


Fahrenheit 451 und Censorship







Kurs/Fach: Englisch LK
Name: Karlotta
who in
Fahrenheit 451, dystopia, censorship
Assignment 1: Summary
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Kurs/Fach: Englisch LK
Name: Karlotta
who in
Fahrenheit 451, dystopia, censorship
Assignment 1: Summary
given ex
Kurs/Fach: Englisch LK
Name: Karlotta
who in
Fahrenheit 451, dystopia, censorship
Assignment 1: Summary
given ex
Kurs/Fach: Englisch LK
Name: Karlotta
who in
Fahrenheit 451, dystopia, censorship
Assignment 1: Summary
given ex
Kurs/Fach: Englisch LK
Name: Karlotta
who in
Fahrenheit 451, dystopia, censorship
Assignment 1: Summary
given ex
Kurs/Fach: Englisch LK
Name: Karlotta
who in
Fahrenheit 451, dystopia, censorship
Assignment 1: Summary
given ex
Kurs/Fach: Englisch LK
Name: Karlotta
who in
Fahrenheit 451, dystopia, censorship
Assignment 1: Summary
given ex
Kurs/Fach: Englisch LK
Name: Karlotta
who in
Fahrenheit 451, dystopia, censorship
Assignment 1: Summary
given ex
Kurs/Fach: Englisch LK
Name: Karlotta
who in
Fahrenheit 451, dystopia, censorship
Assignment 1: Summary
given ex
Kurs/Fach: Englisch LK
Name: Karlotta
who in
Fahrenheit 451, dystopia, censorship
Assignment 1: Summary
given ex
Kurs/Fach: Englisch LK
Name: Karlotta
who in
Fahrenheit 451, dystopia, censorship
Assignment 1: Summary
given ex
Kurs/Fach: Englisch LK
Name: Karlotta
who in
Fahrenheit 451, dystopia, censorship
Assignment 1: Summary
given ex
Kurs/Fach: Englisch LK
Name: Karlotta
who in
Fahrenheit 451, dystopia, censorship
Assignment 1: Summary
given ex
Kurs/Fach: Englisch LK
Name: Karlotta
who in
Fahrenheit 451, dystopia, censorship
Assignment 1: Summary
given ex
Kurs/Fach: Englisch LK
Name: Karlotta
who in
Fahrenheit 451, dystopia, censorship
Assignment 1: Summary
given ex
Kurs/Fach: Englisch LK
Name: Karlotta
who in
Fahrenheit 451, dystopia, censorship
Assignment 1: Summary
given ex
Kurs/Fach: Englisch LK
Name: Karlotta
who in
Fahrenheit 451, dystopia, censorship
Assignment 1: Summary
given ex

Kurs/Fach: Englisch LK R 3 Name: Karlotta Exam who in Seite 2 Fahrenheit 451, dystopia, censorship PART A Assignment 1: Summary The given excerpt from Ray Bradbury's novel "Fahrenheit 451" deals with the first interaction between the main protagonist Guy Montag and his 17-year-old neighbor Clarisse McClellan as Montag returns home from his job as fireman Datum: 12/3/20 Montag has a strange feeling while walking home and soon after spots the teenage girl. .The sight of her wandering along the sidewalk fascinates him. For this reason, he approaches her and the two of them stort talking about Montag's job at the fire station, which Clarisse is very curias. Labout, before officially introducing themselves. The scene an end when Clariuse states that she is not afraid of the fireman return enquires why she should be. This interaction between the characters comes to Serves as the basis for the charges Montag goes through in the rest novel, Konzept und Layout: with of Bradbury's Gedruckt auf 100% Recycling-Papier LK Englisch Q2/1. Hbj. 03.12.2020 2. Klausur [225 Min. =3 Std. 45 Min.] Theme: Medien in ihrer Bedeutung für den Einzelnen und die Gesellschaft Visions of the future: utopia and dystopia Text PART A: Ray Bradbury: Fahrenheit 451 (excerpt from a dystopian novel) 749 words Text PART B: Sylvia Sch ab: Martin Schäuble: "Cleanland" - Dystopie einer Gesundheitsdiktatur (Buchrezension auf deutschlandfunkkultur.de) 478 words Assignments: 1. Summarize briefly what the following excerpt from "Fahrenheit 451" depicts. Provide necessary background information needed to understand this excerpt from Bradbury's novel. (AFB I - comprehension and orientation) 2. Analyze the atmosphere...

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that prevails in this scene between Montag and Clarisse and describe their relationship illustrated here focusing on four examples from the text. (AFB II- analysis) 3. Comment on whether censorship is still a current topic today and compare it with the censorship themed in Fahrenheit 451. (AFB III - comment) Annotations: 1. 20 slender (face)- narrow/slim face 1. 32 phoenix-disc on his chest - sign of a phoenix on his fire department uniform 1. 40 in awe - with deep respect Please, deal with the assignments in the given order and try to find appropriate introductions and endings to each answer. In the analysis always support your findings with reference and /or quotations from the text and quote properly, giving line references. Seite 1 von 5 Sound 10 5 15 flery 20 noven cuts 25 30 PART A Novel excerpt from "Fahrenheit 451" by Ray Bradbury, 1953, pp. 10-12 (Cornelsen) Part One: The Hearth and the Salamander narrative per pective at nights gloomy uneasy & contrast catum [...] The last few nights he had had the most uncertain feelings about the sidewalk just around the corner here, moving in the starlight toward his house. He had felt that a moment before his making the turn, someone had been there. The air seemed charged with a special calm as if someone had waited there, tense Cair changes) quietly, and only a moment before he came, simply turned to a shadow and let him through. Perhaps his nose detected a faint perfume, perhaps the skin on the backs of his hands, on his face, felt the temperature rise at this one spot where a person's standing might raise the immediate atmosphere ten degrees for an instant. There was no understanding it. Each time he made the turn, he saw only fascination the white, unused, buckling sidewalk, with perhaps, on one night, something vanishing swiftly across a lawn before he could focus his eyes or speak. But now, tonight, he slowed almost to a stop. His inner mind, reaching out to turn the corner for him, had heard the faintest whisper. Breathing? Or was the atmosphere compressed merely by someone standing very quietly there, waiting? curious He turned the corner. The autumn leaves blew over the moonlit pavement in such a way as to make the girl who was moving there seem fixed to a sliding walk, letting the motion of the wind and the leaves carry her forward. Her head was half bent to watch her shoes stir the circling leaves. Her face was slender and milk-white, and in it was a kind of gentle hunger that touched over everything with tireless curiosity. It was a look, almost, of pale surprise; the dark eyes were so fixed to the world that no move escaped them. Her dress was white and it whispered. He almost thought he heard the motion of her hands as she walked, and the infinitely small sound now, the white stir of her face turning when she discovered she was a moment away from a man who stood in the middle of the pavement waiting. The trees overhead made a great sound of letting down their dry rain. The girl stopped and looked as if she might pull back in surprise, but instead stood regarding Montag with eyes so dark and shining and alive, that he felt he had lively said something quite wonderful. But he knew his mouth had only moved to say Mifeels appreciated, worth Seite 2 von 5 season the way fascination with Clarisse first impressin she carries herself (leaves Clarisse concentrated 9rate for their worldl Assignment 2 : Analysis In the given except from Ray Bradbury's novel "Fahrenheit 451", a certain atmosphere not Lonly imports the emotions of the reades, but also characterizes Montag and Clarisse' relationship. Through the third-person limited narrative, one gets to know Montay's perception of the described situation. Seite Firstly, it has to be considered that the season of fall, in which the excerpt takes place, has an immense impact of the overall atmosphere. When Montag walks home, it is dark (cf.11. 1 f.) and likely slightly cold. However, this is in no way unsettling to the main characte, but instead enhances the "special calm" (1.4) he feels. Despite Cuncertain feelings (1.1), Montag seems to ease in the quiet night. Another. important aspect of the the autumn leaves found on the ground. The author describes how they blow "over the moonlit pavement" (1.17) and mentions the Sounds which the trees make as a result of the light breeze (cf. 1.27). This detailed description provided due to Bradbury's use of Lan extension of time, allows the reader to truly imagine the atmosphere characterizing his be at are season The previously mentioned anturn leaves. first impression which give an introduction to the W 35 Smell (before:Sound) -senses 40 45 50 55 60 hello, and then when she seemed hypnotized by the salamander on his arm and the phoenix-disc on his chest, he spoke again. "Of course," he said, "you're a new neighbour, aren't you?" "And you must be"-she raised her eyes from his professional symbols-"the fireman." Her voice trailed off. "How oddly you say that." "I'd-I'd have known it with my eyes shut," she said, slowly. "What-the smell of kerosene? My wife always complains," he laughed. "You never wash it off completely." "No, you don't," she said, in awe. He felt she was walking in a circle about him, turning him end for end, shaking him quietly, and emptying his pockets, without once moving herself. "Kerosene," he said, because the silence had lengthened, "is nothing but perfume to me." "Does it seem like that, really?" "Of course. Why not?" She gave herself time to think of it. "I don't know." She turned to face the sidewalk going toward their homes. "Do you mind if I walk back with you? I'm Clarisse McClellan." "Clarisse. Guy Montag. Come along. What are you doing out so late wandering around? How old are you?" They walked in the warm-cool blowing night on the silvered pavement and there was the faintest breath of fresh apricots and strawberries in the air, and he looked around and realized this was quite impossible, so late in the year. There was only the girl walking with him now, her face bright as snow in the moonlight, and he knew she was working his questions around, seeking the best answers she could possibly give. "Well," she said, "I'm seventeen and I'm crazy. My uncle says the two always go together. When people ask your age, he said, always say seventeen and insane. Isn't this a nice time of night to walk? I like to smell things and look at things, and sometimes stay up all night, walking, and watch the sun rise." They walked on again in silence and finally she said, thoughtfully, "You know, I'm not afraid of you at all." He was surprised. "Why should you be?" Seite 3 von 5 extremely Small details amaze refledive one another amore of introd- ction deep vant to understand each other gives him very connection immediately. late nore information then he asked for naive connection to normal world->distancing herself anakened: Senses Clarisse makes Montag. As the author mentions the flying leaves, he creates a connection to Clarisse's "sliding walke, letting the motions of the wind and the leaves carry her forward" (11 18 f.). Furthermore, the sounds of the wind which make Montag wonder if he is hearing Clarisse's breath (cf.1.13), are the basis for another netaphor. Bradbury states that "her dress [...] whispered" (1.23). Consequently, s one which can say that the girl seems to be strongly connected to the world around he. the wind and leaves represent the smooth was in which she carries herself. is extremely fascinating to Montay when he her for the first time. This fascination is essential to their relationship and Clarisse's role catalyst in Montag's life, as it impacts. the man's willingness to learn from he. conversation with Montag feels even more drawn to the teenager after they start engaging in a other. However, at this point it becomes apparent that the fascination is reciprocated. One example for this that Clarisse notices the symbol of the Montay's uniform (cf. 1.31) and enquires him about the smell of kerosene (cf. 1.45). She is very curious about Montag's job and aware of many details. Montag to notice small things about Clarisse well, as he utters that "he [knows] she sees as Salamander Seite seems 3 as each 4 Seite was working his questions around" (1.56). Both of them the other's behavior and analyse 1 truly want to know and understand one another, This is not both the Source of a lively, energized atmosphere and an important aspect of their relationship. Clarisse's inquisitiveness is infectious to Montey and leads to him not only questioning and reflecting Clarisse's behavior, but also becoming increasingly aware of the world around him. Clarisse's presence alone seems to incluce Montag to follow his curiousity to see what is Laround the corner. The repetition of the word "perhaps" (1.6, 10) represents his speculations and I willingness to gain knowledge. Another example for this is the closing question: "Why skuld you be?" (1.64) which is Montag's response to Clarisse not afraid of him. This voicing that she is CO seemingly naive response actually leads to Montag reflecting more about his job. He respects Clorisse and takes her and her questions soious enough to allow himself to doubt his Levery day life. The enlightening ambience during the conversation between the two the foundation of Guy Montag's awakening in the rest of the characters. To draw a conclusion, it that in the except at hand, the reader. - gets to know the relationship between Clarisse and Montag and its character novel. can be said PART B: Mediation Together with our partner school in England, we are planning a project on "'utopian and dystopian books about the corona pandemic". For this project, the pupils of the European School Troisdorf as well as the English pupils research books and present them to each other in English via video chat. You have found this review of Martin Schäuble's work "Cleanland". Summarize the content of this novel and present it to your classmates and the pupils of your partner school via videochat. Martin Schäuble: ,,Cleanland" Dystopie einer Gesundheitsdiktatur Von Sylvia Schwab In Cleanland" entwirft Martin Schäuble das Bild eines hygienediktierten Überwachungsstaats! Parallelen zur Jetztzeit sind unübersehbar. CLEANLAND Martin Schäuble ist für seine politischen Jugendbücher bekannt. Mal geht [es] um Islamismus wie in ,,Blackbox Dschihad" oder um Rechtsradikale wie in ,,Sein Reich". Jetzt erzählt der studierte Politikwissenschaftler vom Leben nach einer Pandemie. Der Ort: irgendwo in Europa. Die Zeit: nach einer Pandemie und dem „gesunden Wandel". Fünf Gesetze der Reinheit bestimmen das Leben in diesem hygienediktierten Überwachungsstaat, in dem immer und überall ein ,,Protector", ein Ganzkörperanzug, und ein Controller, ein Steuerungs- und Überwachungsgerät getragen werden. Nachts desinfizieren Cleaner die Wohnungen, während deren Bewohner*innen mithilfe von ,,Nachtheiler"-Pillen tief schlafen. Statt Schule gibt es Homelearning. Küssen ist verboten. Und jede Wohnung hat eine Sicherheitsschleuse und einen Saferoom, in dem die Alten und Kranken hinter Glas ,,geschützt" leben. Gesundheitsdiktatur unterdrückt Individualismus Wie perfekt diese Gesundheitsdiktatur jeden Individualismus unterdrückt, bemerkt die fünfzehnjährige Schilo erst, als das System immer näherkommt, als der kleine Bruder ihrer Freundin Samira auf unbestimmte Zeit wegen Renitenz in einem Saferoom eingeschlossen wird und sie erfahren muss, dass ihr tot geglaubter Opa doch noch lebt - außerhalb des Staates, in den ,,Sicklands", die ,,verseucht, verdammt, verloren" sind. Und dann verschwindet Samira auch noch in einem Umerziehungslager. Schilos Mutter, Mitarbeiterin im Ministerium, ist vollkommen absorbiert vom Seite 4 von 5 state controlled by Control relationships neglected are Kurs/Fach: Englisch LK Name: Karlotta Said through detailed description of the somewhat gloomy, yet mostly calm, Curious, aware, liberating atmosphere. By creating atmosphere with an abundance of information the author Ray Bradbury allows the reader to relate to the characters' feelings and emotions, underlining their role in this important. relationship which is essential to the development. of the story a a be Assignment 3: Comment In Ray Bradbury's novel "Fahrenheit 451", censorship is one of the core issues discussed. Through the burning of books, the people in pover destrez huge amount of information which will no longer available to the public. Furthermore, they control what people may and may not see and listen to by not allowing free press. in our When reading the novel, the question arises of how present censorship is moder sociely In order to comment on this question and compare Lou: world to the dystopia depicted in the novel, I will make use of various references providing information about the debate about censorship in the United States. In 2020, it once again became apparent current topic when that consorship is still a discussion as Seite a Datum: 12/3/20 G sparked after the online Konzept und Layout: Gedruckt auf 100% Recycling-Papier Regime und deshalb ignorant gegenüber der allgemeinen Unterdrückung. Hilfe findet das Mädchen allein bei Toko, ihrem nächtlichen Cleaner. Gemeinsam planen sie ihre Flucht. Parallelen zu Corona unübersehbar Erschreckend sind die Sicherheitsvorkehrungen dieser Zukunftsgesellschaft und man fragt sich besorgt, wie es wohl bei uns weitergeht mit und nach Corona. Dabei ist erstaunlich, wie präzise Martin Schäuble die vielen schwierigen Erfahrungen und Themen unserer Zeit mit technisch ausgeklügelten Science-Fiction-Motiven verbindet. Er dreht die Corona-Schraube um ein paar Umdrehungen weiter und nimmt damit die Ängste ganzer gesellschaftlicher Gruppen in seine Geschichte auf. Seine Cleanland-Dystopie ist stringent entworfen, absolut gespenstisch und eine gezielte Warnung vor zu viel hygienebedingter Überwachung. Fantasievoller Visionär Wenn Martin Schäuble seinen Roman schon vor Corona entworfen hat, ist er ein fantasievoller Visionär. Sollte sein Zukunftsszenario erst mit Corona entstanden sein, ist es ein treffsicherer Schnellschuss. Was allerdings auch. Schwächen mit sich bringt: Schilos Entschluss zur Flucht wird psychologisch kaum vorbereitet und kommt zu abrupt. Und auch die Flucht selbst ist zu knapp und einfach geschildert. Man wird das Gefühl nicht los, dass der Autor nach der überzeugenden Darstellung der allgemeinen sozialen Verhältnisse im ersten Teil seines Buches dann am Schluss ein wenig unter Zeitdruck geriet. Ein Buch zum Weiterdenken Ansonsten ist ,,Cleanland" ein spannender Jugendroman, der die aktuelle gesellschaftliche Diskussion technisch und psychologisch interessant inszeniert und [...] journalistisch versiert auf den Punkt erzählt. Wie die Welt ,,nach Corona" bzw. nach dem im Roman diktatorisch durchgeführten ,,Gesunden Wandel" aussehen wird, ist eine spannende Frage - nicht nur in der Literatur. [...] KJB, Frankfurt 2020 205 Seiten, 14 Euro Ab 12 Jahren https://www.deutschlandfunkkultur.de/martin-schaeuble-cleanland-dystopie- einer.950.de.html?dram:article id=488095 Renitenz - deutsche Synonyme: Rebellion, Widerstand, Ablehnung Seite 5 von 5 negative tendencies psychological impacts. Lk Englisch Q2/1. Hbj. Ray Bradbury: Fahrenheit 451 (excerpt from part one pp. 10-12) 1 Erwartungshorizont / Bewertungsbogen PART A (70 %) [→→ Schreiben mit Leseverstehen (integriert)] 1. Inhaltliche Leistung 3 4 5 1 Einleitung (Autor/Titel / Textsorte/Veröffentlichungsjahr) 2 Einordnung des Textauszugs/der Szene ins Gesamtwerk Worum geht es in dieser Szene? 2 1 2 3 4 5 1. Klausur 7 8 Name: Anforderungsbereich I (Comprehension and orientation) Summarize briefly what the excerpt depicts. Provide necessary background information needed to understand this excerpt. additional points: Summe 1. Teilaufgabe Karlotta Montag spaziert nach der Arbeit durch die Straßen und trifft auf seine Nachbarin, Clarisse, die einen bleibenden Eindruck bei ihm hinterlässt. Clarisse wird äußerlich und charakterlich beschrieben. Die dargestellte Atmosphäre in dieser Szene verdeutlicht die Beziehung bzw. die Einstellung der beiden Charaktere zueinander. Anforderungsbereich II (Analysis) Analyze the atmosphere that prevails in this scene between Montag and Clarisse and describe their relationship illustrated here focusing on four examples from the text. 03.12.2020 Der Prüfling führt vier prägnante Beispiele aus der vorliegenden Textstelle an. 1 Beispiels 1. Beispiel: Atmosphäre → Interpretation der Beziehung/Einstellung zueinander, Stilmittel/Wirkung auf den Leser/Absicht des Autors dimittegy 2. Beispiel: Atmosphäre → Interpretation der Beziehung/Einstellung zueinander, Stilmittel/Wirkung auf den Leser/Absicht des Autors additional points: Summe 2. Teilaufgabe unmittey 3. Beispiel: Atmosphäre → Interpretation der Beziehung/Einstellung zueinander, Stilmittel/Wirkung auf den Leser/Absicht des Autors 4. Beispiel: 6 Atmosphäre → Interpretation der Beziehung/Einstellung zueinander, Stilmittel/Wirkung auf den Leser/Absicht des Autors Schlussfolgerung/kurze Zusammenfassung der Analyse Einleitung mit Bezug auf die Aufgabenstellung/Überleitung zur Analyse 2 Der Prüfling analysiert die Beziehung zwischen Montag und Clarisse (aus der Sicht von Montag) sowie die Atmosphäre die daraus resultiert und die der Autor durch den Einsatz zahlreicher Stilmitteln verdeutlicht. max. Pkte 2 2 Pkte 3 21 (2) O 10 7 2 max. pkte Pkte 3 2 33 33 33 MINOS 3 2 2 (4) O 16 16 Anforderungsbereich III (Comment) 3 Comment on whether censorship is still a current topic today and compare it with the censorship themed in Fahrenheit 451. 1 Einleitung/Überleitung zum Kommentar mit Bezug auf die Aufgabenstellung/Meinung des Prüflings wird deutlich 4 5 additional points: 3 Der Prüfling stellt aus seiner/ihrer Sicht dar, ob ,Zensur" in unserer heutigen Gesellschaft ein aktuelles Thema ist und gibt min. 3 Beispiele für seine/ihre These 4 dn. Um eine Um einen möglichst differenzierten und mehrdimensionales Blick auf die Thematik wiederzugeben, führt er/sie ebenfalls Gegenargumente (aus Sicht von Regierungen/Politkern, Institutionen, Unternehmen und/oder der Bevölkerung) an. Schlussfolgerung/zusammenfassendes Umreißen der eigene Haltung/Appell, Lösungsvorschläge oder Ausblick in die Zukunft Summe 3. Teilaufgabe (3.2) 1. Kommunikative Textgestaltung 1 Aufgabenbezug richtet seinen Text konsequent und explizit auf die Aufgabenstellung aus. 2 Textformate beachtet die Textsortenmerkmale / Konventionen der jeweils geforderten Zieltextformate. Summe: 1., 2. und 3. Teilaufgabe (PART A) 9 PART A (continued) II. Darstellungsleistung/ sprachliche Leistung Konkretisierung der Bewertungskriterien Der Prüfling ... Textaufbau erstellt einen sachgerecht strukturierten / leserfreundlichen Text, u.a. durch sprachliche Verknüpfungen und Absätze als erkennbare Sinnabschnitte. Ökonomie konomie gestaltet seinen Text hinreichend ausführlich, aber ohne unnötige Wiederholungen und Umständlichkeiten. 5 Belegtechnik . belegt seine Aussagen durch eine funktionale Verwendung von Verweisen und Zitaten. Summe 1 (1-5) 2. Ausdrucksvermögen / Sprachliche Mittel 6 Eigenständigkeit löst sich vom Wortlaut des Ausgangstextes und formuliert eigenständig. Der Prüfling... 7 Allgemeiner und thematischer Wortschatz . bedient sich eines sachlich wie stilistisch angemessenen und differenzierten allgemeinen und thematischen Wortschatzes. 8 Textbesprechungs- und Textproduktionswortschatz bedient sich eines sachlich wie stilistisch angemessenen und differenzierten Textbesprechungs- und Textproduktionswortschatzes. max. Pkte Satzbau . bedient sich eines variablen und dem jeweiligen Zieltextformat angemessenen Satzbaus. Summe 2 (6-9) 22 3 3 22 (2) O 16 16 42 39 Pkte max. Pkte 166 4 4 43 max. Pkte Pkte 3 3 21 20 6 Pkte 414 16 43 7 6 21 19 Seite platform Twitter started flagging President Trump's tweet, indicating that they might include false Linformation. Ever since his inauguration in 2016, Trump has been criticizing the media and them acusing of spreading false information about him, In his Executive Order, published on May 28, 2020, The expands on this opinion. For instance, Trump companies suspend accounts and delete posts for "no reason". states that social media He stresses the importance of free speed as the "bedrock of American democracy censorship "un- American". The order shows that ever-increasing relevance of social media makes it important to discuss if and how censorship should take place. Twitter's statement about the topic censorship is not inherently bad. can read that Twitter a safe company states: serve the public conversation. the Shows that In their help center, one the platform ains place for "We cannot at -everyone. making The without protecting the people who Multiple ore and calls participating measures have been taken by the governments of various nations. To then, deleting content is essential to keep their citizens safe. For instance, companies have the responsibility to delete illegal content, including things like vidence, child abuse, terrorism or dehumanizing 3. Sprachrichtigkeit / Normen der sprachlichen Korrektheit 10 Wortschatz 11 Grammatik 12 Orthographie (i.e. Rechtschreibung und Zeichensetzung) Summe 3 (10-12) PART B Sprachmittlung (30 % ) [→ Schreiben mit Leseverstehen (integriert)] 1. Inhaltliche Leistung 1 2 3 Die Schülerin / der Schüler... beginnt mit einer adäquaten Begrüßung der Mitschülerinnen und der Schülerinnen der Partnerschule (im Videochat). Summe: Darstellungs- & sprachliche Leistung (PART A) 63 6D Summe: Inhaltliche (1) und sprachliche Leistung (II) (PART A) 105 99 leitet in seine/ihre Präsentation über ein von ihm/ihr ausgewähltes utopisches und/oder dystopsisches Buch mit dem Titel „Cleanland" ein, welches von dem deutschen Autor Martin Schäuble geschrieben wurde und in einer Zeit nach einer Pandemie spielt. gibt außerdem an dass das Werk Parallelen zur aktuellen Corona Pandemie aufweist. stellt die Protagonistin (15-jähriges Mädchen namens Schilo) aus dem Roman Clon Cleanland" dar und umreißt ihre Lebensumstände. fasst die Lebensumstände zusammen, die in ,,Cleanland" dargestellt werden: - There are 5 laws of purity that fundamentally regulate people's lives. - There is a surveillance state where strict hygiene rules apply. - People who live there must all wear a full body suit at all times and carry a control and monitoring device to protect themselves and others from disease. Every night, when people sleep deeply with the help of night healer pills, their apartment is disinfected. - Each apartment has a security lock and saferoom for the elderly and sick people to be protected. - Children and teenagers are home schooled. -Kissing is not allowed. - The state suppresses individualism and freedom of expression/of speech of its citizens. Resisters are sent to re-education camps. 4 erklärt für ein besseres Verständnis Begriffe wie „Dystopie" und „Utopie". max. Pkte 9 8 4 21 5 beendet seinen/ihren Vortrag und verabschiedet sich. 6 ... erfüllt ein weiteres aufgabenbezogenes Kriterium: max Pkte 1 2 Pkte 9 11 8 4 21 Pkte 1 12 2 2 2 2 (2) O Summe der inhaltlichen Leistung (PART B) 18 14 II. Bewertungskriterien Darstellung / Sprache 1. Kommunikative Textgestaltung Der Prüfling richtet seinen Text konsequent und explizit auf die Intention und den Adressaten im Sinne der Aufgabenstellung aus. 1 2 3 4 5 2. Ausdrucksvermögen / Verfügbarkeit sprachlicher Mittel Der Prüfling löst sich vom Wortlaut des Ausgangstextes und formuliert eigenständig, ggf. unter Verwendung von Kompensationsstrategien. 6 verwendet funktional einen sachlich wie stilistisch angemessenen und differenzierten allgemeinen und thematischen Wortschatz. 8 ... verwendet funktional einen sachlich wie stilistisch angemessenen und differenzierten Funktionswortschatz. 7 berücksichtigt den situativen Kontext. beachtet die Textsortenmerkmale des geforderten Zieltextformats. erstellt einen sachgerecht strukturierten Text, u.a. durch sprachliche Verknüpfungen, Absätze als erkennbare Sinnabschnitte etc. gestaltet/formuliert ihren/seinen Text hinreichend ausführlich, aber ohne unnötige Wiederholungen und Umständlichkeiten. Summe 1 (1-5) 9 10 11 12 verwendet einen variablen und dem jeweiligen Zieltextformat angemessenen Satzbau. Summe 2 (6-9) 3. Sprachrichtigkeit Der Prüfling beachtet die Normen der sprachlichen Korrektheit Wortschatz Grammatik Orthographie (i.e. Rechtschreibung und Zeichensetzung) Summe 3 (10-12) Summe: Darstellungs- & sprachliche Leistung (PART B) Summe: Inhaltliche (1) und sprachliche Leistung (II) (PART B) → Bewertungsschlüssel / Zuordnung der Punkte zu den Notenstufen: Note 1+1 1- 2+ 2 2- 3+ 3 3- 150-142-134-127- 119 112-104-97- Pkte 143 135/128 120 113 105 98 gut) Gesamtnote: 1x (sehr Datum und Unterschrift: 21.12.20 →Gesamtpunktzahl: PART A und PART B 90 89 83 82- 75 4 4- 74 - 67- 68 60 max Pkte 22 12 2 1 2 Z 9 max Pkte Pkte max. Pkte 1 2 2 ១. Pkte 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 99 Pkt. 4 4 4 14 1 1 9 9 27 27 454-1 150 140 5+ 5 5- 6 59 - 49- 40 - 29- 50 41 30 0 I have never read. such an impressive exam text before. You made almost ho linguistic mistakes and the content was also perfect! Hats off! " language Of course, one has to keep in mind that censorship is not always used to people's advantage but can also be "a dangerors pave", as Donald I'm stated in his work. Countries like Ching, for instance, censor illegal activities of spread propaganda. For the listed reasons, it is safe to say current issue that censorship is still a nowadays, regardless of the advantages and disadvantages of the practice. However, when taking a closer look, it becomes apparent that said censorship inherently different content in order to hide scheds from that in Bradbury's novel. While Seite and people are kno-ledge they 7 14 no their government and instead nowadays selective censorship might take place with certain things being illegs! to publish this control is present throughout all aspects of the lives of the characters in Fahrenheit 451". Not only media, but also completely controlled. and jobs are In most parts of the world, citizens. have the right of free speed and free press. Even if one thing might be censored, one is always able to find more information, especially on the internet. In the novel's dystopian world however, there is legal access to informatia completely limited in the able to gain. are 8 In my opinion, one also has to keep in wind that in the world's democratic countries, Lin it is not illegal to have just might hurtful or embodied by actions that are against the law. In Bradbury's work howeve, simply having an opinion can be casidered illegal. The people at finding out whether citicizers are having doubts about the created world, If they do not like a paver Seite is a aim not certain opinion, it be allowed to publish it if it is G₂₂ -person's way of thinking, they will mysteriously disappear like Clarisse McClellan. The most relevant difference to my.. mind, is that in Fahrenheit 451", censorship is used to control people and their emotions, and keep them from critically examining government or developing a mique characte, while noradays that is not the notive in the vast majority of cases. Censorship is mostly used to proted people, especially minorities that are being targeted People are supposed to question the world they live in and engage in discussions with are another. Through partial censorship, these conversations. remain safe and respectful. should All in all, it is obvious that censorship much- discussed issue with both potential dangers and benefits Regardless of what one Tright think of it however, it should be noticed that the form of censorship in Bradbury's novel is of an entirely different character and the cas Kurs/Fach: Englisch LK Name: Karlotta therefore not be directly compared to noden society. Seite 9 Datum: 12/3/20 PART B Assignment 1: Mediation Hello every one, today I'm going to present the dystopian book "Cleanland" by Martin Schäuble to you. In preparation, I read an online article by Sylvia Schrab which discusses the topic of the book and how it connects to our life right now. "Cleanland" is about a 15-year-old named Schilo who lives in a dystopian world. For those of you who don't know what "dystopia" means, it is an imaginary futuristic society which is the result of negative tendencies in the world. Often times, dystapias are characterized. by great suffering and suppression The world ulic Schile lives in is the result of a huge pandemic and the citizens are extremely suppressed. Everything is controlled by the government and personal wishes and especially neglected. For instance, relationships people aren't allowed to kiss and even small children are isolated or almost in prisoned when breaking the rules. The book deals with the Konzept und Layout: are Gedruckt auf 100% Recycling-Papier Contrast between Schilo's mother, who works for the government and doesn't realize all of the suppression, and Schile herself who eventually a plan to escape the world she lives creates 10 Seite Of course there are nany paralles to the lives are living right now. Schäuble's book is an extreme theory on how the current situation. could potentially develop in the future and Lalludes to the fear of many people that the citizens to be because of Covid-19 I hope you enjoyed my presentation and might conside reading Schäuble's book to about the dystopia he created. even *^ learn more Thanks for listening! Bye! The are controlled psychological impacts which a syster like that might have become clearly apparent. IL