


Film Gran Torino Characterization Sue Lor







Characterization Sue- Gran Torino
Sue Lor, a teenage Hmong girl, lives with her family next to the protagonist Walt
Kowalski, a grumpy old w

Characterization Sue- Gran Torino Sue Lor, a teenage Hmong girl, lives with her family next to the protagonist Walt Kowalski, a grumpy old white man, who leads a lonely withdrawn life after the death of his wife. The film is set in a neighborhood in Detroit, which used to be populated by working-class white families, but things have changed so that now there live predominantly poor Asian immigrants and gang violence is commonplace. Thao Lor, around whose friendship with Walt the story evolves, is Sue's little brother. Sue is very protective of him and in general a caring character. She is the first of the Hmong family to befriend Walt, which is not easy because of Walt's grumpy and racist attitude. But Sue easily gets along with him, because she is an outgoing, friendly and open-minded person. For instance, she always appears welcoming and interested in connecting to Walt even though he consistently rejects her at the beginning. On his birthday she convinces him to celebrate with her family at her house. This scene also shows Sue's significant role in connecting cultures. Although it is to be expected that Walt will not make an effort to be polite and respectful towards the Hmong culture but cause trouble, and her family would never have invited Walt, she asks...

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him over anyway. Her soft skills enable Sue to prevent a cultural conflict. For example, Sue adjusts to Walt's behavior by adapting his sense of humor and communicating through insulting each other. Thereby, she teaches him about the Hmong culture. All in all, Sue proves to be more integrated in the American society than the other family members because of her sociable and liberal mindset. For instance, she dates Trey, a white boy. Furthermore, she herself tells Walt that Hmong girls fit in better in the US. The girls went to College whereas the boys went to jail. Sue is very good at communicating. Whereas Walt's character flaw is solving problems with violence, Sue generally manages to prevent conflicts with words. When Trey and Sue are confronted by the Black gang, she fiercely stands up to the gangbangers even though they are a big threat. In general Sue is portrayed as though, brave and confident. Due to that and the fact that Sue manages to fit in, it seems that she has taken over the role as head of her family. So, Sue is a character with many positive character traits, that make her very likeable. But her character seems rather flat. In contrast to Thao and Walt, who are dynamic characters, that undergo a huge development in the course of the film, Sue remains unchanged. The viewer learns little about her motives, dreams and her feelings are barely portrayed. Therefore, it seems that Sue is a character that exists to form the storyline: At the beginning she tends to run into situations that require Walt to save her like a damsel in distress, so that he can be regarded as a hero. In addition, she acts as link between the cultures and gets Walt to open up and develop into a caring, likeable character as well as protective father figure. Walt seeing Sue's beaten up face after she was raped by the Hmong gang is an important plot point because it makes Walt realize that he made a mistake and that he is the one responsible for her pain. The guilt caused by this sight of Sue leads Walt to the decision to sacrifice himself in order to protect Thao and Sue.