









Assignanacal I
In his online comment "How we broke the world"
causes negative developments.
June 2, 20x
published on the website www.msn
Assignanacal I
In his online comment "How we broke the world"
causes negative developments.
June 2, 20x
published on the website www.msn
Assignanacal I
In his online comment "How we broke the world"
causes negative developments.
June 2, 20x
published on the website www.msn
Assignanacal I
In his online comment "How we broke the world"
causes negative developments.
June 2, 20x
published on the website www.msn
Assignanacal I
In his online comment "How we broke the world"
causes negative developments.
June 2, 20x
published on the website www.msn
Assignanacal I
In his online comment "How we broke the world"
causes negative developments.
June 2, 20x
published on the website www.msn
Assignanacal I
In his online comment "How we broke the world"
causes negative developments.
June 2, 20x
published on the website www.msn
Assignanacal I
In his online comment "How we broke the world"
causes negative developments.
June 2, 20x
published on the website www.msn
Assignanacal I
In his online comment "How we broke the world"
causes negative developments.
June 2, 20x
published on the website www.msn
Assignanacal I
In his online comment "How we broke the world"
causes negative developments.
June 2, 20x
published on the website www.msn
Assignanacal I
In his online comment "How we broke the world"
causes negative developments.
June 2, 20x
published on the website www.msn
Assignanacal I
In his online comment "How we broke the world"
causes negative developments.
June 2, 20x
published on the website www.msn
Assignanacal I
In his online comment "How we broke the world"
causes negative developments.
June 2, 20x
published on the website www.msn
Assignanacal I
In his online comment "How we broke the world"
causes negative developments.
June 2, 20x
published on the website www.msn
Assignanacal I
In his online comment "How we broke the world"
causes negative developments.
June 2, 20x
published on the website www.msn
Assignanacal I
In his online comment "How we broke the world"
causes negative developments.
June 2, 20x
published on the website www.msn
Assignanacal I
In his online comment "How we broke the world"
causes negative developments.
June 2, 20x
published on the website www.msn
Assignanacal I
In his online comment "How we broke the world"
causes negative developments.
June 2, 20x
published on the website www.msn
Assignanacal I
In his online comment "How we broke the world"
causes negative developments.
June 2, 20x
published on the website www.msn
Assignanacal I
In his online comment "How we broke the world"
causes negative developments.
June 2, 20x
published on the website www.msn
Assignanacal I
In his online comment "How we broke the world"
causes negative developments.
June 2, 20x
published on the website www.msn

xam Assignanacal I In his online comment "How we broke the world" causes negative developments. June 2, 20x published on the website www.msn.com on. Thomas L Friedman takes a critical approach. to the effect which globalization has had on the whole world and how human behavior are and Seite 1 Friedman states that all people. responsible for limiting strategies to overcome global crisis by ignoring early warning signs and overall supporting Lenvironment in which disostes can easily take place The author illustrates his statement by listing various events, such as the COUID-19 pandemic, the terror attack in New York September 11, 2001 or the development of climate change. Thomes L. Friedman believes that humors.... to blame for their active decisions which have led to an unsuccessful response to each of said events. He claims that interdependency lack of diversity, both created by globalization, have created destabilization... Furthermore, Friedman mentions that people, especially politicians, fail to take advantage of the shared knowledge and power which they have. gained more Datum: 23.09.20 6 2050 are Konzept und Layout: Europaschule Troisdorf Gedruckt auf 100% Recycling Papier LK Englisch Q2/1. Hbj. (JL) 1. Klausur [225 Min. =3 Std. 45 Min.] 23.09.2020 Theme: Chancen und Risiken der Globalisierung - Studying and working in a globalized world Text PART A: Thomas L. Friedman: How we broke the world (online comment) Text PART B: Ergebnisse einer Bertelsmann Studie: Globalisierung nützt vor allem reichen Staaten (online newspaper article) Assignments: 1. Outline Friedman's views on globalization. (AFB...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

I-Comprehension) 2. Examine the author's line of argument and use of stylistic devices. (AFB II- Analysis) 3. Comment on the question whether "we broke the world through globalization. Take the text at hand as a starting point and refer to the knowledge you have acquired in class. (AFB III - Comment) Annotations: 1.5 1.5 1.6 buffer (n.) redundancy (n.) resilience (n.) friction (n.) to install more grease (v.) 1.8 1.8 1.17 coronary (n.) 1.20 pathogen (n.) austere fundamentalism susceptible (adj.) 1.25 1. 29 1.36 ISIS 1.55 to endow sb. with sth. (v.) - sth. or so, that helps protect from harm a situation in which sth. is unnecessary because it is more than is needed - being able to return quickly to a previous good condition after problems - disagreement - to make something happen more easily - heart attack - any small organism, such as a virus or a bacterium that can cause disease - very severe fundamentalism - easily influenced or harmed by something - Islamic State - jdn. mit etw. ausstatten Please, deal with the assignments in the given order and try to find appropriate introductions and endings to each answer. Always support your findings with reference and/or quotations from the text and quote properly, giving line references. Seite 1 von 6 5 anaphora (paragraphs) 10 15 20 LK Englisch Q2/1. Hbj. (JL) PART A How we broke the world By Thomas L. Friedman 25 1. Klausur [225 Min.] 23.09.2020 IF RECENT WEEKS have shown us anything, it's that the world is [...] fragile. And we're the ones who made it that way with our own hands. [...] Over the past 20 years, we've been steadily removing man-made and natural buffers, redundancies, regulations and norms that provide resilience and protection when big systems [...] get stressed. [...] SEPT. 11, 2001 6/2/2020 And, all while, we've taken the world technologically from connected to interconnected to interdependent - by removing more friction and installing more grease in global markets, telecommunications systems, the internet, and travel. In doing so, we've made globalization faster, deeper, cheaper, and tighter than ever before. [...] [T]his trend of more frequent destabilizing crises has been building over the past 20 years: 9/11, the Great Recession of 2008, COVID-19, and climate change. [...] [W]e will suffer increasing consequences unless we start [...] treating Mother Earth differently. Note the pattern: Before each crisis I mentioned, we first experienced what could be called a "mild" heart attack, alerting us that we had gone to extremes and stripped away buffers that had protected us from catastrophic failure. In each case, though, we did not take that warning seriously enough- and in each case the result was a full global coronary. [...] heart attacle. e quirus pathogens that emerged out of the Middle East after 1979. [...] That was the year [...] [when for various reasons there was suddenly] [...] a competition diversity =strel between Shiite Iran and Sunni Saudi Arabia over who was the real leader of the Muslim puno world. In doing so, [both sides] together weakened any emerging trends toward religious and political pluralism - and strengthened austere [and violent] fundamentalism [...]. contrast dependene, metaphor enumeration eneration Labundance of Let's start with 9/11. You could view Al Qaeda and its leader, Osama bin Laden, as political infected th. whole worldh he way to stop t Seite 2 von 6 events metaphor warnings parallel sentence structure negatively connoted adjectives Seite last few decades. All all, it becomes obvious that aware of the benefits. of globalization, he believes that they are being used incorrectly and that instead of taking advantage of global togetherness, humans conscious actions continue to worsen the overall. although the author is situation in the world. According to Friedmas, globalization has been the trigger for various global disaster -danger to the world and is a and its future. Assignment 2 In his online comment How we broke the world", published on the website. in June 2020, Thomas L. Friedmon makes use of various stylistic devices and consciously structures the text in order to support his criticism an globalization and hussen behavior.. *2 (p-12) In the introduction, Friedman first explains how humans have made the world. has "fragile" (1.3) and thereby decreased the chances لها Successfully Lavelco www.msn.com coming challenging times. The auther makes the readers' awareners and wants headline? /title? Beley (wo beginnt 4 wo endet die "Introduction"?) T sure to raise them to take his criticism personally, as he continuously uses Beletechnik (1-2 Beispiele für the personal pronoun "we" ( 12 14, 15, 16) in order to include everyone. Text stellen reicher aus, Moreover, he mentions the term "batural] buffers" jeine Zeile angegeben wird ll statt & the reader? (1.5, 15) which is repeated several times throughent wenn mehr als effect on d'ast 30 35 40 45 50 example wors!! Remember: The Muslim world was probably at its most influential [...] in the Middle Ages, appeal when it was a rich and diverse polyculture in Moorish Spain. Diverse ecosystems, in nature and in politics, are always more resilient than monocultures. Monocultures in agriculture are enormously susceptible to disease [...]. [A]s in biology, so, too, in geopolitics - the virus of Al Qaeda mutated [...]. As a result, violent Islamic extremism became even more virulent, thanks to subtle changes in its genome that transformed it into ISIS. [...] COVID-19 What happened next we all know: The direct hits on both twin towers on Sept. 11, 2001, which set off a global economic and geopolitical crisis that ended with the United States spending several trillion dollars trying to immunize America against violent Islamic s extremism. [...] I don't think that I need to spend much time on the COVID-19 pandemic, except to say that the warning sign was also there. It appeared in late 2002 in the Guangdong province of southern China. [...] The coronavirus that caused SARS was hosted by bats and palm civets. It jumped to humans because we had been pushing and pushing high-density urban population centers more deeply into wilderness areas, destroying that natural buffer and replacing it with monoculture crops and concrete. [...] CLIMATE CATASTROPHE allusion to part pare of →global You have to be in total denial not to see all of this as one giant flashing warning signal for our looming- and potentially worst global disaster, climate change. togethones connection to biology Superierity etape our own faalt repetition La continuous The vastly expanded global network of planes, trains, and ships, combined with far too few buffers of global cooperation and governance, combined with the fact that there are almost eight billion people on the planet today (compared with 1.8 billion [in] 1918 [...]), enabled ove populatio this coronavirus to spread globally in the blink of an eye. Seite 3 von denial of ce bigges! disaster [...] [Intensity and cost of extreme weather events all increase. The wets get wetter, the hots comparative forms get hotter, the dry periods get drier [...]. + A R Belegt. (sei einer Schreibweise bleiben cf. oder cp.) the comment. In order to explain the development. of globalization and the abundance of negative events in recent years as a result of said development, Friedman includes multiple enumerations in his introductory passage (cp 11.10, 12). When further describing the reaction to global crisis, the author makes use of parallel sentence structure by repeating the words "in each case "(11.16 f.), in order to stress the repitition of mistakes. Furthermore, an be found in line 8, including th antithesis the contrast of "friction" and "grease", expanding on his natural buffers.. concept of The first depicts 2016 Seite 3 example which Friedman Al Qaeda's terror detailed is Lattack on the twin towes in 2004 (ef.1.30). Aside from using negatively connoted adjectives. such as austere and violent" (1.25) to describe the development of religious freedom and pluralisme especially notices the author's use of metaphorical language Friedman illustrates the charace of terrorist organizations by to them as political pathogens." (11. 19 f.), stating that "the virus of Al Qaeda mutuated (1.34) and explaining how subtle changes its genome" (1.35) transformed the group into 1515 (cf. 11.35 6.). Throughout the whole text, the. lauther often depicts various crisis as dweases and makes mury references to biology. The fact 4 Seite that this specific metaphor is present throughout large portions of a comment written in the summer of 2020, lets one assume that the references. consciously made to allude to the COVID-19 pandemic. The connection to event potentially makes the issue nere reades a current relatable for the In his section 9/11, the author stresses the importance. of diversity (cf. 11. 26 f.) and equates it with power and strength, once again underlining notaphorical language, as he his statement with mentions the benefits of diverse ecosystems (cf.11.286.). Next, Thomas L. Friedman describes the effects of globalization. on the spread of COVID-19. As in multiple other sections of comment, he criticizes that wo warning signs prevented were being ignored that deterioration of the situation (cf. 11.38-40). Friedman depicts how the world had been perfectly set out for the out breake of a pandemic by mentioning overpopulation (cf. 11.46.f.), population density (cf.1.42) and "the vastly expanded global network of planes trains and ships" (1:45), He stresses the fact that people are responsible for this behavior with the repetition "pushing and pushing (1.42), illustrating the repetitive, continuously damaging actions of humans. ✓ Following the subject of the pandemic of climate change. The fact that could have effect SA 55 60 65 The wise thing would be for us to get busy preserving all of the ecological buffers that nature endowed us with [...] s knowledge [][U]nlike the COVID-19 pandemic, we have all the antibodies we need to both live with metaphor and limit climate change. [...] That means reducing CO₂ emissions, protecting forests that store carbon and [...] protecting mangroves that buffer storm surges and, more generally, coordinating global governmental responses that set goals and limits and monitor performance. [...] We decided to remove buffers in the name of efficiency; we decided to let capitalism run wild Cad. and shrink our government's capacities when we needed them most; we decided not to copoate. anaphora cooperate with one another in a pandemic; we decided to deforest the Amazon; we decided we all the peopl to invade pristine ecosystems and hunt their wildlife. Facebook decided not to restrict any of Facebook President Trump's incendiary posts; Twitter did. [...] also l As the world gets more deeply intertwined, everyone's behavior [...] matters more than ever. And, therefore, so does the "Golden Rule. [...] Do unto others as you wish them to do unto you, because more people in more places in more ways on more days can now do unto you and you unto them like never before. https://www.msn.com/en-ph/money/topstories/how-we-broke-the-world/ar-BB14UBOB 825 words enumeration Seite 4 von 6 indirect appeal 5 10 15 20 LK Englisch Q2/1. Hbj. (JL) PART B 1. Klausur [225 Min.] 23.09.2020 Mediation You are an exchange student at a British school. In an Economics class, the teacher asks you to prepare a short speech on the pros and cons of globalization from a German's point of view. You have just read the article below. Write the part of your speech in which you summarize the information about the effects of globalization on Germany's economy. Where necessary, add information which may help to avoid possible misunderstandings. Globalisierung nützt vor allem reichen Staaten Veröffentlicht am 24.03.2014 Industrienationen sind laut Bertelsmann-Stiftung die Gewinner der Globalisierung. Sie wachsen so schnell, dass sich der Abstand zu den Schwellenländern noch vergrößert. Diese bleiben auf der Strecke. Zu den größten Gewinnern der Globalisierung gehören Deutschland und andere Industriestaaten. Rein Rechnerisch nütze die Globalisierung allen Ländern, überall wachse das Pro-Kopf-Einkommen, heißt es in einer Prognos-Studie im Auftrag der Bertelsmann Stiftung. Allerdings wachsen die Industrienationen so schnell, dass sich der Abstand zu den Schwellen- und Entwicklungsländern noch vergrößert. ,,Wir müssen erkennen, dass die Globalisierung die Schere zwischen Arm und Reich eher noch weiter öffnet", sagte Stiftungsvorstand Aart De Geus. ,,Erst über einen längeren on the long- Zeitraum wird sie dazu beitragen, dass Schwellen- und Entwicklungsländer die Wohlstandslücke zu den Industrienationen verkleinern können." 42 Länder [wurden] genauer untersucht. Demnach hat sich die Wohlstandslücke in den letzten zwei Jahrzehnten nicht verkleinert, im Gegenteil: „Während durch Globalisierungseffekte das Bruttoinlandsprodukt pro Kopf in den Industrienationen um bis zu 1500 Euro jährlich stieg, wuchs es in Ländern wie Mexiko, China oder Indien um weniger als 100 Euro je Einwohner." Seite 5 von 6 stylistic devices not named here Seite 5 Lone Datum: 23 03 30 Friedman believes this to potentially be worst global disaster (cf. 1.51), lets one Lassume that he intentionally decided to mentica the most severe example at the end of this text, as it may be even more The anthor starts of by mentioning that has to be in total denial" (1.50) not to. see the previous disesters as "one giant flashing warning sign " (150) for the development. of the world's climate. One can suspect that the author possibly makes this statement as co allusion to Donald Trump's denial of climate charge, whom he later mentions in the online caused Aside from the superlative "worst" (1.51), triedmen also includes various comparative forms is "welle", "hotter" and "drie" (11.5d 5.). to draw a connection to the fact that the situation is getting more and more "extreme (1.52) Furthermore, the auther accentuates that he finds the response to clinate charge to be utterly disgraceful by enumerating vecious actions which should be taken to improve the situatico (cf 11. 57-60). He once again makes use of metaphorical tanguage when describing the knowledge which the world has about climate. change as "antibodies (1.56). Friedm & the expords his disap prewe of human behavior with the use photo is lines 61 to 63. Konzept und Layout Europaschule Tondorf Gedruckt auf 100% Recycling Paper 6 Seite their By repeating the words "we decided", he makes it clear that people are to blame for behavior. Moreover, he also holds. businesses accountable, as he mentions Facebook's lack of action against Donald Trump's 'incendiary posts" (1.65). At the end of his comment, Friedman stresses the relevance of everyone's behavior especially in a world where everyone is connected. (cf. 1.66). The author choses to indirectly appeal to the reader with the "Golden Rule" (1.67) ol ["do[ing] unto others as you wish them to do unto ~" (1.68), With this closing statement, Friedman aims at presenting a general solution to the that he discussed, which everyone should issues live by To draw conclusion, one use of stylistic devices, especially metaphorial language, and a systematic structur characterizes Thomas L. Friedman's piece en globalization and leads to the comment being quite convincing. state that the & can clearly I stylistic device 구 G ? Gallusion to the sible/ maxime found in most. religions لی کا + A 25 30 35 Finnland profitiert am stärksten Selbst der Abstand zwischen Deutschland und dem wegen seiner Wachstumsraten oft beneideten China hat sich vergrößert. Betrug der Abstand zwischen dem realen Bruttoinlandsprodukt pro Kopf 1990 der Studie zufolge 20.879 Euro, so waren es 2011 sogar 25.630 Euro. Deutschland hat nach Finnland, Dänemark und Japan am stärksten von der Globalisierung profitiert. So ließ die Globalisierung zwischen 1990 und 2011 das reale deutsche Bruttoinlandsprodukt (BIP) im Durchschnitt jedes Jahr um rund 100 Milliarden Euro wachsen", haben die Autoren der Studie berechnet. Die Verflechtung auf politischer, wirtschaftlicher und sozialer Ebene sei somit für 20 Prozent des Wachstums der deutschen Volkswirtschaft verantwortlich gewesen, hieß es. Der durchschnittliche jährliche Einkommensgewinn pro Kopf betrug in Deutschland demnach 1240 Euro. Am geringsten waren die absoluten Zuwächse der Pro-Kopf-Einkommen in den großen Schwellenländern Brasilien und Russland (je 120 Euro), Mexiko (100 Euro), China (80) und Indien (20). experts Der Stiftungsvorsitzende de Geus forderte die Industriestaaten auf, ihre Entwicklungspolitik zu verstärken und ihre Märkte für Produkte aus weniger entwickelten Ländern zu öffnen. From www.welt.de, 24 March 2014 417 words Annotations Bertelsmann-Stiftung - group of experts who provide advice on social or economic issues; created in 1977; largest private non- profit foundation in Germany Bruttoinlandsprodukt (BIP) - gross domestic product (GDP) Seite 6 von 6 Lk Englisch Q2/1. Hbj. Thomas L. Friedman: How we broke the world Erwartungshorizont / Bewertungsbogen PART A (70%) [→ Schreiben mit Leseverstehen (integriert)] 1. Inhaltliche Leistung 2 4 5 6 2 1 3 1. Klausur 4 5 Name: 23-9-2019 (JL) Anforderungsbereich I (Comprehension) Outline Friedman's views on globalization. introduction (author/title / text type/publication) Topic/author's message: negative effects of globalization are caused by us humans by having no respect for our nature/by removing protective measures and harming our nature We have continuously loosened laws, abolished regulations, not prioritizing rules and standards/ not taking them seriously, with the result that nature has had to step back in favour of overriding goals of multinational corporations. The author mentions crisis situations which the world went through: 9/11, the Great Recession of 2009, COVID-19, and climate change If we do not start taking care of our world, we will face more and more bad consequences in the future. Every crisis announces itself advance, but we humans often do not take these warnings seriously until it is too late. Summary of Friedman's main message/appeal to the reader. additional points: politicians fail to take advantage. Summe 1. Tellaufgabe of the shared knowledge Anforderungsbereich II (Analysis) Examine the author's line of argument and use of stylistic devices. introductory / topical sentence (with reference to the assignment) headline: provocative, shocking 1 part: Introduction to the topic (II. 3-17) 2 subheading/first sentence: thesis which will be proven by examples, phrase in capital letters in "IF RECENT WEEKS" refers to the time/period of the corona virus as a very important topic which currently concerns the whole world 1 paragraph (11.4-6): introduction to the article and its topic, evidences for his thesis mentioned above, causes uncomfortable feeling on the part of the reader/causes sense of shame, the reader believes the author that his statements are true (increasing credibility of the author) language: personal pronoun "We", object pronouns "us", choice of words, imagery, enumerations, U 2nd paragraph (11.7-10): listing things our society/multinational companies/our have governments have pushed forward with good intentions, they wanted to boost our economy more and more language: personal pronoun "we", climax, enumeration, choice of words, repetition, antithesis/contrast 3rd paragraph (II. 11-13): bad consequences caused by our behavior, which we did not expect, warning by the author language: personal pronoun "we", enumeration, ... 4th paragraph (II. 14-17): pattern: 1. First warning signs, 2. Ignoring the warning signals, 3. Drastic consequences max. Pkte 2 2 21 1 Pkte 12 max. Pkte 1 2 1 20 1 1 (2) 1 10 8 Pkte 1 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 equates/compares athr 10 an drastic 9th paragraph (II. 28-29): diverse ecosystems vs. monocultures, "disease" [language: comparison to agriculture, allusion to current corona virus] 10th paragraph (II. 30-33): example of drastic consequence 9/11, "immunize" [language: personal pronoun "we", rhetorical question, enumeration, choice of words, allusion to the current corona virus} 16 17 18 19 20 [language: imagery, climax, allusion to current corona virus] 2nd part: first example of a consequence 9/11 (11.18-36) 5th paragraph (II. 18-20): example of 9/11, well known event, evokes bad feelings such as anxiety, "pathogens" [language: choice of words, connotations, contrast, allusion to current corona 21 virus] 6th para b 22 paragraph (II. 21-23): reasons for the conflict age: choice of words] [language: personal pronoun "1"] causes 13th paragraph (ll. 41-44): illustration of reasons for the pandemic, the outbreak 3 14 was our fault, feelings of guilt [language: personal pronoun "we"] 14th paragraph (II. 45-48): further (II. 45-48): further reasons and enumeration of disadvantages of 15 globalization, "in the blink of an eye" Blanqueses d [language: enumeration, use of facts and figures, imagery) 4th part: third example of a consequence climate catastrophe (11.49-50) 49-51): warning signals can hardly be ignored, the 15th paragraph (II. of climate change are already being felt consequence [language: choice of words, imagery, insertion superlatif sever climate change language: 7th para 7th paragraph (ll. 24-25): listing consequences such as no peaceful coexistence of different beliefs and politics [language: enumeration, choice of words] Imagery gth maram evidenc 8th paragraph (ll. 26-27): evidence that it is possible to live side by side together having different cultural and religious backgrounds language: allusion to history of Moorish Spain] 11th paragraph (II. (II. 34-36): comparison of Al Qaeda to a virus mutating to ISIS [language: comparison to biology, allusion to the corona virus languages.com 3rd part: second example of a consequence COVID-19 (11.37-48) 12th paragraph (ll. 37-40): reference to the already mentioned repetitive pattern (first the warning sign), Friedman assumes that the reader already has some basic knowledge about the virus, as it is a current topic 16th paragraph (II. 52-53): illustration (language: imagery, climax, parallelism 17th paragraph (II. 54-55): suggested solution, urgent appeal to the reader language: object pronoun "us"] 18th paragraph (11. 56-60): further possible solutions V language: personal pronoun "we", enumeration, alliterations ar 5th part: conclusion/appeal to the reader/claim (11.61-69) 19th paragraph ( 61-65) 19" paragraph (ll. 61-65): our mistakes [language: repetition of "we decided" = anaphora, enumeration, allusion to Trump, facebook and twitter] 20th paragraph (II. 66-67): reference to the golden rule [language: allusion to the golden rule also found in the bible) 21* paragraph (ll. 68-69): the golden Tule is mentioned and extended by the challenges in the current time of a global world [language: allusion to the golden rule, enumeration, anaphora/repetition of "more"] 8 concluding/summarising sentence. 9 additional points: perralled sent. Str. (ll Summe 2. Teilaufgabe repctition (8.42) 4 161.1 14 (4) 2 187 - A (keine persönlichen Formulierungen mit "!..." Assignment 3 Globalization might be one of the most important topics in our current time, It characterizes almost all developments which take place in our society and on the whole planet. When discussing globalization, one has to take account both the chances and the challenges into that along with it. In the following I will comment on of whether we broke online come the world through globalization in connection to Thomas L. Friedman's comment as well various other examples In said comment, the author argues that conflicts and disasters of the last few Love been made bz globalizatio with him that connection has and as Seite 7 under ver decades I would agree somewhat turned into dangeres interdependency lln my opinion, it is also true that we have failed R. (truely) Wortwah. (s. AV 7) to acknowledge warning signs of the worse se question truly tecke in which advantage of the connections in order to create coordinated responses to global disaster. Another way. might have broken the world is the exploitation of less forturate developing countries. Big companies often cause lecals to be forced to work for low bages bad circumstances while. worsening the situation in those countries. One example for this is the company 8 Seite which Coca Cola who has been drying up. wells from local farmers in India in order to have enough water for the production of their goods by taking advantage of their superiority and exacerbating this already challenging situations, Coca Cola -putting whole families. risk of losing their livelihood Though western countries might try to help. their interventions are not developing nations, always welcome. often lead to the 13 or even beneficial. They countries becoming even less independent and instead relying heavily. on the western world because the problems, at the core, remain present. An example for this is the increased. use of global online. learning programs, which aim at creating equal opportunities for students world wide. Although this is a big chance for -young people in less privileged countries, the issue of not having enough affordable, well-developed local education is not less emplesis is sometimes individual cultures and diversity. changed. Furthermore, put on Despite these negative aspects of also has to acknowledge globalization, one the global successes and evidence for the fact that the world. not entirely "brokec". The global network of communication, which Thomas L. Friedman also mentions in his comment does sometimes manage to improve +Inh. + Inh. guter Übergang zu den pos. Aspekten + Stourter (s. KT 3) 3 Anforderungsbereich III (Evaluation/Comment) Comment on the question whether "we broke the world through globalization. Take the text at hand as a starting point and refer to the knowledge you have acquired in class. 1 The student provides an appropriate introduction to the comment. She/he advances arguments for and/or against the thesis that "we broke the world with reference to the article at hand and to the knowledge acquired in class. Yes, we broke the world (disadvantages of globalization): • We have reduced natural buffers, we set ourselves above laws, we no longer take the protecc of our nature seriously enough just because of greater economic profits Countries depend on each other (if one country suffers, others suffer too) Globalization is often seen as synonymous with westernization. Western culture, propagated by the media, serves as an example for many developing countries, but also endangers the cultural diversity of nation's languages, traditions, ways of life, values and beliefs. 2 HAM . Western influence is not limited to culture. Developed countries are tempted to use their economic and political power to intervene in other countries' affairs. Such interventions are not always welcome or beneficial and can cause a divide or even a war. . 。 The rapid economic growth of large emerging markets like China, India or Brazil, who are adopting the West's unsustainable lifestyle and consumerism, make the situation worse. The disposal of mountains of often toxic waste is often left to third world workers (not in my backyard attitude). The availability of fresh water is becoming scarce. Coca-cola Side effects of increased migration are illegal immigration, people- smuggling and the frequently bad treatment of immigrant minorities. No, we did not break the world (advantages of globalization): The world has developed tremendously from connected to interconnected to interdependent We've made globalization faster, deeper, cheaper, and tighter than ever before Prote We can travel freely, learn about other cultures, increases cultural awareness Exchange between academics, experts or politically interested people all over the world makes research, protests and activism more effective, fostering global civil society Migrants can move to different countries to find work and support their families Tamilies . · 。 • We suffer from the increasing consequences such as economic crisis, climate catastrophes, terrorism, pandemics. 。 As a result of global consumption, travel and transport, limited resou are disappearing. NGOs can share knowledge and know-how and bring help to where it is needed Conflicts between countries can be handled diplomatically and with a better understanding of the situation because more information is available via the internet/international press max. Pkte 3 The student writes a conclusion summarizing her/his opinion 4 additional points developing countries / Locals forced to Summe 3. Tellaufgabe (3.2) works for low wages 2 Pkte 9 g 3 3 (2) 2 online lea 19 14 eigentl. sogar Summe: 2., 2. und 3. Teilaufgabe (PART A) 4239 16 PART A (continued) II. Darstellungsleistung/sprachliche Leistung Konkretisierung der Bewertungskriterien Der Prüfling- 1. Kommunikative Textgestaltung 1 Aufgabenbezug richtet seinen Text konsequent und explizit auf die Aufgabenstellung aus. 2 Textformate beachtet die Textsortenmerkmale / Konventionen der jewells geforderten Zieltextformate. LICILCAL calaurbau 3 Textaufbau erstellt einen sachgerecht strukturierten / leserfreundlichen Text, u.a. durch sprachliche Verknüpfungen und Absätze als erkennbare Sinnabschnitte. 4 Ökonomie www gestaltet seinen Text hinreichend ausführlich, aber ohne unnötige Wiederholungen und Umständlichkeiten. 5 Belegtechnik belegt seine Aussagen durch eine funktionale Verwendung von Verweisen und Zitaten. Summe 1 (1-5) 2. Ausdrucksvermögen/Sprachliche Mittel 6 Der Prüfling Eigenständigkeit löst sich vom Wortlaut des Ausgangstextes und formuliert eigenständig. 7 Allgemeiner und thematischer Wortschatz bedient sich eines sachlich wie stilistisch angemessenen und differenzierten allgemeinen und thematischen Wortschatzes. 8 Textbesprechungs- und Textproduktionswortschatz 9 bedient sich eines sachlich wie stilistisch angemessenen und differenzierten Taythes Textbesprechungs- und Textproduktionswortschatzes. Satzbau Summe 2 (6-9) bedient sich eines variablen und dem jeweiligen Zieltextformat angemessenen Satzbaus. 3. Sprachrichtigkeit / Normen der sprachlichen Korrektheit 10 Wortschatz 11 Grammatik 12 Orthographie (i.e. Rechtschreibung und Zeichensetzung) Summe 3 (10-12) max. Pite 1616 4 4 4 Plate 3 2 21 19 max. Pite Pite 66 4 4 7 7 21 21 max pkte Pkte 9 9 8 구 4 3 21 19 Summe: Darstellungs- & sprachliche Leistung (PART A) 63 S Summe: Inhaltliche (1) und sprachliche Leistung) (PART A 105 S PART B-Sprachmittlung (30%) (→→ Schreiben mit Leseverstehen (integriert}} 1. Inhaltliche Leistung 1 beginnt mit einer adäquaten Begrüßung der Zuhörer. erzeugt im Einleitungssatz Spannung, indem er/sie z.B. eine rhetorische Frage stellt oder eine provokante Aussage tätigt. gibt die Vor- und Nachteile der Globalisierung aus Sicht von Deutschland an und gibt wichtige Details im Sinne der Aufgabenstellung sinngemäß zusammenfassend wieder und fügt ggf. für das Verstehen erforderliche Erklärungen hinzu: Vorteile: 2 5 6 Wine the part of your speech m which you summarize the information about the effects of globalization on Germany's economy Where necessary, add information which may help to avoid possible misunderstandings. Die Schülerin/der Schüler... 2 year. Aftet • After Finland, Denmark and Japan, Germany has benefited most from globalization. Globalization has been responsible for 20 percent of the growth of the German economy. • The average annual income gain per capita in Germaniy was 1240 euros. Industrial nations like Germany profit most from globalization. In the long term, the gap between industrialized countries and emerging markets will be able to narrow. In industrialized countries, per capita GDP grew by up to 1500 euros per Nachteile: . Although per capita income is growing in all countries as a result of globalization, the gap between the economies of the industrialized nations is widening faster than in the emerging markets, so the gap between the industrialized nations and the emerging markets is widening. The gap between rich and poor is widening all the time. P In emerging countries such as Mexico, China or India, per capita GDP rose by less than 100 euros per year. The gap between Germany and China has also widened. . . . The absolute growth in per capita income was lowest in the large emerging markets Brazil and Russia, Mexico, China and India. gibt den Appell der Bertelsmann-Stiftung an die Zuhörer weiter. The Bertelsmann-Stiftung is calling on industrialized nations to support the economies of emerging markets by opening their markets to products from less developed countries. L bedankt sich für die Aufmerksamkeit der Zuschauer und verabschiedet sich von ihnen in angemessener Weise. erfullt ein weiteres aufgabenbezogenes Kriterium: B. Bewertungskriterien Darstellung / Sprache 1. Kommunikative Textgestaltung Der Prüfling 1 richtet seinen Text konsequent und explizit auf die Intention und den Adressaten im Sinne der Aufgabenstellung aus berücksichtigt den situativen Kontext max Pkte 1 A 1 2 Pkte 119 20 (2) O Summe der inhaltlichen Leistung (PART B) 18 13 22 max Pkte 2 Pkte 2 5 7 beachtet die Textsortenmerkmale des geforderten Zieltextformats. erstellt einen sachgerecht strukturierten Text, u.a. durch sprachliche Verknüpfungen, Absätze als erkennbare Sinnabschnitte etc. gestaltet/formuliert ihren/seinen Text hinreichend ausführlich, aber ohne unnötige Wiederholungen und Umständlichkeiten. 2. Ausdrucksvermögen / Verfügbarkeit sprachlicher Mittel Der Prüfling löst sich vom Wortlaut des Ausgangstextes und formuliert eigenständig, ggf. unter Verwendung von Kompensationsstrategien. verwendet funktional einen sachlich wie stilistisch angemessenen und differenzierten allgemeinen und thematischen Wortschatz Pkte ... verwendet funktional einen sachlich wie stilistisch angemessenen und differenzierten Funktionswortschatz. 3. Sprachrichtigkeit Der Prüfling beachtet die Normen der sprachlichen Korrektheit 10 Wortschatz 11 Grammatik 12 Orthographie (i.e. Rechtschreibung und Zeichensetzung) verwendet einen variablen und dem jeweiligen Zieltextformat angemessenen Satzbau. Summe 1 (1-5) Note 1+ 11- → Bewertungsschlüssel / Zuordnung der Punkte zu den Notenstufen: 4+ 2+ 2 2- 3+ 3 150-142-134-127- 119 112-104 97- 143 135/128 120 113 105 98 90 sehr (1x Gesamtnote: Summe 3 (10-12) Summe: Darstellungs- & sprachliche Leistung (PART B) Summe: Inhaltliche (1) und sprachliche Leistung (l) (PART B) →Gesamtpunktzahl: PART A und PART B gut Great performance. 10.10.20 1 1 2 2 2 12 9 9 max Plite 22 2 3 3 Summe 2 (6-9) 9 9 max. Pkte 22 4 4 Pite 1 NNM 3- 4 4. 5+ 5 S- 89. 82- 74- 67. 59- 49- 40- 83 75 68 60 50 2 14 1 9 9 27 17 45 140 ! Hats off! Pkt. 4 150 13 6 41 30 0 + Inh. thah. people's situations. Shared knowledge and research leads to fast progress and free access to the internet creates sources of the fast majority of the can benefit from. I believe. chance to information which world's citizens. that learn a lot from interacting with people from other empathetic to cultures. It makes us. Lindividual issues perspective of the world. Furthermore, non-government organizations, such as Amnesty International and Greenpeace continue to introduce positive change and raise for various issues. Especially the younger generation is aware of humanitari an to be dealt with. From my point of view, globalization is a Thuge chance. to actually create a field if we time and assistance to also develop give developing nations the all have the awareness manage to 9 Datum: 23.09.20 more on Seite and broadens more necessary on their own. In order to support positive development, we need to find new ways of working together while always respecting individuality and diversity. I believe that it is time to really adress vigent issues and to reflec One mistakes so that Our and ecological problems that need__ S level playing prevent further clestruction of Konzept und Layout: Europaschule Troisdorf Gedruckt auf 100% Recycling-Papier 10 Seite seciety and planet Earth. general, I do not believe that our world is entirely broken, merely severely damaged in many different areas If we all work together and take advantage many opportunities of globalization. we can start long-term positive development. ead and every human being is able of the to benefit from. Some Part B: Mediation Hi everyone, today I'm going to talk about globalization and its benefits and disadvantages for the world, while also focussing on what effects. the has had growing network of trade and communication. my home-country of Germany. In order to be able to compare the effects. the German of globalization economy to that of developing countries, I did research. I got information from an Stiftung", which is group of experts from Germany who deal with social and economic issues. W (out) I found at that while for people like you and me who are from developed industrial nations, globalization CA a lot of very interesting article of the "Bertelsmann- is very case everywhere in the world. This might be hard to believe when merely domestic produc laking into consideration the -gross which has enlarged in all nations. However, when closer look, one will notice that taking the growth of the GOP has in no way been exponential. For example, in nations like Germany. 3 beneficial, this is definitely not the Seite Great Britain the GDP can annually increase by about 1,500 € while that of nations such as *^ (p. 12) Mexico of Ching only grew by 100€. So instead of creating bette opportunities worldwide, globalization only enlarges the economic gup between certain nations and therefore does not support equality. note economy ^^ Although experts believe that this will change in (the long-run and the gap will eventually subside, mery also stress the importance of privileged. industrial nations focussing less on themselves global level CA creating a playing and supporting developing countries by, for instance, increasing import from said nations to improve their re 2 field All in all, while our countries continue prosperous we cannot to become more and more forget about all the countries who don't benefit nearly as much and need creating more fair conditions for everyone Verabschiedung to emphasize *2 12 Seite In Germany, globalization is largel, responsible for an economic boom and cessively increased! the per capita incone recent years. The title of the comment "How me broke the world" acts as preview for the rest of text and shows the reader what to expect. In a way, it summarizes the author's negative ophion, as he uses the drastic, negatively connoted word "broke". JL R (connotated)