









Globalization is the networking of all areas known to us across existing borders.
Globalization did not and has not come about

Globalization Globalization is the networking of all areas known to us across existing borders. Globalization did not and has not come about overnight. Rather, it is a process. Today, this process causes a certain event from one part of the world to affect society, politics, economy and culture in other parts of the world. The term is used to describe global networking through new relationships between people, societies and countries. The inequalities associated with globalisation need to be addressed. Only if so, everyone can truly benefit from the international links. Also ways must be found, to achieve globalisation, without damaging the environment. Typical features of globalization ● Liberalization of international trade ● The immense increase in international trade The increase in foreign direct investment Cross-border financial flows Transnational corporate structures (textile industry, semiconductor industry, etc.) ● Global Markets Exchange of information (know-how, ideas, etc.) ● ● ● ● Advantages of Globalization ● ● ● https://www.vario-software.de/lexikon/globalisierung/ Extensive range of products Drops in prices High mobility of goods and people Global cooperation ● Approximation of cultures ● Rising prosperity (especially in industrialised and emerging economies) ● Worldwide Dissemination of democracy and human rights ● Creation of new jobs ● Exponential Increase in Technical Progress ● Increase in economic performance ● Exchange of knowledge Division of labour - "everyone does what he does best" Disadvantages of Globalization ● Increased competition ● Environmental pollution Increase in global crime ● Immense dominance of the industrialized nations ● ● Worldwide Intersection intensifies...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

problems and crises Negative effects on the labour market ● Unfair distribution of wealth