


Environment abiturrelevant







air, river and sea pollution
exhaust fumes
CO₂ emissions
fossil fuel
nuclear waste
at spill
oil alich
global warming
climatic changes

air, river and sea pollution exhaust fumes CO₂ emissions fossil fuel nuclear waste at spill oil alich global warming climatic changes way Nogase CO₂-Emissionen fossiler Brennstoff recycling biodegradable packaging unleaded petrol alternative energy sources Atommall Ölverschmutzung ölteppich Recycling VOCABULARY THE ENVIRONMENT globale Erwärmung Cuft: Fluss und Meeresverschmutzung Klimaänderungen biologisch abbaubare Verpackung bleifesies Benzin DV greenhouse effect rainforest shrinking habitats endangered species overpopulation water shortage water disposal packaging mesticides solar power energy conservation car pod public transport Regenwald Solarenergie Treibhauseffekt Verpackung Pestizide Energie sparen Jahrgemeinschaft verschwindende lebensräume vom Aussterben bedrohte Tieront überbevölkerung Wasserknappheit, Wassermangel Nefallentsorgung alternative Energiequellen vocasemary in CONTEXT Nowadays everyone in the western world aware of the problemes facing our environment. Global warming is causing climatic changes which will alter the face of our planet forever, doing irreparable damage to the natural world. The destruction of the rainforest means shrinking habitats for many animals and plants, some of which are now hardly able to survive the list of endangered species in the world grows Conger almost daily. In other places the worst problems are caused by overpopulation: too many people in one place means that there are simple not enough, resources to go round. Some of these overpopulated areas are already suffering from cwater shortages, which in its turn affects agriculture, food supply and sanitation. in developed countries the most damage to the environment is done by pollution: exhaust fumes from our beloved cars damage the very oir that we breathe and factories pollute the air with CO₂ emissions while manufacturing more consumer goods for us, which reach...

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us wreapped in. plenty of nonbiodegradable packing, of course. We might think that it's enough to do to conserve fossil fuels and other resources. For example, we could use public transport more often or form car pools for the journey to work every day. Alternative energy sources such as solar power may also become more common in the years to come, but at the moment use of these is the exception rather than the rule. offentliche Verkehrsmittel مد