


Gran Torino - Abitur BW







Gran Torino
opening scenes - Walt (Beginning - 0:12:30)
Walt's sense of belonging to...
... his family
• no close relationship
• family woul
Gran Torino
opening scenes - Walt (Beginning - 0:12:30)
Walt's sense of belonging to...
... his family
• no close relationship
• family woul
Gran Torino
opening scenes - Walt (Beginning - 0:12:30)
Walt's sense of belonging to...
... his family
• no close relationship
• family woul
Gran Torino
opening scenes - Walt (Beginning - 0:12:30)
Walt's sense of belonging to...
... his family
• no close relationship
• family woul
Gran Torino
opening scenes - Walt (Beginning - 0:12:30)
Walt's sense of belonging to...
... his family
• no close relationship
• family woul
Gran Torino
opening scenes - Walt (Beginning - 0:12:30)
Walt's sense of belonging to...
... his family
• no close relationship
• family woul
Gran Torino
opening scenes - Walt (Beginning - 0:12:30)
Walt's sense of belonging to...
... his family
• no close relationship
• family woul
Gran Torino
opening scenes - Walt (Beginning - 0:12:30)
Walt's sense of belonging to...
... his family
• no close relationship
• family woul
Gran Torino
opening scenes - Walt (Beginning - 0:12:30)
Walt's sense of belonging to...
... his family
• no close relationship
• family woul

Gran Torino opening scenes - Walt (Beginning - 0:12:30) Walt's sense of belonging to... ... his family • no close relationship • family wouldn't care if he died • he's grumpy (→ doesn't like them?) • not proud of his family → ashamed? • he always finds something to be disappointed in • ne rejects them, doesn't appreciate their help • they don't meet often (→ gave up thanksgiving) sense of belonging and gangs (0:12:30 - 0:38:34) ...church • not interested in church/religion • makes fun about the priest (disrespectful) • unimportant for him • uses "Jesus" as a swear word Sue and Thao were both threatened by a gang • first complies to their wishes → tries to steal the car → not very faithful/religious attitude • only went to church to do his wife a favour → not any longer • disrespects also the priests work by his disrespectful comments about church and christianity ("superstitions") Thao • keeps his mouth shut • walks away (doesn't want to talk) • doesn't do anything against it not self-confident • looks to the ground and lets the gang dominate Walt and the gang • then stays at home and tries to peacefully refuse them • lets things go on ➡ passive Walt's reactions hispanics Walt is drawn into the conflict as well, as the gang is also a threat for Walt and what is also important for him. • makes his house more secure (after...

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the attack) • saves the neighbour family • threatening the gang with a gun hmong ... his neighbours • Walt doesn't like them because they are Asians → racist • he's rude towards them • he's calling them "barbarians" • considers them lower compared to "Americans" → doesn't (want to) understand their culture • spitting into their direction (very often) (jumper Cable) Sue • tries to be self-confident • no tears • tries to get out of the situation • tries to help herself, doesn't trust in the help of Tray not afraid of conflict • speaks up against the gang and insults them • provokes them (makes fun of their behaviour) • very smart effects on the relationship to his neighbourhood they appreciate his help and want to thank him → hero to the neighbourhood benefits of being in a gang • not a loner anymore • wouldn't be bullied anymore → respected • more self-confidence • protection from dangerous situations (other gangs...) • sense of belonging • having a second family • may be exciting → no ordinary life • earn money (drugs...) sense of belonging Thao family. • sense of belonging to family • does housework, helps with the chores, takes care, described as smart by sister • does women's work → not the man of the house community/neighborhood • helps neighbors in need (woman with groceries), but no real cose ties to people outside his family Sue family • strong relationship: cares for her brother • she talks for the whole family: acts as head of family community/ neighbourhood • mediates between Hmong and Americans (Walt) • not as closely linked to the Hmong neighbourhood → also social contacts to others (boyfriend) she's sociable (open-minded) costs of being in a gang • wouldn't be allowed to have other friends • could force him to do things he doesn't want to do • could be in danger bc of other gangs • conform to the codes/ rules of the gang → can't be yourself anymore • family/ friends might get drawn into gang issues • may have impact on life prospects if you have a criminal record peer group • consider him as weak • no friends at his age, always alone • not interested in joining the gang • Thao is not part of a group, which could give him a feeling of belonging. But he does not seem to mind society • no strong sense of belonging: keeps to his house and his neighborhood → "Hmong girls go to college, Hmong boys go to jail" peer group • seems to have friends (white boy), belongs more to peer group than Thao → stronger sense of belonging society • stronger sense of belonging to American society → dates with boy, goes out, acts as mediator between Americans and Hmong Walt's experiences in the Korean War • doesn't regret things he was ordered to; regrets things that he did by his own free will • war marked/traumatised/ shaped him → takes things in his own hands → violence is a "normal" way of solving problems • does not fully contemplate the results of his actions → what if the opponent reacts violently too? • he doesn't seem to trust in others → only relies on himself Adjectives describing him: • hurt →→ war days • intolerant →→racist • lonely → no real family, wife died • narrow-minded →not open to other cultures • (passive-)aggressive → insulting neighbours • self-confident →→ if he wants to do something, he does it • hostile → to neighbours, gangs etc. • helpful → steps in to help Sue, wants to help the neighbour lady with the groceries before Thao steps in Walt and his family vs. Walt and the Lor family (0:38:34 - 0:51:43 ; 0:58:35 - 1:01:00) Walts family (0:38:34 - 0:40:34) • The presents for Walt's birthday are a phone, a go-for and a cake • When Walt gets his presents, he is not amused, kind of dissapointed • Mitch and Karen want to convince Walt to go to a retire home • In the end, Walt feels betrayed because he feels as if they want to get rid of him • Mitch and Karen leave in a hurry because Walt kicks them out Walt and the Lor family (0:40:34 - 0:51:43) • Sue convinces Walt to join their party • Sue's grandmother expresses her dislike for Walt • Walt tells Thao that if you want to win over a girl, you have to make an effort Walt and his family + • knows them better • related to them • come to his birthday • wife was the love of his life (only her death sets the whole plot into motion) • want him to go to retirement home • don't respect him • already existing distance → previous conflicts • doesn't want to understand them and their lifestyles → dresses of kids → Japaneese car • lack of communication (stopped thanksgiving) → only death of Walt's wife brings them together Walt and the Lor family + • invite him • offer him food/ beer • good relationship with Sue • are nice to him/ welcoming (especially Sue) • respect him (most of them) → see him as a hero • feels accepted • he protects members of the family → they are grateful • they celebrate his birthday with him (invite him over) • more sociable with them • helps Thao with his girl problems • honest to him → Walt chooses to relate to the Lor family, he has to relate to his own family → Walt can more easily connect to the Lor family (no fundamental issues like the communication problem he has with his own family • doesn't understand their culture →he's different → On the one hand growing distance to his family, on the other hand growing proximity (-Nähe) with the Lor family Ambiguity of belonging • bad relationship with grandmother and Thao ("Toad") • still racist insults → Walt: "I've got more in common with these gooks than I do with my own spoilt rotten family" → Walt has to deal more with the Lor family (direct neighbours) putting the ambiguity of belonging into pictures (0:58:35 - 1:01:00) at the doctors Walt: back against the Wall • Doctor: in front of the window (well-lit, open space) • Walt: seems confused/ insecure Doctor: seems optimistic, confident • slow camera movement when called by the nurse (something serious is about to happen) Walt sees a doctor because he coughed up blood. Following that, he calls his son Mitch phone call • focus on their face (face expressions, emotions) → medium-close-up/ close-up • very dark → sad depressed atmosphere • Walt is presented rather weak (he's alone, only a photo of his wife) • Mitch is in a well-lit wide open room • Mitch is in company (wif ⇒ juxtaposition (contrasts) in a scene Manning Thao up (0:51:42 - 1:16:49) How Sue and Thao see Walt (1:06:45 - 1:07:47) Walt and Thao • Walt is still angry because of the car he's hard to Thao • still feels kind of empahy • Thao wants Walt to be proud of him (cleans his car, does everything Walt tells him to do) • Walt acts like a father figure for him • Walt spends time with Thao (teaches him to fix things) • Walt tries to educate Thao to be "American" and on girlfriend issues • Thao wants to make up for his mistake Walt and Sue • funny/ sarcastic between them • she respects him (or the fact that he's good at heart) • calls him "Wally" but he doesn't want it • kind of paternal role but not as strong as with Thao • acts with her more like a friend than with a kid • show interests for each other's lifes Walt as a role model for Thao • teaches him how to fix things, what's right/wrong → good bc he has no one else who does that (good influence) with his grandpa, he's the only man around him also starts to respect Thao but doesn't teach him how to handle emotions bc he's not good in that himself • he respects her smartness and courrage • he's concearned about her (use of language, choice of friends, partner) • there should also be a loving part of a father and Walt is hard to him almost everytime helping Thao to belong (01:07:47 - 01:16:49) ⇒ they see him as kind of their dad, whom they never had ⇒ surprising that Sue has a close relationship to Walt ⇒ also surprising that Thao is allowed to wash the car • Walt used to work in a car factory • Walt can help Thao to get a job in a construction by talking to people he knows ("I know people in the trades") • according to Walt and Martin, talking like a man means: - being polite, but not subservient - discussing issues of common interests (job, car, women) - talking about people that are not present • Walt wants Thao to make a good impression in the job interview • handshake at the end if the sequence may symbolize that he likes and respects Thao, sees him as a real man, not as a kid → belongs more and more to Walt (maybe not what he wants but better than joining the gang) → step in the right direction Walt's values/ ideals/ beliefs • self-confidence → thinks Thao is weak bc he's not self-confident • taking responsibility → tries to save his neighbours patriotism hard work (does pay off) "getting it done"-mentality →he fixes things when they need to be fixed • teaching the young (Thao) typical render roles → men: hard physical work, women: housekeeping manual labour (loved his work) → he was working in a car factory, wants Thao to work as a constructor • strength → doesn't want to be(come) weak, blood coughing doesn't stop him • pride → proud of his Gran Torino, house Walt's Sacrifice (01:16:48 01:48:00) conflict with the hmong gang → Thao is hurt Walt goes to the cousin's house and beats him up ("tell your friends to stay away from Thao") gang shoots the Lor's house → Sue is missing, comes back full of blood → Walt is angry, then cries Walt to Thao: "stay calm", "what need to be done will be done" Walt goes to confession in a new suit, with a new haircut →last wish of his wife Walt locks Thao to protect him ("I have blood on my hands") gives the key to Sue brings Daisy (dog) to the Lor's grandma Walt goes to the gang they shoot him Walt wants to protect the Lor family, especially Thao and Sue. He made a scene at the gang's house, so a lot of people witnessed it. He plans to die: takes a bath, new haircut, new suit, makes sure his dog is fine, goes to confession A happy Ending? (01:42:04 - 01:48:00) Yes because: • gang is gone → Thao can feel safe in his neighbourhood now • he seems happy driving the Gran Torino and taking care for Daisy → taking care of Walt's legacy • keeps/ still has the values Walt has taught him (how to get a job, be a man, be self-confident, be self-tolerant, to work, talk like a man etc.) Thao is free now to explore who he really is • Final scene suggests that Thao is starting off into a brighter future → driving off in the Gran Torino, eventually arriving in America/American society and culture The Gran Torino • improvement/ development of Thao: → thief to Walt's friend → insecure child to a man → criminal to reliable/ hard worker • symbolizes Walt's spirit/ beliefs/ values → muscle car: power & strength → old-school American: reliable, self-relient, mobile • symbol of manhood: gets it for the first time for the date • symbol of freedom: can drive/ go wherever he wants to • independence: doesn't need his family anymore No because: • his only friend (Walt) is dead • mentor-/ father figure is dead • Sue and Thao may have been traumatised by what happened to them a sense of belonging- challenges and choises need to belong challenges to his or her sense of belonging sacrifices that he or she is willing to make in order to belong/ not to belong to a certain group Walt • maintains American working-class ideals • stays in his old neighborhood: my home is my castle • keeps in touch with his family although they are completely alienated (phone call) • strong feeling of belonging to the army (lighter, rifle, silver star) • maintains his property although all other houses are in bad shape • keeps in touch with his old friends (barber, construction guy, etc.) • Walt Kowalski is a loner longing for defeat; himself/ his character and overcome his bias = ambiguity • Walt Kowalski is alienated by the loss of his wife, the huge Asian community, and gang violence and the inability to speak to his sons. • the Christian community, his family, his friends do not provide him with a true feeling of belonging (e. g. son, funeral). • sacrifices his family • gives up his family for the Lor family (Leaves GT to Thao and not to his granddaughter) • Gives up his old prejudices/ biases Sue • maintains bonds to Hmong community → even though she is raped, she does not testify against her kin • also wants to belong to American society: smart: good English, has every chance to move up in American Society • too smart for her peer group → trouble with Hmong gang and Afro-American youths gets along well with Walt → conflict with grandmother • is the link between Hmong and American culture → burden for a teenager as she acts as a kind of family head • sacrifices her health/dignity for Walt • sacrifices her youth for her family • has to act as an adult Thao • strong family ties, however, looked down upon by his relatives • belongs by not belonging to his peers = rebellion • strong family ties, however, looked down upon by his relatives • initiation to gang: attempt to steal Gran Torino fails • wants to fit into the American society, follow in Walt's footsteps (blue collar job, language, etc.) • trouble with the Hmong for his friendship with Walt • no friends at his age • sacrifices his role as man of the house just for being a nice guy Walt's sense of belonging: TO.. BEER • taking controle of his own life/ things in general • represents his former job in car factory/ importance of cars • blue collar mentality • he fixes things • manual labour as important part/ value of his life • takes care of his property (self-reliance) • honor, pride, patriotism • belonging to army • Walt appreciates it with the guilt of killing one enemy that wanted to swrender → ambiguity • self-reliance • defend himself/ security • power • problem-solving strategy for Walt • associated with his porch → thing to relax • American symbol of his material status • power/ strength • Gran Torino • freedom • as a reward for his hard work • maintain property of what belongs to him • taking care of things keeping things in order • resting place • center of his home • process of opening up to others