


Genetic engineering







Science/Genetic Engineering
Artificial intelligence
One can predict everything
beforehand (diseases, earthqu

Science/Genetic Engineering Pros ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Artificial intelligence Robots One can predict everything beforehand (diseases, earthquakes) Science or medicine to cure diseases, save lives New inventions, new technologies, possibilities of research Medical diagnosis Getting rid of all illnesses in young and unborn children Potential to live longer Production of new foods: lowers costs Faster growth in animals and plants Conservation of soil, water and energy More food for growing populations Improved animal health and diagnostic methods (indirectly →food) Crops: improved resistance to disease, pests, herbicides More nutrients, products Next generation should have a better life Surgeries were also seen as playing God years ago The goal should be improving the human condition Same-sex couples can have genetically related children Avoid exaggeration No winning the genetic lottery: start from the same fair level Adults can also benefit afterwards Human 2.0 Cons ● ● . ● ● ● ● ● Can be dangerous Machines might take the jobs away Machines vs. humans Things can get out of control Disasters, the destructive potential of autonomic energy and nuclear or chemical weapons May lead to genetic defects Limits genetic diversity in the world Where is the limit? Ethics? Violation of natural organisms' intrinsic values Tampering with nature by mixing genes among species Religion: seems wrong to play God Might end up going too far Negative and unknown side effects One does not know the long term effects Increasing dependence on industrialized nations by developing countries Domination of well-developed countries It's a slippery slope from disease prevention to enhancement, where is the line? Cheat of genes and talent: every parent would want their child to be an artist etc. Unbalanced society since there will be people against it with normal traits (superior, inferior)

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