


Gran Torino







→ Dorothy
Mitch and
•His Sons
no connection time with them
• tries to contact Mitch
↳because of his diagnosis
→ Dorothy
Mitch and
•His Sons
no connection time with them
• tries to contact Mitch
↳because of his diagnosis

→ Dorothy Loving Mitch and Steve grandchildren •His Sons no connection time with them • tries to contact Mitch ↳because of his diagnosis close relationship married •regrets spending not much Walt Kowalski: •Beginning: racist, reserved, Lonely, distant, stereotypically masculine •War veteran, patriotism •Tendency to solve problems with (gen) violence • Begins to overcome his racism ->as he gets. s to know Sue & Thao • Saves Sue & Thao • End: sacrifices himself to safe the Lor family from the Hmong gang •Seems cold → but has a strong sense of protection •Doesn't get along with his own family •Bad conscience about never! bonding with his family Walt •Relationship because of Dorothy • Doesn't like him (beginning) ↳opens up later on Thao Lor: •Shy, quiet, polite, easy to push around Wants to help him because of Dorothy L) promised it to her Father Janovich • 16 years old, grew up in a female dominated household •Born in the USA-but Asian roots + traditional family •Does "women's work"->dishes •Harassed by the Hmong gang refuses to join the gang. •father-son-relationship with Walt (enol) •Wants to take revenge for Sue ↳protective Relationships: tried to steal his car grateful → Walt provided Honey for his work tools •Doesn't like him (beginning) •like father like son (after. a while) •Takes care of him + feels. responsible gives him the car after his death Sue Lor: •strong minded, independent, confident Gran Torino Characters: Grandmother Phong: • Representative of first generation immigrants •Does not speak English ↳speaks Hmong • Lives strictly according to her traditions-eg.clothes •17 years old, white boy- friend •builded a connection towards him •Leams from him -> life-lessons" *not scared of confrontation •Adapted...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

to western world + Hmong traditions • bridges the gap between Walt and the family she isn't scared to talk to him + consistent • raped by gang -> Walt is deeply hurt by this •they kill Wall •hate eachother Thao K Phong grandmother doesn't has faith in him Vu Mother Cousins, don't er Hmong gang •told him to steal Walls car •Want him to join the gang • they hart him part of it Spider Smocie Father Janovic: •Was the pastor of Walls (verg religious) Life ↳promised her to take care of Wall •Beginning: Halt rejects him *very persistent ->gets Walt to have a conversation(multiple times) •Over time: relationship develops along ↳ begin to Kowalski Family: •Disrespectful, ignorant •Don't get along with Walt •Only talk to Wall when they want Something •Want him to go to a retirement home Hmong Gang: Smolcie →Thao's and Sue's cousin •Spider→→ Leader of the gang • Aggressive, Unemployed, criminal • want to establish dominance, protect their territory •Spiral of violence •Shoot Walk in the end →get arrested Language barriers and Use of English: • Elders speak their native Language 6) they do not speak English. • both fluent in English • degree of assimilation into. American culture Clash of cultures: -> Vu+ Phong Lor-> first-generation immigrants. → Sue + Thao Lor →→second-generation immigrants Cultural conflicts: •do not open up for different cultures •convinced of their own culture • traditional and spiritual people Leg. Shaman is present •Sve seems well integrated into American Society Ladapted the lifestyle •At home they stick to traditions + customs 4)appreciate Hmong customs & beliefs •For Sue it is easy to move. back and forth between the two cultures 4)she is at ease +dating an American bog •For Thao it is difficult to find his place in the family Gender-related conflicts: •clear understanding of roles of men and women •Men need to be head of the household/patriarchy • "The girls go to college and the boys go to jail". •Sue and Thao redefine gender roles within their culture and family •Thao is considered unmanly by Phong L> seems insecure Walt becomes Thao's mole role model