


Genetic testing / genetic engineering pros and cons







Genetic testing
- increase pressure / stress
- genetic testing does not
necessarily identify a specific
trea disease but may ident
Genetic testing
- increase pressure / stress
- genetic testing does not
necessarily identify a specific
trea disease but may ident
Genetic testing
- increase pressure / stress
- genetic testing does not
necessarily identify a specific
trea disease but may ident

Genetic testing Pros Cons - increase pressure / stress - genetic testing does not necessarily identify a specific trea disease but may identify risk factors that require special ↳ no matter if the gene testing is positive or negative V treatment - there is still Learly detection enables a rapid a chance of developing a disease treatment -If the test is positive, you constantly think about the disease without actually knowing if it develops - no feeling of uncertainty Genetic engineering. Pros -defeating & fighting diseases. →diseases could be wiped out - increases human lifespan for up to 30 years - every child would have chance to be born healthy -values of inheritance is changed →people know they are able to determine the genetic make-up → desire for eugenics rate of abortions of children with diseases or disabilities would be increased - ethically controversial - today's desire of perfection leads to diseases being seen as sth unusual → one should rather focus on the diseases treatment instead of having concerns. about it and wanting to destroy them. already before birth - some might take advantage of having the chance to chose over their baby's characteristics. Cons ethical concerns - create different societal classes - reduce the amount of genetic. diversity (individuality - very expensive infertile couples may have children - would change how we would need to approach population control Genetic engineering - Gentechnik direct manipulation of an organism's genetic make-up; modification & recombination of DNA or other nucleic molecules in order to...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

modify an organism Therapeutic doning - Therapeutisches Klonen manipulate stem cells to develop into tissues or whole organs - embryo is destroyed Reproductive cloning - Reproduktives klonen -process which transplants a cloned embryo into an uterus for development and natural birth forbidden in most countries Genetic testing /screening - Gentest - examining DNA for specific qualities -e.g. pre-implanation genetic diagnosis (PGD): testing the embryo before it is implanted; select children with the desired genetic make-up