


Englisch Lernzettel







• introductory sentence
L author, title, publishing date/place, topic
Who is the author?
When was the text published?
Where was it p

summary • introductory sentence L author, title, publishing date/place, topic Who is the author? When was the text published? Where was it published? What topic of text is it? What topic does the text deal with? Bsp. The (Textsorte) (Titel) written by (Autor) in year (Erscheinungsjahr) informs about/deals with/is about (Hauptthemal. •main body 1/3 of the text ↳ short and simple ↳> main aspects •paraphrase •simple present formal language • use your own words •W-question Wer?; Was?; Wann?; Wo?; Wie? Warum? ·last part zusammen fassen Bsp. The text presents information about the climate change and conclude that... Useful phrases -Introduction The short story/novel/article/poem/{"title") The extract from the short story/novel/-("title') by (author) written by (author) in (year).. and published in (source) in (year) ... deals with/is about/shows/illustrates... -main part According to the author.,... •The author believes/claimes/emphasizes written discussion - Introduction L> kurz schreiben worum es geht. • Intresse des basic questions wecken -main part L> strongest to weakest را Englisch-Klausur First line of argument 3arguments against your opinion Lt counter arguments Second line argument L> 3 arguments supporting your opinion • explanation -conclusion *Sum up the problem and state your opinion Useful phrases -Introduction My text is about.... In the following text I will write about. -main part *Firstly, Secondly, Thirdly.. Let me give an example..... It is true /a fact that.... Another argument is that.... Moreover •Furthermore conclusion To sum up one can say that... *All in all, I would say that... I think that..... •In my opinion My opinion about this is that analysis - Introduction general statement what am lexpected to find out? reference to the task Bsp. In the following newspaper...

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artide 'Title' written by Carmen Fishwick will be analysed with the special focus on her attitude towards the connection of NPD and social media. -Main body Presenting the relevant points [own words] *writing paragraphs Point out [introduction sentence] ↳ evidence [quotation] ↳analysis - explination of the point ↳ explain the quotation LO stylistic devices, choice of words - Conclusion give an answer to the task •Sum up the most important results [ without repiting] Useful phrases the main part.. he/she appeals to the audience's emotions by begins with/starts off with... makes the reader rely on the author's seriousness •the structure is logical the authors intention.... to influence Rhetorical Devices alliteriation: the same sound is repeated at the beginning of several words or stressed syllables in words that are in close proximity turn the tide allusion: reference to a detail of common knowledge, eg. a historical incident, famous person, song title anaphora: a word or phrase is repeated at the beginning of successive phrases, clauses or lines: "You know them..., you know that will happen... You know that". antithesis: opposition, or contrast of ideas or words in a parallel sentence construction: ,,his time - our time. Honour - dishonor. direct address: to involve the audience directly and give each person the feeling of being referred to individually: "My friends... you... we..." ellipsis: a word or phrase in a sentence s omitted though implied by the context. Also a category in the analysis of the relation between story time and discourse time when discourse wife analysig. Jonny discourse skips to a later part story time: ,,no more excuses". enumeration/accumulation: using a list of items/actions to convey an impression of P including different groups/problems/steps to achieve a goal: "I have seen cities like Beijing ..., ancient Boreal forests..., and rainforests in Indonesia..." hyperbole: obvious exaggeration for emphasis or for rhetorical effect. irony: a discrepancy between the expression of something and