


Globalisation oral exam







Definition of Globalization
Globalization is the growing interdependence of the world's economies, cultures and populations
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Definition of Globalization
Globalization is the growing interdependence of the world's economies, cultures and populations
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Definition of Globalization Globalization is the growing interdependence of the world's economies, cultures and populations brought on by cross-border trade in goods, services, technologies and flow of money, people and information Global warming/climate change emissions are trapped in our atmosphere CO2 emissions production of goods/food transport of goods/food burning of fossil fuels transport of people human activities Fast fashion/cheap fashion →Human activities such production and transport of goods/food, burning fossil fuels or transport of people produce CO2 emissions that are trapped in our atmosphere. The consequence of this is that the temperature on earth rises, which leads to global warming and that means climate changes and the environment is damaged. Corona virus Globalisation oral exam temperature on earth rises global warming people in industrial nations are often unaware of the conditions and buy clothes from these morally-wrong productions -traveling -working in other countries the climate changes Į the environment is damaged - use of planes, ships, buses, etc. -collaboration of international companies -transport of goods -international connection of the media quick spread of diseases quick information about it cheap production in developing countries → higher profit in the industrial nations - fast fashion →→ trends/cheap clothes support people working under inhuman conditions -people in the developing countries don't have any other opportunities → easy replaceable -cheap fashion often only lasts a short period of time → people tend to buy a lot more clothes -low wages vs. high profit/prices - western...

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companies don't invest in the worker's safety. globalization wind power solar power hydro power lots of waste loss of jobs people in the developing countries are exploited higher sustainability than traditional energy sources negative consequences alternative sources of energy -reduction of import -isolation of nations - problematic development of medical supply -social development (= people going crazy) fossil fuels -coal -oil -gas → The alternative sources of energy like wind power, solar power and hydro power offer more. sustainability than the traditional sources of energy like coal, oil and gas. Because of the bad impact of the traditional energy sources on the environment by burning them to produce energy causes, renewable and alternative types of energy are being used more and more often. criticized because of their negative impact on the environment burning them to produce energy causes * CO2 emissions -harsh conditions: no safety-standards - lots of people sharing little space = families -80% of the workers are female - not enough money to live properly they work long hours -"living in a prison"-like almost impossible to survive slum-live - no money for education. one room improvement of the climate/environment due to less emissions → reduction of water-air pollution -new-job availabilities -improvement of hygiene/medical care positive consequences Alternative decisions/options/lifestyles to reduce your ecological footprint Reduce consumption of meat + daily products items made of plastic. - energy + water in everyday-life -less cars and more public transport -buy in bulk -boycott certain companies -less online-shopping Globalisation oral exam Recycle -clean up beaches/water-sources -sort your everyday-waste German "Pfand"-system (deposits) Reduce reduzieren Recycle →→ wieder verwerten/aufbereiten Re-use →→wieder verwenden over-consumption = the action or fact of consuming something to excess Important words and phrases ecological footprint = impact of a person on the environment, expressed as the amount of land required to sustain a their use of natural resources. industrial nations = a country characterized by industry on an extensive scale emerging countries = country whose economy is not yet fully developed Formulation aids developing countries = a poor agricultural country that is seeking to become more advanced economically and socially outsourcing = a company employs another employees to do its work Re-use -donating old clothes - no more plastic cups/plates/cuttery -donate (expired) food On the one hand / On the other hand For this reason... The logical consequence is that... - supporting companies which try and compete emissions -fair-trade product unnecessary lights second-hand-shopping Global Player = a company with world-wide presence in production, which is recognized as a leader in its market segment, by most consumers world-wide In addition (to)... Furthermore, However, Nevertheless Compared to...