


Englisch Mündliche Prüfung







Cartoon Analysis
The cartoon created by...and published in... on the... illustrates/ deals with...
- The cartoonist
Cartoon Analysis
The cartoon created by...and published in... on the... illustrates/ deals with...
- The cartoonist
Cartoon Analysis
The cartoon created by...and published in... on the... illustrates/ deals with...
- The cartoonist

Cartoon Analysis Introduction The cartoon created by...and published in... on the... illustrates/ deals with... Description - The cartoonist shows... -There is a caption at/on/in and speech bubbles where's written... -The situation that is presented draws parallels to... -The figure on the left/right hand corner/ in the background/foreground is... Interpretation - x is represented as... - The facial expression of ... shows/reveals... -It could be concluded that... - His message/point seems to be that... - Perhaps his intention is to show that.... - The cartoonist exaggerates character traits in order to ( draw attention on...) - the cartoonist wants to attack/criticize/show... Linking words - Additionally... - Furthermore... - Moreover... - In addition... STATING YOUR POINT if you ask me,... -I strongly believe that... 1 - To be quite honest with you, thin... - The point I'm trying to make is... CONCENDING A POINT DISCUSSION - I have to admit that... - I'd never thought of it like that. - I see what you mean, but... AGREEING - your absolutely right - I couldn't have said it better - That's my feeling exactly CLARIFYING - In other words... - What im saying is.... -I'm sorry but i didn't quite get that, could you repeat that HELPING SOMEONE - What's your view on this? - Which statement do you like the best? - Is there anything you would like to add? LISTING ARGUMENTS - in addition... - Furthermore,... DISAGREEING -Im sorry, but i don't agree at all - You seem to miss the point that... -I...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

would like to remind that... you Well, i have my doubts about that. CONCLUDING - to sum up - all in all -I think we can all agree that... American Dream What is it? - main idea: anyone can achieve anything if they work hard and passionately -Is used to inspire and motivate Americans to improve themselves - ,,anyone can go from rags to riches" = unrealistic expectations Myths: - freedom for everyone - opportunities - success democracy - pursuit of happiness religious freedom - upward mobility - work hard->success - American dream today: - critical view on the American dream Dream of: - fame and fortune, fulfilling life, success - social: equality, opportunities, classless society - political: democracy, right to vote for everyone - religious freedom Reality: - black people: slavery - hatred - discrimination - inequality / gap between rich and poor / genders are not treated equally - police violence/ racism - education is not affordable for everyone -growing gap between rich and poor - no classless society - children cannot be better than their parents - success depends on financial background of their parents - sometimes it still gives hope for people and motivates them