


Globalisation Abitur 2021







positive aspects:
- people /countries can exchange information
and goods more quickly and less complicated
fechnical, cultural

definition: 4 positive aspects: - people /countries can exchange information and goods more quickly and less complicated fechnical, cultural and economic developments. growth of transport and communication networks. more jobs in economically disadvantaged Globalisation is a process of interaction and integration among the people, companies and governments of different nations. A process driven by international trade and investment and supported by information technology. countries globalisation information and technology spread more easily increases awareness of global issues. the world grows closer together; active exchange of goods Learning about different cultures. exchange of knowledge / Languages negative aspects Overexploitation of natural resources pollution - Loss of biodiversity climate change Loss of landscapes because of urbanisation Labour exploitation wide gap between developed and developing countries I only rich people profit. growing inequalities (wide social gap) conflicts between cultures (raásm) One handed western point of view "Westernization" more migration - Loss of jobs Future in a globalised world individual preparation: choose a job that has a future/ cannot be replaced by technology. - be informed about globalisation and its Consequences adapting to the changes / taking on new things skills: -technological knowledge computer science world languages foreign languages in general • knowledge of social media -international perspectives.

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