


Film Analysis







The Scene is taken from the feauture series the Crown, which was directed by
Peter Morgan and was released in 2016. The Crown portra
The Scene is taken from the feauture series the Crown, which was directed by
Peter Morgan and was released in 2016. The Crown portra
The Scene is taken from the feauture series the Crown, which was directed by
Peter Morgan and was released in 2016. The Crown portra

summary The Scene is taken from the feauture series the Crown, which was directed by Peter Morgan and was released in 2016. The Crown portrays the life of Queen Elizabeth II from her wedding in 1947 until the early 21st century. analysis In the present scene a lot of information are given that are supported by different field sizes, camera angles and camera movements. CAMERA ANGLE & POSITIONS high-angle shot low- angle shot eye-level shot ● The scene is situated in the beginning/ in the middle / at the end of the series The given Scene deals with... ENGLISCH-KLAUSUR - The extreme long shot at the beginning of Jaws is taken at a straight angle as if the camera is a spectator from the beach CAMERA MOVEMENT ● static shot ● There is a low-angle view of the shark moving towards The Camera then moves to a high-angle view of worried people · An over-the shoulder shot →shows the situation from her point of view. In the following reverse-angle shot the viewer can observe her facial expression pan left/right tilt up/down over-the shoulder shot • zoom in /away from · tracking shot reverse-angle-shot • over-head -shot (birds - eye view) ● crane shot from this angle it appears enormous from this angle the scenery appears chaotic -As the shark approaches the girl, the camera pans around to ... - There is tracking shot → as if the camera...

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was swimming parallel to the shark -As... gets nearer, the camera zooms in on the girl to take a close-up shot -A medium shot follows the father as he leaves - The panning /unsteady/shaking camera > conveys idea of dramatic situation underlines emphasises illustrates highlights expresses ● ● ENGLISCH-KLAUSUR • medium shot (upper body) close-up (head, face and shoulders) • extreme close up Idetailed part of face) point of view shot (through characters eyes) . FIELD SIZE Long /establishing shot (object from distance) full shot (whole body) - The film scene opens with an extreme long shot of... → to establish the new setting The Camera takes a... shot - Then a medium shot is used to show the girl swimming away We see the mother in a close-up → looks worried - The girl is shown in an extreme close-up as she sees... → so that the viewer shares her horror 6. film analysis Camera positions over-the-shoulder shot: taken with the camera behind a person, look- ing over his or her shoulder; usually used in dialogue scenes Camera movements static shot: camera does not move; to pan left/right (horizontal schwen- aims at evoking a calm, quiet, peace- ken): used for orientation or to follow ful state a person In reverse-angle shot: shot opposite to that in the preceding scene, show- ing the dialogue partner to zoom in/away from sth./sb.: zooming in can focus on important details; zooming out can establish the context of the whole situation. tracking shot: camera is on a vehicle (- "dolly") moving on the ground, following a moving char- acter or object, or is moved freely (hand-held camera or steady cam); used to indicate the steady movement through the setting VN overhead shot (bird's eye view): makes an object less prominent or gives orientation to tilt up/down (vertikal schwenken): used to indicate height or to follow a person/an object (e. g. leaf, water, snowflake, etc.) crane shot: camera moves flexibly in all directions on a crane; camera might also pan or tilt Field size/camera distance long shot (Totale): people/objects shown from a distance, usually to introduce a new setting (see establishing shot) close-up (Nahaufnahme): head, face and shoulders of a person are shown; focus is on the expression of the face (Mimik) e. g. to show emotions Camera angle high-angle shot (bird's eye view, shot from above): used to make people seem smaller, weak, helpless, humi. liated, less important full shot shot of the whole body/ob- ject and not much else, to empha- size action and the constellation of characters extreme close-up (Detoileufnahme): detailed shot of parts of the face/ the object; often used to create sus- pense low-angle shot (worm's eye view, shot from below): used to make people seem bigger, stronger, superior, self-confident, powerful, threatening medium shot upper body/part of an object; usually to show one or two I characters in action point-of-view shot: a shot seen through a character's eyes; e. g. an establishing shot at the start of a scene eye-level shot (straight-on angle): relatively neutral and restrained 9.