


Englisch Kontextwissen Abitur 2022







Main topics:
Attitudes towards life
Harold and Maude" by Collin Higgins. (1974)
unusal relationship between Harold, a 20
Main topics:
Attitudes towards life
Harold and Maude" by Collin Higgins. (1974)
unusal relationship between Harold, a 20
Main topics:
Attitudes towards life
Harold and Maude" by Collin Higgins. (1974)
unusal relationship between Harold, a 20
Main topics:
Attitudes towards life
Harold and Maude" by Collin Higgins. (1974)
unusal relationship between Harold, a 20
Main topics:
Attitudes towards life
Harold and Maude" by Collin Higgins. (1974)
unusal relationship between Harold, a 20
Main topics:
Attitudes towards life
Harold and Maude" by Collin Higgins. (1974)
unusal relationship between Harold, a 20
Main topics:
Attitudes towards life
Harold and Maude" by Collin Higgins. (1974)
unusal relationship between Harold, a 20
Main topics:
Attitudes towards life
Harold and Maude" by Collin Higgins. (1974)
unusal relationship between Harold, a 20
Main topics:
Attitudes towards life
Harold and Maude" by Collin Higgins. (1974)
unusal relationship between Harold, a 20
Main topics:
Attitudes towards life
Harold and Maude" by Collin Higgins. (1974)
unusal relationship between Harold, a 20
Main topics:
Attitudes towards life
Harold and Maude" by Collin Higgins. (1974)
unusal relationship between Harold, a 20
Main topics:
Attitudes towards life
Harold and Maude" by Collin Higgins. (1974)
unusal relationship between Harold, a 20

@1 AIMS & AMBITIONS Main topics: Attitudes towards life Harold and Maude" by Collin Higgins. (1974) unusal relationship between Harold, a 20 year-old and the 74 year-old woman. Maude presents circle of life., living life to its fullest, accepting death Harold : death obsessed; lost soul. Maude : Atitudes towards life Harold & Maude; Greyhound Tragedy Gender roles & Nature vs. Nurture the individual and society. I enjoyed being dead"; "I haven't lived. I've died a few times" life obsessed; free spirit. Changes in society The world needs no more walls. What we've got to do is get out and build more bridges". gender roles: → rigid gender reus; women in charge of household :↓ feminism : BRUNNEN men men are considered as head of the family, wage earner gender equality to great extent women: disadvantages. in job (gender.pay gap) discrimination ban. of emotions. 11 a woman has to be twice as good as a man to be regarded as half as clever" glass ceiling: an unacknowledged barrier to advancement in a profession. → affecting women 2. members of minorities. gender pay gap: the difference in the avarage hourly wage of all women & men → most significant among the highly educated groups the belief that women should be allowed the same rights, power 2 opportunities as men organized effort. Nature vs. Nurture Nature →→ pre-wiring.. influenced by genetic inheritance Nurture → influence of external factors., product. of education,...

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family, culture, etc. bsp. Nature proponents believe that homosexuality, is genetic. Nurture proponents believe that homosexuality is a choice or a behaviour. influenced by environmental factors.. Girls will be Girls" George Lazarus parents raising their daughter gender neutral girl still shows. typical girl behaviour Girls and boys behave diffrently and think diffrently: one should not deny. the diffrence Modern Media Social media is a collective of online communication channels → communities interact, share content. 2. collaborate pro spreads informations faster. than any other media to empower, induviduals, to make social change. increases persons life quality. .express.yourself, full.safe. new ideas, perspectives. contra. → enables the spread of unreliable. .& fause. information. algorithm supports, extremists views less newspapers. →→→ lack of privacy, exposes users. → can lead to. Stress 2 offline problems + facilitates cyberbullying. Q2. Ethnic e cultural diversity Hain Topics: Great Britain Immigration, Multiculturism. American Dream Tortilla curtain Globalization, COMMONWEALTH association of countries across the world → historically connected to British Empire → 54 countries. Pros + support for developing. countries. criterias for membership :. world peace; liberty: human rights: equality: free trade pros collective majority ruler. election/peoples decisions Democracy form of goverment in which the people have the authority to choose their governing legislation. British Empire. cons →less cooperation with the rest of the world. cons powerful, wealthy nation, which defeated other European countries. 1.2 conquered indigenous people → colonization. Clash of cultures : polarization occurs frequently → the voice of the people ends with the election The Empire on which the sun never sets' BRUNNEN Multiculturals i 2 Immigration the host society values 2. fosters diversity. → differences caused by different lifestyles 2 the. resulting social problems. → rasism. 2 discrimination: Britons are the opinion of. being superior + traditional role expectations lead to exclusion from society loss of identity of the homeland; too British "My son the fanatic" by Hanif Kureishi Father first gen. immigrant adapted British lifestyle Son : felt disconnected to his cultur; religion, became fanatic S Immigration is the act of someone coming to live in a diffrent country economic, political issues natural disasters to. Britain: 14 First World East world Third World American Dream. Tortilla Curtain" by. T.C. Boyle 1995. → middle-class values; illegal immigration ;. xenophobia, enviromental Delaney Mossbacher: describes himself as "liberal humanist" narasst → racist thoughts, actions Kyra. Mossbacher : as well as Delaney concerned about enviroment. → more open about her. racist thoughts welcomed, no problems in society, good jobs do the unwanted jobs (important) mass immigration, most likely unwelcomed. Candido Rincon: illegal immigrant who tries to realize the American Dream + realizes how unreachable the American dream is hard truth about the American Dream. controversial examples of immigrants. From rags to riches." America land of opportunities, freedom, better life personal dreams freedom, self fulfilment,. fresh start prosperity, sucsses, no poverty. economic dreams Social dreams → religious dreams. → political dreams → national identity. equality. religious Freedom. democracy. patriotism, individualism in lower classes, used for Low paied jobs immigrants mostly → motto of the American dream pro. richer more diverse culture better education for immi- grants contra Steal jobs overcrowding disagreement between religion & cultures. Q3 Saving the planet Main Topics: Utopian vs. bystoplan Novels the Wall Climate change & activism Speeches UTOPIAN VS. DYSTOPIAN utopia. Dystopia region of happiness e perfection very negative imaginary world. presents a fictional post- apocalyptic world in the future. Genne is used to represent, a. perfect looking society / world. → peaceful goverment, equality. → war, supression, suffering,. safe enviorment, safety. injustice, sickness, poverty Characteristics of Dystopia: 1. Futuristic setting with technological advancement + Genre used to project current. issues into the future as a warning. 2. Back story involving war, revolution or natural disasters wich changed the old system, so that the new system could take over BRUNNEN 3. unjust, Totalitarian goverment system that exerts poverty & has control over people → society structure usually characterised by class system; unfair distribution of wealth. Hero: feels that there is something wrong in the system & fights to change it Figure of conflict: represents everything. The dystopia promotes. Development of human civilization; Blessing beneficial effects on standard of living + live expectancy new technoligies that help the enviroment. . Curse → Major global challenges. → waste + pollution radioactive & electronic waste loss of jobs THE WALL by John Laachester Setting: Athmosphere. Society 2. Politics migration protect England from so called "others". (refugees" if they fail their taste thrown in the sea I lived. → the wall is a defense wall that runs along the coast. of the country. to keep out "the others." "National costal Defense Structure. run by the millitary e woman / men guard, the wall forced to stay for two years climate change. → chatastrophic climate change leverything about human live changed? post apocalyptic (shows what could possibly happen in the future). COLD; constant attribute of the wall (negative connotation). uncomfortaly depressing., Scary the weather, sourroundings are cold as well as the individual feelings/emotions. CLIMATE CHANGE →→ global phenomenon of climate transformation characterized by.e.g. global warming. caused by human activities Causes consequences ACTIVISM + result of industrial revolution I burning fossils, fue(s). greenhouse effect I gases trap the suns heat, & send it back to earth) factories, airplanes, car.etc. increase greenhouse effect global warming, sea level rises. → deforestation (reduction of oxygen-producing). (contain co².). endangers habitat, of species Di caprio speech" at UN. climate summit. purpose: → encourage the reader l audience to act. pro → melting polar. icecaps (rising sea level) → flooding, crop failure, famine. * heat waves, drought. (.desertification). put audience in charge of future of our earth raising awarness. usually peacefull → widespread attention. + morally justified. contra. => extreme weather. conditions =7 directly adressing. hyperbel - extreme measures. → bad influence on economy + distrupt public transport → emergencies not taken care of. public critisim ENGLISCH KLAUSUR 1. fake news (social media) 2. citizen journalism 3. media literacy. 4. nosedive FAKE NEWS Fake news is false or misleading information. presented as news.. Fake news often has the aim of damiging. the reputation of a person or entity, or making money through. advertising revenue.". → to entertain people. → stories are sensational / controversial, which makes us want to read them 11 → Stories can be mixed with real news stories to make them sound more believable 28-02-22 ·10 e professional jounalists might see. fake news, pick it up and write. about it themselves, bc of the pressure. in news outlets. Why the invention of the fridge could be responsible for our love of fake news- lan Leslie.. 2018, New Statesman → belive fake news, because they want to 7 "motivated cognition" → reasoning backwards "you take a side, then believe anything that seems amenable to their side, while dismissing any news that does not." David Rand, professor at MIT "1 > people who fall for online lies are lazy, not biased" > those who react intuitively and quickly to new information are more I naive than than those who exercise analytic reasoning ("cognitive control") is social media bad for you? The evidence and the unknowns. Jessica Brown, BBC Future, 2018 social media effects people diffrently, depending on preeexisting conditions 2 personality traits BRUNNEN → fake news can be made more quickly, than in traditional, but also can be fixed just as quickly. I ducy Sanderson, 2018. Terra Ferma Media " It ain't all bad: 9 reasons why social media isgr SOCIAL MEDIA "websites and applications that enable users. to create and share content or to participate in social networking." Communication is easier • fell connected & sociable. 个 creating communities • Like minded (safe place). generating job oppertunities journalists, managers etc.. Engaging with costumers./ increasecustomer engagement • tool to contact companies. Free education in everything. • "how to..." viedeos, posts. Breaking news spred faster! .• Twitter. Sending messages of safety! mark yourself as "safe" during critical times → global marketplace. online shopping. (influencers etc.) Social media gives every one. a voice ...no gatekeepers ,express your- self. 11 It ain't all bad: 9 reasons why Social media is great". Lucy Sanderson, 2018, Terra Ferma Media, e Relationships • loose social skills. → Stress/ • induces more stress than it relieves "Pew Reasearch Center" 2015 WDC Mood • lower moods after using. researches in Austria" 2014. sleep •blue light has impact "researches from University of Pittsburgh" 2017 Addiction •exessive usage linked to less participatic in offline communities other problems Self-esteem • lowered. self-esteem users compare themselves" survey by Penn State University, 2016 Conclusions social media effects people diffrently depending on pre-existing conditions & traits 11 Is social media bad for you.? The evidence and the unknown. Jessia Brown, 2013, BBC Future 11 social media changed the way elections are run. (politics in general) • Political activism on social media. more personal & faster. mass media utilizes wide variety of advertising techniques to get their message out and change peoples mind rely on it as a source of information (can be one-sided) focus the public's attention on certain personalities & issues prompting people to take action CITIZEN JOUNALISM everybody can be a journalist, serve professional journalists as source (tool for educated journalists), collection and analysis of news e information by general public." playing an active rde be eyese cars of prof. journalist (co-producing) overcome represive regimes. Jean-Paul Lewist. Journalist TED Talk BRUNNEN PROS AND CONS Citizen journalism breaks down the "us and them" dichotomies and reporting is closer to reality. Supplements mainstream media by providing instant/real-time coverage. Links dissociated people across geographies to create a cohesive forum. Ability to reach areas/situations where regular journalists are prohibited or simply unavailable. Outreach and ease of availability are clear advantages of citizen-reported news. Case of lan Tomlinson: new ways to inves- tigate → utilize technolegy. Citizen journalism has a greater error margin with factual inaccuracies diluting reporting standards, Lacks objectivity and journalistic ethics leading to biased news reporting Could lead to riots and harm public health due to lack of editorial controls. Sensationalism and rumors are inevitable with false reports often going viral. Citizen journalists could compromise security and add to risks of putting others at harm. Cyp - citizen journalists write e post anonymously 7 no credibility - fact check storys. difficult to verify. - common people are more. believable one-sided. 7 "Citzen jounalism cannot replace professionalism" 2018, by Megan Davis The Sentinel → Jean Paul dewis, jounalis TED Talk MEDIA LITERACY 11. is the ability to identify diffrent types of media and understand and critically sending and critically deal with it" teaches the students to be wise consumers of media → connects learning with real life →gives students a common aproach to critical thinking. → reduces potentially harmful effects on younger people → assists students identifying and challenging bias in the media See the world from multiple perspectives. Key concepts: Media are constructions. do not simply reflect external reality Audience negotiate meaning! → different audiences can take away different meanings from the same media (age, gender, social status etc.). Media have commercial implications → it is a buisness and it must make money 7. buisnesses e cooperations influence content & distribution Media are social and political. 7 convey values, power and authority → can drive political change NOSEDIVE" → superficial society • can not be your true self! CHINA'S SOCIAL CREDIT SYSTEM → data is gathered by ... banks • financial situation. important things do not matter (nonesty, loyalty) seeking for validation loose basic social skills/ controlled by others (who are superficial.) private companys • state. spending habits (alcohol, cigarettes or diapers.) behaviour on social media (critizicing the goverment, praising the party) good citizen (in the 700). bad citizen (500 or lower) paying half the price for. public transport. no transport, banned from society loose rights, shame them publicy blacklisted discount on public services no bank loan, apartment, can not. sent children to. private school • pro .forces you to be well behaved. → Society has rules. rebuilding moral society 7. vicious circle. contra deprived of individual freedom I live with restrictions of all kinds splitted Society → those with high score benefit those with low score loose rights 6 DIGITAL LEARNING individual learning process can be better controlled Shy students can be involved. more easily you can attend classes from. any location (Lockdown) → can cause physical and mental problems → decrease of communicative!. social and creative skills. E sense of isolation, feeling of community gets. last, impersonal → absorb less information. → distraction, inability to focus How classroom technology is holding students back. Natalie Wexler, 2019, MIF Technology review. → 89 %. of Students in the United States use digital learning tools in schools. at least a few days in a week. Gallup Report, recent → eight graders who took Algebra I online did much worse than those who took the course in person → when learning in person, you have a relationship with that person. • makes you care a little more about what they think • makes you a little bit more willing to put in effort cognitive. Psychologist Daniel wiling ham using digital devices as tool for teachers. • better understanding on what is going on in classroom saving them time!" enabling them to reach more kids directly, more often Larry Berger Suburban Baltimore County began abonding textbooks. 2. paper. 5 years ago. • test scores have slipped Sceptical parents