


Globalization Advantages and Disadvantages







Globalization is the spread of products, technology, information
and jobs across national borders and cultures.
Globalization is the spread of products, technology, information
and jobs across national borders and cultures.
Globalization is the spread of products, technology, information
and jobs across national borders and cultures.
Globalization is the spread of products, technology, information
and jobs across national borders and cultures.

Globalization Definition: Globalization is the spread of products, technology, information and jobs across national borders and cultures. In economic terms, it describes an interdependence of nations around the globe fastered through free trade. Advantages of Globalization: Developing 1. Increases trade ->financial flow rises -wealthy capital ->can alleviate poverty = (by) creating employment = better living standards 2. Developing countries experience an improved standard of living -poverty gets decreased 3. More opportunities for poorer countries - it allows companie to nove their production =brings jobs, information, technology to countries with fewer ressources 4. Made Tourism possible -> eco-boost -fast and easy money for the local (einheimische) General Advantages of Globalization: 1. Acess to goods and services -available to a large number of people ->often at relatively low prices 2. Increases Cultural awareness -more people see more cultures =inspire artists and strengthen ties between nations 3.Spread of Information through technology -the Access to technical know how or just important informations is easier 4. Greater competition -domestic monopolies used to be protected in the past -foreign firms are in competition to the big monopolies ->quality better results for less money 5. New Business opportunities -if companies kept their domestic markets ->they would not be able to develop their products -would have been costly -> Lower quality of the products 6. Environment friendly technology -can trigger new innovations -transfer of the green know how to other countries (with low environmental standards) 7. lower prices -free movement of goods and...

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people ->lower overheads (general costs) ->companies sell products more cheaply 8. More people are able to have better living standards -more products get cheaper ->but are good quality General disadvantages of Globalization: 1. Unequal economic growth -oppression (unterdrückung) of weaker & poorer economies by western bigger corporations ->richer get richer 2. Labor exploitation (Ausbeutung der Arbeiter) - easiest way to keep prices low is a little payment for workers - & bad working conditions 3. Does not create new jobs - redistributes (verteilt um) jobs by moving the production from high cost countries to low cost countries (developing) 4. Dependency on Western countries -globalization doesn't aim to expand business worldwide -aims to benefit (vorteil) us -make poor countries depend on us 5. Higher risk for worldwide financial crisis -limited ressources -> affects the economy -if western countries lower prices everyone has to -less revenue (einnahmen), easy to survive for rich countries -> developing countries suffer (leiden) years from that 6. Domestic (inländisch) Industries -may be endangered (gefährdet) by the damage caused by the other industries ->increase the risk of failure of smaller companies -competition is cheap -> global players 7. Environment -globalization supports global warming =melting ice caps ->animal species extinction (sterben aus) =effects the ecosystem -> our agriculture (Landwirtschaft) =rising of sealevel ->can cause flooding - especially suspectible (anfällig) Pacific islands/developing countries ->migration -> conflicts =Weather change ->food shortage (Knappheit) ->prices increases 8. Disease -travelling and tourism makes diseases spread more easily 9. Prejudice and Racism -free flow of information -fake news ->spread more easily Conclusion: There are winners and losers in everything. Globalization has helped and restricted people. There are many things to improve but to pic a side is too complicated.