


Abitur Lernzettel - aims&ambitions, ethnic cultural diversity, saving the planet, the impact of the media on society, linking words







Englisch Abitur Lernzettel aims & abitions
- stay healthy
- have a family
- pass the A-level
- find a job
- do more for the environment
- su
Englisch Abitur Lernzettel aims & abitions
- stay healthy
- have a family
- pass the A-level
- find a job
- do more for the environment
- su
Englisch Abitur Lernzettel aims & abitions
- stay healthy
- have a family
- pass the A-level
- find a job
- do more for the environment
- su
Englisch Abitur Lernzettel aims & abitions
- stay healthy
- have a family
- pass the A-level
- find a job
- do more for the environment
- su
Englisch Abitur Lernzettel aims & abitions
- stay healthy
- have a family
- pass the A-level
- find a job
- do more for the environment
- su
Englisch Abitur Lernzettel aims & abitions
- stay healthy
- have a family
- pass the A-level
- find a job
- do more for the environment
- su
Englisch Abitur Lernzettel aims & abitions
- stay healthy
- have a family
- pass the A-level
- find a job
- do more for the environment
- su
Englisch Abitur Lernzettel aims & abitions
- stay healthy
- have a family
- pass the A-level
- find a job
- do more for the environment
- su
Englisch Abitur Lernzettel aims & abitions
- stay healthy
- have a family
- pass the A-level
- find a job
- do more for the environment
- su

Englisch Abitur Lernzettel aims & abitions - stay healthy - have a family - pass the A-level - find a job - do more for the environment - success - a fulfilling life reach your goals The iron Lady" Margaret Thatcher was a britisch stateswoman. She advocated the legalization by homosexuality and abortion, and was against the abolition of the death penalty. -positive/optimistic - has achieved sth. a role model qualities for teenager in Germany - an inspiring person - responsible, wise, altruistic - has talent/personality mature for teenager in USA must be other focused - affect others with theirs passion - active in their communities - tolerant towards people who ate different - committed to make sth. better ,,This is the future as liberals want it. " - @Boubah360, Instagram - the picture shows a Muslim and a transgender women, who are sitting next to each other on the subway - muslim is wearing a burka - transgender women is wearing a dress - the picture conveys that we have to tolerate every human with their religion, culture and passion there are many political discussions, because of people, who don't accept the differences between humans - example: in Germany, Jews are getting in trouble, because of wearing a kippah 1st semester: Aims and abitions - ,,Into the wild" about Christopher McCandless and society: Who does Chris criticize? - his parents - society - politicians Conclusion: - he was naive and ambitious The individual society Video,,Balance" - short Film called ,,Balance" - interpretation of society: → relation...

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to society and how it functions → criticism of materialism, egotism → healthy society: cooperation, sharing What does he criticize? - materialism - that money makes people cautious - they are Bad to each other: greed, egotism, consumerism - judgement What did Chris do? - left society → into the wild What happened? - he felt depressed and lonely -,,Happiness is only reals when shared" - Chris died in the wild Generation Z positive aspects & chances : - improve our world 1955-2010 - get involved - stand up for their beliefs - shape the future - help less privileged people - access to a variety of possibilities to construct their identity - ready to fight for equality and education - use means of communication for political issues negative aspects & challenges : obsessed with selfimage - anti-social trouble makers - find their own way - pessimistic view of the world - face big challenges, such as environmental and economical problems, terrorism and social inequality Alex Wheatle: straight outta crongton - it is a book from Alex Wheatle about Maureen (aka Mo Baker) and her Teenager problems in the imaginary City Crongton - the topics: domestic abuse and gang violence, focus on women Volunteering reasons why young people volunteer: - help others - work experience - make a change/difference - give smth. back/ for the society - for they application (look good on the CV) - try different fields of work pros: - opportunities for experience - way of helping the environment and people in need without enormous costs - looks good on a CV cons: - due to the staff being paid nothing it's not appealing to many people - volunteering can be used for things are deemed unnecessary → organisation can use charities and volunteers to make money for themselves succ iccessful children What successful chinese children was never allowed to do: - attend a sleepover be in a school play - complain about not being in a school play - watch TV or play Computer games - choose their own extracurricular activities - get any grade less than an A - not be the #1 student in every subject expect gym and drama -play any instrument other than the piano or violin - not play the piano or violin Romeo und Julia - Romeo and Juliet is a work of art which weaves together a large number of related impressions, ideas, images, and moral judgments. It changes from violence to beauty, from bountiful love to malicious hate. There is music and dancing; fantasy and bawdry; the heights of joy and the depths of misery; the lively festivity indoors and the tranquil moonlight outdoors; the unhappy dawn in the bedroom and the desperate suicides in the tomb. The British System of Government Monarch ceremonial functions & social duties, appointing the prime Minister, opening Parliament sign the bills offically appoints officially appoints (on the recommen- dation of the PM) The Government prime minister: Number 10, called general elections, Leader of HC elects Cabinet: government department to uninstets Parliament House of Lords: approve laws, 700 members delay a bill, power is limited - its accountable to House of commons: passed bills to House of Lords, elected for 5 years, approve laws, represent constituencies pro -border controls (migrant, ...) - UK weekly savings around 350 mil f own agreements with China/India own laws Electorate all men and women over the age of 18 Brexit - United Kingdom leaves the United Nation Started 2014: talking about the 2 options (stay or leave?) June 23rd 2016: Brexit referendum July 13th 2016: new prime minister Theresa May contra - fight against terrorism - stronger foreign politics - better economical circumstances employment laws 2nd semester: ethnic cultural diversity The United Kingdom Queen Elizabeth II -born: April 21, 1926 in London - first child of King Georg the fourth - husband: Prince Philip of Greece - very formal in public - interest: horse and dog -drive without a license The British empire report 1607: (King James I) Jamestown was founded 17/18th century: dominant colonial power, war between France&Netherlands 1775-1783: American revolution 1815: France war until 1915: imperial century WW2: decline (anti-colonization movements&bankruptcy) 1997: great Britian giving Hongkong back to china Reasons for Brexit: - We can set our own immigration policy - The UK can make its own laws March 29th 2017: negotiations start May 24th 2019: Theresa May announces abdication July 23rd 2019: Boris Johnson Oktober 17th 2019: EU&UK agree on Brexit January 31st 2020: UK leaves EU - leaving would save the UK money - The EU is a corrupt racket - leaving makes the UK great again From Empire to Commonwealth the british Empire - largest colonial empire - had established colonies (all over the world) - settlement colonies (Canada, New Zealand & Austria) size: one fifth of the land ended: second world war - it frees us from EU red tape - We'll be less exposed to instability - It shows the EU we're serious - We can trade with the rest of the world - We can re-establish commonwealth links the Commonwealth of N. - british monarch - includes two billion people - united by language (english) 53 countries - voluntary association!! ** The USA The Mayflower Compact The Mayflower Compact is the name given to a document signed on board the Mayflower in November 1620 while the ship lay anchored at the tip of Massachusetts Bay. The Mayflower had originally been bound for Virginia, but storms forced it to land far to the north. A controversy broke out over the question whether the new settlement should be made at the present (northern) location, or whether the ship should resume its voyage southward at the next opportunity. To end the quarrel, the settlers agreed to form a council, whose decisions would be binding. 41 of the ship's 101 passengers (all men) signed the agreement. Timeline of US history (for general reference) Year Event 1607 1620 1775-1783 4 July 1776 1789 1803 1861-1865 1890 1917 1919 1929 1941 1945 1945 1954 1955 1989-1991 2001 2006 2008 CRASHER First permanent English settlement at Jamestown (Virginia). Pilgrim Fathers' (i.e. English Puritans) found colony at Plymouth (Massachusetts). 13 colonies fight the War of Independence against Britain. The Declaration of Independence is signed in Philadelphia. US Constitution goes into effect. The former colonies are now the United States of America. The Louisiana Purchase: the United States doubles size. Civil War; slavery ends in the South. The last major battle against Indian tribes. Congress officially declares the frontier closed. USA enters World War I (first involvement in a European conflict). Women are given the right to vote. Great Depression begins. USA enters World War II following Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. USA drops atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Cold War begins as USA and Soviet Union emerge as new world powers. US Supreme Court declares segregated schools illegal. Civil Rights Movement begins with the Montgomery (Alabama) bus boycott Cold War ends with the collapse of the Soviet Union. Terrorist attacks on the Pentagon and the World Trade Center. US population reaches 300 million. Financial crisis begins. The USA-still the Promised Land? ✓ - equal opportunity - freedom from religious & political per- secution - cheap farmland - natural resources -> economic wealth - world power/autonomous - better education X - economic instability due to housing crisis - widening gap between rich & poor - slavery -> segregation - feeling of insecurity/surveillance - political system Utopia Definition: The term Utopia comes from Greek and means ,,no place". In 1516 the English philosopher Thomas More wrote a work of fiction called Utopia, describing a paradise-like place and society. What defines a utopian society? A utopian society is an ideal society that does not exist in reality. Why can't Utopia exist? There can be no Utopia society because there is so much variation in how people want to live. Living a zero waste life What motivated Lauren Singer to change her lifestyle? - a girl in her class - a blog post about Zero waste life What did she do to produce zero waste? -shoppings second hand - make toothpaste, shampoo, ... by her self - buy unpacked products Which benefits does Lauren Singer see in her zero waste life - save money - eat better Which three steps does she recommend to adopt this kind of lifestyle - look at your trash and understand what it is - picking at the low-hanging fruit - DIY, learning how to make products self Dystopia Definition: Dystopia is the opposite of Utopia and means the not good place. The earliest dystopian works Gullivers travels by Jonathan Swift another Dystopian works - H.G Wells: The time Machine - A. Huxley: Brave new world - G. Orwell: Animal Farm elements of a dystopian society - loss of individual - the People are powerless - explotation for entertainment gap between rich & poor fast fashion negative effects during production process of clothes - co2-pollution, water pollution 3rd semester: saving the planet what each of us can do to save this planet - use less plastic - shop second hand - energy consumption -shipping causes CO2 emissions Nineteen Eighty-Four The book 1984 written by George Orwell and published in 1949 is one of the most powerful satires ever written. The Author pictured a world in which personal freedom is denied, where lies replace truth and where resistance is punished by torture. When the main character Winston Smith rebels against the authority of Big Brother and his treachery is uncovered, he must be made to suffer the consequences. - cotton need a lot of water/water consumption when growing cotton - exploitation of workers - lack of safety measures/poor working conditions/no insurance - throway consumption is promoted - pesticides What is treating the planet? - war -political differences - global warming - pollution What we can do against fast fashion - buy second hand, flea market - organic cotton - buy garments produced under fair conditions (in Europe) - only buy what you really need - DIY or upcycle wash less often and don't use a dryer - overpopulation -poverty/starvation -sort your trash - go to school by bike - save water (short shower) -save electricity - become an activist -technological development - deforestation - desertification - buy local, eat saisonal - buy Fairtrade - reduce meat consumption - take the Train instead the Plane -stop wasting food - use green energy Biofuels - the green alternative? pro - clean & renewable no limit - environmentally friendly - helps to slow down climate change - more jobs for farmers - recycle bio-mass/organic material - less CO2 emission - can use everywhere - replace fossil fuels by bio-fuels contra - large amounts of raw material are needed. - pesticides/insecticides/ artificial fertilizer needed - monoculture - does not stop humanmade climate change - most people are sceptic due to the disadvantages - deforestation of rain forest what do you use media usually for? - stay up-to-date - for school - exchange opinion - stay in touch with friends and family - funny content living interactive lives positive aspects negative aspects - pool of information - abuse of data - sharing their everyday life - research, cooperative learning, self-study - to be exploited by - stay in touch with friends business op political organizations and acquaintances - seek advice - exchange material online school pros - flexible scheduling - study anytime - login from anywhere - suits a variety of learning-styles - using for entertainment - to fill up spare time - high level of Knowledge cons - a need for technological equipment and a good internet connection - a need for motivation and self- discipline - no face-to-face interaction on-campus schooling pro - qualitative teaching with equal emphasis on values and morals - face-to-face interaction with classmates and teachers digital native - video surveillance darkness,cyberbullying the media on society - fake news the degree of media literacy that is to be expected of each of the three groups - using for information - stay in touch with family & friends - stay up-to-date CCTV (closed-circuit television) is a system in which television signals are not publicly broadcast but are monitored only by those people who have access to the systems content. The primary purpose of CCTV is to reduce crime and anti-social behavior, especially in public places and shops. With around 4.2 million CCTV cameras, Britian has become the most watched country in the world. 4rd semester: The impact of cons - commute time and expenses Edward Snowden -*1983, USA - revealed secret information of the NSA = whistleblower - 2013 NSA scandal: US intelligence agencies spied on citizens all over the world - exile the world - USA want to punish him for his illegal action, i.e treason - awarded the alternative Nobel prize: he sacrificed his life for the sake of the right to privacy Tactics of fake news fake news: news that has been entirely fabricated or made up propaganda: disinformation with an explicit or implicit political agenda digital immigrants misinformation: information that is incorrect disinformation: ways to mislead audience - stay in touch with family CCTV cameras in the classrooms? pros - limited access to a defined target group - reduce crime our bullying/ protects students from being a victim - detect vandalism - incites correct behavior - cheating is prevented - school is just another public like shops or underground station (we' ve already got used to it) - protects students and teachers from being victim of crime - data are safe as they are kept in the principals office - can save teachers job as it protects from false allegations/ accusations can protect students from being abused by teachers cons digital retards - would be unusual in the beginning - infringement to privacy - footage could be misused - footage could be manipulated/distorted - bullying is not prevented outside the school building - cameras exert pressure on students/might inhibit them - cameras cannot do the educational job which teachers are supposed to do - technology is too expensive - risk of vandalism - dehumanizing effect of permanent surveillance - students feel trapped/ exposed - cameras alone will not help solve problems Dating Apps pro - you can find singles without having to leave your home - you get to see singes that you would never normally meet (more options) - you get to find out a lot of basic information about a Person before you meet them - you can always close the app when get bored or no longer want to talk to a person anymore con - if you meet the person, they may not look like their profile picture - it may not be a real person or a rapist, murder, ... reasons for disinformation being a problem: - government used disinformation to influence public opinion - used to spread political disinformation how to deal with the problem: - use fake-checking tools - change search engines - educate how to detect fake news additionally in addition moreover furthermore evidently / obviously actually in fact similarly likewise equally compared to/with not only ... but also ... just like although neither ... nor despite nevertheless however due to for this purpose SO accordingly as a consequence consequently therefore ... such as to conclude linking words namely in brief zusätzlich außerdem des Weiteren außerdem, ferner offensichtlich tatsächlich genaugenommen ähnlich ebenso, gleichfalls gleichermaßen im Vergleich zu nicht nur..., sondern auch ... wie auch obwohl weder.... noch trotz nichtsdestotrotz jedoch, dennoch infolge dessen / wegen deswegen deshalb, daher demgemäß als Folge(dessen) folglich deshalb wie abschließend nämlich kurz gesagt