


Gran Torino







The Ambiguity of Belonging
o racism in a multicultural society
O (gun) violence → gang: use their guns to show power (enforc

* * GRAN TORINO The Ambiguity of Belonging o racism in a multicultural society O (gun) violence → gang: use their guns to show power (enforce dominance). Walt: self-defens, self-image o the cycle of violence O guilt and redemption o generation gabs →walt is very traditional. Sue & Thas are very open-minded o concepts of masculinity → in Walts opinion guns, cars, tough language, hand work like working at a Ford factory O angry white men lonely, old-fashioned O religion → his death wife was very religous, Walt think it's ridiculus O family → no stron relationship with his sons O the American Dream → from rags to riches, Walls intention: pride in his car, keeps house and garden clean O immigration o gender roles • (American) values O concept of power WALT KOWALSKI 11 * is about. 78 years old and still living in the 50's 1₁ * distance to his children and grandchildren * he worked at Ford for his entire life cannot understand his son's choice of a Toyota very conservative used to live next to people with the same ethnic background →now he is the only white American left. racial prejudices →→uses racial slurs * only friends old war buddies, Italian barber, Tim at the construction side * he fought for his country in Korea only one with an American flag outside his house * tendency to solve problems with his rifle *he...

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is alienated from his two sons and their families * he never tells his family he conceals with cancer *Walt and his sons don't really know each others * spends most time stilling alone on his porch, reading, drinking, smoking * his behavior is stereotypically masculine → solving problems on his own, defending/protecting with his gun * getting in touch with his Hmong neighbors changes him has more in common with the Hmong than with his own family * becomes a male role model for Thao MOMENTS OF BELONGING > sitting on his porch with his dog, drinking beer his Gran Torino >meeting his old friends at the bar getting a haicut and joking with his old friend Martin, the barber > talking to his friend Tim at the construction site THAO LOR * 16-year old teenager who grows up in a female dominated house * his father was very traditional *lacks self-confidence Walt says at the beginning he has no balls" easy to push around (Hmong gang) * wants to keep distance from the Gang begins to work for Walt and the neighborhood *Walt becomes like a father for Thas →helps Thao to manned up bein taught to talk and behave like a man starts dating the Hmong girl Youa he became walts Gran Torino after his death → final step to becoming a real man SUE LOR * 17-years-old confident, strong young woman * is quite smart *has the courage to stand up to the limong gang *due to her self-confidence, she doesn't shy away from confrontation *the members of the gang rape her to show their dominant masculine role *she bridges the gab between her family and walt * respects the Hmong traditions, but also the Western world *has a white boyfriend Trey WALT RACISM > his intolerance and racism is fed by his past as a soldier > calls the Asians 11 gooks and zipperheads" as all > very old-fashioned / traditional iers