the world of business, globalization is associated with trends such as outsourcing, free trade, and international supply chains Three types of globalization - economic the focus is on the integration of international financial markets and the coordination of financial exchange - culture focuses in a large part on the technological and societal factors that are causing cultures to converge - politic This type covers the national policies that bring countries together politically, economically and culturally Effects - Growing competition - constant pressure to cut costs in a free market economy and simplified hiring and firing -> clear priorities on efficiency, speed and profits Changes in working conditions and job opportunities - longer working hours and fewer holidays - lower wages and poorer working conditions - especially in developing countries where most are being exploited by big global players - rising unemployment and early retirement - more part-time and temporary work instead of permanent jobs Winners - industrialized, stronger countries (traveling, trading, education) - big companies (Global Players) Losers - developing (and emerging) countries - workers in developing countries - smaller companies -> competition is very high - local farmers - cultures -> indigenous people Global warming /climate change Climate change is a long-term change in the average weather patterns that have come to define Earth's local, regional and global climates. These human-produced temperature increases are commonly referred to as global warming Greenhouse effect The greenhouse effect is a natural process that warms the earth's surface. Some of the suns energy is absorbed and re-radiated by greenhouse gases. The absorbed energy warms the atmosphere and the earths surface. Human activities are increasing the concentration of the greenhouse gases, which is trapping extra heat in the atmosphere and that causes the earths surface to rise Fashion-industry The clothes we weare were created in bad conditions in poor countries with low security standards (Rana plaza crash 2013) which is dangerous and unhealthy for the workers. The workers are not paid a living wage if they're paid at all. The workers are bad treated especially women, which are also raped sometimes. Sometimes factory workers hide helping notes in the clothes they produced Food miles Food miles is the distance, food is transported from the plough to the plate. Food that has been flown across the country causes a growing source of greenhouse gas emissions, because it contributes kilos of CO2 to the environment Globalization Negative Aspects: - millions of people in developing countries are being exploited and still suffer from malnutrition or die of less curable diseases - cruel working conditions - produce goods that will be shipped and sold to industrialized countries at a low price - due to an increased mobility diseases can spread a lot faster around the globe -> Corona - affecting whole economy because of production stop or supply bottlenecks - ecological challenges -> global warming and climate change - rapidly growing pollution - fumes from factories - increased number of traffic (cars, ships, planes, trucks, ...) - makes traveling easier (cheaper than before) -> mass tourism - greenhouse gases cause the chemical damage of the atmosphere and form a layer around the earth trapping the heat - climate change: 1. floods in coastal areas 2. heavy rainfall, tsunamis, hurricanes, tornadoes or other storms - droughts 3. melting of polar ice-caps 4. rising sea-levels - sinking biodiversity as many plants and animals die out -> increased number of endangered animals Solution - stop of deforestation and plant new trees - improvements to energy efficiency - use of renewable energy instead of fossil fuels (solar, wind, geothermal, biomass and hydropower energy instead of coal, nuclear power, oil and gas) - reduction of mass consumption -> eat the food you buy - reduction of water waste - recycling and thrifting Internet - unlimited access to information - new connections - virtual business - work from home - illegal activities - dependent on it - unlimited access, children - addiction - mental health. Surveillance: close observation, especially of a suspected spy or criminal - people feel safe - detection of terrorists, criminals, spies - interception: legal basis - surveillance cameras are expensive & not effective (can't prevent crimes) - systems abused (stalking) - no privacy (uncomfortableness) Brexit: - UK leaves European Union - Factors included sovereignty, immigration, the economy and anti-establishment politics, amongst various other influences - The result of the referendum, which was not legally binding, was that 51.8% of the votes were in favour of leaving the European Union. Waste/Pollution Plastic - dumped into the ocean (17.6 billion pounds) - isn't compostable -> animals eat it: die / get hurt -> danger! - plants die too - convenient, cheap, long durability ideas: - recycle - no plastic bags - no plastic straws -> connection to globalization: - population growth -> more plastic waste (worldwide shipping) E-Waste - warmed -> toxic chemicals -> damaging the atmosphere - contains hazardous materials -> brain, gear, liver damage - often illegally recycled Cars - car pollution: major cause of global warming - release carbon dioxide & other greenhouse gases -> greenhouse gases trap heat in atmosphere -> increase of temperature - get where u want easily - flexibility! independence - gases (global warning) - increasing temperatures: environmental catastrophe -> heat waves - losing habitats: going extinct ideas: - drive less - less heat, air conditioning - reduce, reuse, recycle GM Food are foods derived from organisms whose genetic material (DNA) has been modified in a way that does not occur naturally, e.g. through the introduction of a gene from a different organism. - very controversial - helps food shortage - tastes better - expensive - farmers lose their jobs Robots - help people - used for work - use for military - replace humans. no morals / feelings: good and bad Drones - flying objects used for e.g. news - save life's - do jobs (delivery) - replace people - not reliable (rain?) Democracy in action Election - The President of the USA is elected every 4 year A president can only be re-elected once, i.e. reign for a maximum of 8 years - The election process takes over a year - The US traditionally has a two-party system Several parties Democrats - liberal, left-leaning based on community and social responsibility former presidents: john f. kennedy & barack obama - civil rights, immigration, climate change - Republicans - conservative, right-leaning - based on individual rights and justice - former presidents: george w. bush, ronald reagan & richard nixon - lower taxes, gun rights, tighter restrictions - Libertarians - Greens Executive: President - carries out laws can veto congressional legislation - appoints judges - president appoints government Not equal • President can be elected with less votes in total ▪ President, Vice President & 4 million people (Military staff etc.) - Serves a 4-year term of office - Do not have to be members of the political party that holds the majority in Congress - Elected by the Electoral College (Only political figures to be elected nationally) ▪ Role of President: - Head of state and government & Commander-in-Chief of the military - Suggesting new laws to Congress - Signing vetoing laws passed by Congress (Can only be overturned by a 2/3 majority in Congress) - Appointing federal judges (Supreme Court judges) - Appointing member of the Cabinet - Managing national affairs and the federal government - Control over military strategy and matters of national security Difficulties: Needs the approval of Congress for most decisions, therefore can become difficult if his political party no longer has the majority in Congress Legislative: Congress can change laws - can veto each other's bills Judicial: Supreme Court - interprets laws - can declare laws unconstitutional - can declare presidential acts unconstitutional -approves presidential appointments / can impeach the president -confirms president's nomination / can impeach judges ▪ Congress (Divided into 2 chambers: House of representatives & Senate) -Both chambers have equal power -Both are elected directly by the citizen - Both must agree before a bill can become law - 2-party-state: Dominated by Republicans and Democrats ▪ The powers: Make laws - Impose and collect taxes (& control federal spending) - Control trade with other countries and within States - Print money and regulate its value - Declare war and make peace agreements - Maintain, arm and discipline the armed forces - Oversee and check the activities of the Executive Branch Difficulties: If one political party has the majority in House of Representatives and one has the majority in the Senate Individual & sociality - traditional picture of families and family values - less kids in one family - single child & single parent household - gender roles: • women taking care of the kids and the household chores • men worked - breadwinner: used to make the rules at home and his orders needed to be obeyed • men & women are (legally) equal: both are working. at least part time, also men are doing household chores. - job situation changed dramatically: • traditionally men used to work on fields, manually, doing agricultural work and earning hard money • nowadays people are able to choose their occupation and workspace • most often they work in the service sector and teamwork plays an important role • women also work in these kind of fields, quotas made it possible as well as a more open- minded society and changing gender roles - participation in democratic rights: • in western societies people are demanding political participation and they are able to express their views in campaigns and protest marches • people start acting responsibly in terms of our environment they act environmentally conscious and they are willing to make a contribution to the preservation of the environment Self-driving cars - a few exist already old people / children can drive - no concentration - technic can fail - disabled people once destination is reached? - expensive - replaces people, jobs Organ donation - saves lifes - another chance - organs you don't need - let you die for organs - savior siblings Cloning - a sheep - eliminates diseases - detect bad traits - brings loved animals back - no diversity - diseases? - bad intentions Designer Babies - eliminate diseases, stronger, smarter - male/female balances - wrong traits, perfect fighters? - no individuality Utopia Definition A perfect society in which people work well with each other and are happy -> perfect society, government got everything right, everyone is happy Characteristics of utopian society - information, independent thought and freedom are promoted A figurehead or concept brings the citizens of the society together, but not treated as singular -> Citizens are truly free to think independently Citizens have no fear of the outside world Citizens life in a harmonious state - The natural world is embraced and revered - Individuality and innovation are welcome - The society evolves with change to make a perfect world - People are happy no war - The described society seems to be achievable by scientific and moral progress. Stability is ensured by strict regulations, so that the individual is fully part of of society. - happiness of all people, so that freedom is not considered essential - genetic control sexual freedom the fight against aging financial and professional security Dystopia Definition A very bad or unfair society in which there is a lot of suffering, especially an imaginary society in the future, after something terrible has happend Characteristics of dystopian society - propaganda is used to control the citizens of society - Information, independent thought and freedom are restricted - A figurehead or concept is worshipped by the citizens of the society -> Citizens are afraid of the outside world and the government - Individuality and dissent are bad - Controlling people - War, hell - Nothing perfect - Inequality - Living in a perfect world, but drugging our feelings and thoughts for it. Especially the dystopia shows what a cruel future humanity could be aiming for. - Sport, sex and shopping is the own interest -> love, feelings are suppressed and by the Soma everyone is happy - a dystopia that includes a utopian imagination - people have no individuality anymore - the system controls the people - people who question the system break the stability and are not wanted -> are sent to lonely islands - there is no democracy but a totalitarian regime of 10 world controllers - People are kept away from nature - One is forced to be happy