


Globalization (Oral Exam + describing a cartoon)







Englisch mündliche Prüfung
How to describe
Step 1. Introduction
author, date. and first publication source
- briefly state the
Englisch mündliche Prüfung
How to describe
Step 1. Introduction
author, date. and first publication source
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Englisch mündliche Prüfung
How to describe
Step 1. Introduction
author, date. and first publication source
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Englisch mündliche Prüfung
How to describe
Step 1. Introduction
author, date. and first publication source
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Englisch mündliche Prüfung
How to describe
Step 1. Introduction
author, date. and first publication source
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Englisch mündliche Prüfung
How to describe
Step 1. Introduction
author, date. and first publication source
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Englisch mündliche Prüfung
How to describe
Step 1. Introduction
author, date. and first publication source
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Englisch mündliche Prüfung
How to describe
Step 1. Introduction
author, date. and first publication source
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Englisch mündliche Prüfung
How to describe
Step 1. Introduction
author, date. and first publication source
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Englisch mündliche Prüfung
How to describe
Step 1. Introduction
author, date. and first publication source
- briefly state the
Englisch mündliche Prüfung
How to describe
Step 1. Introduction
author, date. and first publication source
- briefly state the

- Englisch mündliche Prüfung Lernzettel How to describe Step 1. Introduction author, date. and first publication source - briefly state the issue or target group. ↑ a was drawn by . (source)... on .. (date). cartoon 2 The cartoon in It shows / deals with / refers to / comments on ... The cartoonist makes fun of... / criticises for (doing sth.). Step 2. Describtion Describe the cartoon in detail + contents of captions, speech bubbles . Zielgruppe) and it was published describe systematically. use present progressive to describe (worum gehts? + what doing · use simple present to describe objects and the setting describe speech bubbles captions people's body language. // that people are the head and their relationship with each other facial expressions, The cartoon consists of /is made of (several) .../ up into is divided There is a caption / speech bubble / thought bubble The caption says / states Position of elements - on the left side / right side you can see ... in the foreground / background / middle / centre - in the top / bottom left/right corner... contrasts black and white / colored - picture The perspective is from above / below /eye level / the side, in a close-up / medium shot / long shot field size. Step 3. Describtion examine - explain the message they convey. function of characters and typical techniques - The untersuche the elements (characters, objects, text) and cartoon stands for / represents / is a caricature of .... cartoonist want to express ? What does What problem is presented? the Step 4. - State wheather the picture is effective and elements...

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are responsible for its success/ failure - personal opinion or your thoughts on picture represents the there which which topic the In my opinion, ting / criticising The cartoon appeals (does not appeal) to me. The cartoonist effectively shows... cartoonist is (not) successful in because ... is.. presen- 1.1 describing a cartoon HUND NIL 4.6.97 THE PADELPHA MEMPER, UNIVERSAL PRESS SADICATE. working conditions. JUST DO IT/ The "Nike" eye At the bottom you can see a table or something like that with shoes on it. There are sitting 5 boys behind it, their facial expression looks scared and they are also holding their hands above. their heads. It seems like to protect them- selfs. The children are wearing T-shirts and all of them haveing dark hair. 1. Introduction that he wants to beat In the middle of the picture is a huge man standing, he is wearing a Nike T-shirt. He is holding a stick in form of a nike sign, he seems very agressive because of his gesture. It seems the boys with the stick. His facial expression is also very aggresiv, he has his mouth wide open so it looks like he is screaming and shouting at the boys. textural element like the speech bubble next to the man, it says just do it", it is the nike slogan. There are also It is a cartoon with a perspective from black and white level. The cartoon was drawn by an unknown. cartoonist and in was published in 1991. 11 It deals with the problem of global player companies and their cartoon represents the global player companie The boys aisan, that typical for global player. to produce in countries where the production is the cheapest. looks school. It shows the problem of child labour, the children have to work under bad working condidions instead of going to They are working for low and low paid work. NGO's are trying to go and work against it, to help people wage who need to prevent the child labour. and In my opinion the cartoonist is successfool in presenting 1 the problems of global player companies because of the many emotions in the cartoon. The working conditions have to change also the child labour. GI Economic globalisation activities of global players -priorities efficiency, speed, flexibility and profit - steady flow of money and goods (global markets a. trade) industrial Countries b -international production chains/ sites (global production) - multinational companies produce wherever labour and overhead costs are cheapest (global player) -global collaboration and competition developing countries a advan - - - easier transportation cultural awareness / i S spread of technology a. innovation ges/hope Cultural globalisation -spread of previously local or national cultural phenomena around the world, e.g. sports, fashion, food, religion, music -global spread of ideas and values - Sports - tourism and travelling - fast food chains operating worldwide. - a Technologial globalisation - rapid advances in technology: microelectronics revolution exchange - products become cheaper > more products - easier transport economy will develop - better jobs for workers - cultural awareness - life expectation increases t better communication (easy, fast, efficient) · rapid distribution of information disadvantages i - gab between rich and poor gets bigger - global warming -people lose their jobs because of outsourcing - pollution - exploration of workers working conditions, health care, safety - global warming - pollution - child labour - loss of culture: Americanisation / Westernisation O u + S + can increase company profits can increase economic efficiency can distribute jobs from developed countries to developing countries O - и Outsourcing is the business practice of hiring a party create goods outside and a company to perform services that traditionally were performed. in-house by the company's own employees and staff. It is a practic usually undertaken by companies measure. It can affect a range cutting wide of ranging from costomer Support to manufacturing to back office. . r Kinderarbeit с i Working conditions Arbeitsbeding child label - 9 company child labour people loose exploration of workers working conditions care, safety (defeloping) countries, lack of transparency Labor or environmental standarts as a cost- jobs, the their jobs may slip can backfire for the outsourcing global player Companies produce wherever labour and overhead costs are cheapest. Eg. Amazon, Nestlé, Nike, Zara, Apple and so on. They produce in countries like or India (Asia). China ungen health the GIO with the term There average weather patterns that I have come broad range climates. The changes have a b Global warming increasing of the average tempreture global warming causes climate change Climate change is an importand topic since many years. It is a longterm change in the regional and global to define Earth's local of effects that Greenhouse gases acts Reasons are so many bad effects like - burning - a - 1 - - deforestation of forests - livestock farming intense storms, heat waves, rising sea levels, melting glaciers and warming. oceans. The consequences can harm animals, destroy the places where they live... How to reduce environment ? a greenhouse like - greenhouse gases reflecting rays back and they are warming up the earth → carbon dioxide (co₂), methane (CH₂) (coal, gas, of fossil fuels oil) w CO₂ and a r m plant trees use public transport reusable bottles, bags observed - ing in atmosphere I - are synonymous Consequenses : - ice melting, rising of sea level, floods heat waves drought a. forest fires · natural disasters get stronger - animals habitats to protect the are losing - eat less meat dam house your - pay attention to your footprint their carbon- Glob carbon footprint. refers to - in a reasons - long distance flight - eating much meat - eating exotic, non seasonal fruits - having the heater on for a long time and the window open 3 the total emissions caused by your lifestyle. carbon dioxide equivalent. - ar → Pollution Umwelt- / Verschmutzung - Gases; CO₂ dust, smoke, reasons for soot air pollution m reductions eat local, seasonal - eat less meat - go by public transport use reusable bottles, bags, lunch boxes - wear your clothings as long as you - coal power plants. traffic cars, plane, ship - agriculture chemical fertilization and pesticides private households → cooking, heating, lightning can NGO's (non govermental organisation) - private organisation which reprents opinions of the society - is not related to the goverment (independent) non profit companies. + more focus on the - DRK examples Greenpeace - - Caritas - - Goals: - create a - to prevent - Unicef. - WWF - - Aktion Mensch better and child label more Sustainable to help people in need to reduce the damage on the environment prevents animals from extermination. to human well life consumption/consumer manufacturing goods global trade Vokabel competition competitiveness to compete with sb. trade barries trade agreement export to export sth. spread to spread (sth.) gain / benefit multinational company to profit from sth. economic growth. prosperity to relocate sth. domestic production living standard at the expense of sb. / sth. exploitation to exploit sb. to earn a subsistence poverty wealth wage to be economically worse low low of wage Skilled low-paid. gab between rich and poor wealth distribution. Li st Konsum / Konsument Herrstellung, Produktion Waren, Güter globaler, weltweiter Handel Wettbewerb e Wettbewerbsfähigkeit mit jmd. konkurrieren Handels barrieren Handelsabkommen Export / etw exportieren. Verbreitung / sich verbreiten Nutzen, Gewinn, Vorteil von multinationales Unternehmen. etw. wirtschaftliches Wachstum Wohlstand profitieren etw. an einen anderen Ort verlegen. Produktion im Heimatland Lebensstandard auf Kosten einer Person / Sache Ausnutzung, Ausbeutung jmd. ausnutzen gerade genug zum Leben verdienen Armut Reichtum wirtschaftlich schlechter gestellt sein geringer Lohn schlecht ausgebildet /schlecht bezahlt. die Kluft zwischen arm U reich Verteilung von Reichtum garment industry Bekleidungsindustrie. to impose safety standarts Sicherheitsstandards durchsetzen working conditions. per capita income unemployment rate gross domestic product to meet a goal globalization opponents/supporters agricultural griculture environment emission of greehouse gases to release sth. global warming / climate change. crop yield drought melting of the glaciers increase (sth.) / decrease (sth.) sewage Arbeitsbedingungen Pro-Kopf- Einkommen Arbeitslosenrate Bruttosozialprodukt ein Eiel erreichen Globalisierungsgegner/-stutter landwirtschaftlich Landwirtschaft Umwelt Ausstoß von Treibhausgasen etw. freisetzen globale Erwärmung Ernteer trag Dürre das schmelzen d. Gletscher etw. erhöhen / etw. reduzieren Abwasser