


Fashion and confidence







Writing a comment - Fashion enables people to feel more confident
Have you ever thought about the influence of fashion on your self-confiden

Writing a comment - Fashion enables people to feel more confident Have you ever thought about the influence of fashion on your self-confidence? Even though, everybody wears clothes, according to my opinion, fashion enables people to feel more confident. Many people believe in their styles and ways of clothing. A nice dress, a special suit or nice shoes can give you a completely new feeling. Thus, whenever I feel awful and not motivated, I just switch my sweat pants and pyjama shirt and put on a pretty skirt and a beautiful blouse. It changes my mood instantly and makes me feel so much better. Another example I want to mention is, that there are non-profit organisations that give free hairstyle changes and new clothes to homeless people. Taking a look closer, they wash, cut and style the hair without asking for money and donate new shoes, trousers and jackets. As a result, this has an immense impact on the well-being of the homeless. As a result, they are more self-confident, get new hope and simply feel like a normal human being again. Another key point is, the fact that many people like to dress up. Further, whenever people go on a date, to a birthday party or other special events like a...

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marriage, they dress up. Have you ever seen people wearing pyjamas on those events? Probably not! Additionally, wearing special clothes, makes those events that particular and reminds us, that it is something special. For example, many women are super excited when they are buying their marriage dress and pay much money for the this. Personally, I am super confident, whenever I wear high heels. On the one hand, my high heels make me feel super confident and pretty, but on the other hand we need to bear in mind, that these shoes are not comfortable and often hurt my feet. Nevertheless, I am still convinced that fashion enables us to feel more confident, if we want to. In conclusion, I would like to say that fashion definitely enables us to feel more confident. I absolutely believe in the special role of fashion in our life and the society.