


Utopia - Dystopia







Utopias and dystopias are two types of worlds that are popular in
speculative fiction or science fiction stories. The term 'speculative fict

Utopias and dystopias are two types of worlds that are popular in speculative fiction or science fiction stories. The term 'speculative fiction' is a broad term that includes all science fiction, fantasy, horror, supernatural, apocalyptic, alternative history, or other type of fiction that is not strictly realistic. Utopia / Dystopia A utopia is a perfect world. In utopias, there are not problems like war, disease, poverty, oppression, discrimination, inequality, and so forth. The word 'utopia' was made up by Greek roots by Sir Thomas More. In 1516, More wrote a book called Utopia. Depending on the Greek roots used, utopia can either mean no place' or 'good place'. - peaceful government - equality for citizens - a safe environment - access to education, healthcare, employment, and so forth A dystopia, on the other hand, is a world in which nothing is perfect. The problems that plague our world are often even more extreme in dystopias. Dystopia is a play on the made-up word 'utopia' using the root 'dys', which means 'bad or difficult'. Words like 'dysfunctional' or 'dyslexia' illustrate the use of this prefix. Characteristics - illusions of perfect, utopian societies - usually a controlling, oppressive government or no government - either extreme poverty for everyone or a huge income gap between the richest characters and the poorest characters - propaganda is used to control the society's citizens and the people's minds - technology is used as...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

a method of surveillance or control - a person or party has total authority over the society (the protagonist often rebels against them) - freethinking and independent thought is banned (there is little or no freedom of speech or opinion; access to information is restricted) - large emphasis on conformity (citizens comply to society's expectations; individuality is bad)