


Gran Torino







Englisch KLA K2 HJ2
Gran Torino
Walt begins helping Thao to find a job → he gets him one as a construction worker
After Thao
Englisch KLA K2 HJ2
Gran Torino
Walt begins helping Thao to find a job → he gets him one as a construction worker
After Thao
Englisch KLA K2 HJ2
Gran Torino
Walt begins helping Thao to find a job → he gets him one as a construction worker
After Thao
Englisch KLA K2 HJ2
Gran Torino
Walt begins helping Thao to find a job → he gets him one as a construction worker
After Thao
Englisch KLA K2 HJ2
Gran Torino
Walt begins helping Thao to find a job → he gets him one as a construction worker
After Thao
Englisch KLA K2 HJ2
Gran Torino
Walt begins helping Thao to find a job → he gets him one as a construction worker
After Thao
Englisch KLA K2 HJ2
Gran Torino
Walt begins helping Thao to find a job → he gets him one as a construction worker
After Thao
Englisch KLA K2 HJ2
Gran Torino
Walt begins helping Thao to find a job → he gets him one as a construction worker
After Thao
Englisch KLA K2 HJ2
Gran Torino
Walt begins helping Thao to find a job → he gets him one as a construction worker
After Thao
Englisch KLA K2 HJ2
Gran Torino
Walt begins helping Thao to find a job → he gets him one as a construction worker
After Thao
Englisch KLA K2 HJ2
Gran Torino
Walt begins helping Thao to find a job → he gets him one as a construction worker
After Thao
Englisch KLA K2 HJ2
Gran Torino
Walt begins helping Thao to find a job → he gets him one as a construction worker
After Thao

Englisch KLA K2 HJ2 Gran Torino Summary ● ● ● ● Walt begins helping Thao to find a job → he gets him one as a construction worker After Thao's cousins harass him, Walt threatens them to stop → They shoot up Thao's house & beat Sue up really badly Walt lets Thao take his Car (The Gran Torino) to go on a date → big gesture Walt wants to get revenge he starts preparing himself When Walt goes to get revenge on the Asian Gang, he locks Thao up to stop him from coming with him →wants to do it alone ● When Walt goes to confront Thao's cousins, they shoot him (he gets his lighter out → looks like a weapon) There are finally witnesses to get the Asian gang locked up Thao gets the Gran Torino in his Will ● Walt lives alone in his house, his wife just died, conflict with his family they want him to go to a retirement home Next to him, Thao and his family move in when they want to meet Walt he is very rude & racist ● One night, he saves Thao from the Asian gang → seen as a neighborhood hero After saving Sue (Thaos little Sister) from getting harassed by the black gang, they start talking and get along Sue invites him to a...

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family bbq where Walt realizes that he has a lot in common with them and likes them Walt starts coughing up blood and goes to the doctor where he gets bad results Thao begins to work for Walt where they start to like each other Character constellation THE LOR FAMILY (Grandma, Mother, family shaman, ...) attack family THE ASIAN GANG (Smokie, Spider, ...) ● ● ● ● ● Thao Lor ● ● ● rape ● Walt Kowalski In the beginning: racist, reserved, lonely (after his wife died), distant, stereotypically masculine War veteran, patriotism ● Tendency to solve problems with (gun) violence Begins to overcome his racism as he gets to know Sue & Thao Becomes a neighborhood hero after saving Thao and Sue In the end: sacrifices himself to safe the Lor Family from the gang (bc he knew he was sick) → salvation, finds peace in his death Seems like he is very cold, but has a strong sense of protection (Thao, Sue) Doesn't get along with his own family they are spoiled and rude He has a bad conscience about never bonding with his family & his experiences in the War ● THAO SUE Beginning of the movie Later in the movie good relationship, Priends KOWALSKI FAMILY (Mitch, Karen, Grandkids, Steve) WALT old friends BARBER & KENNEDY (Construction Worker) THE BLACK GANG begin to get along FATHER JANOVIC Shy, quiet, polite, hard-working, easy to push around 16 years old, grew up in a female dominated household, Hmong Girlfriend → Youa Born in the US but Asian roots and traditional family Doesn't care about doing "women's work" (for example the dishes) Jobs for Walt → succeeds in doing man's work (helping Walt + later construction job) Is harassed by the Asian Gang and they want him to join → he refuses every time He is very happy that Walt helps him find a job etc. → father-son-relationship · Sue Lor ● ● ● ● After Sue's rape, he wants to take revenge on the gang Walt locks him in his basement Grandmother Phong ● Strong-minded, independent, confident, quick-wittet, intellectual superiority 17 years old, traditional, white boyfriend → Trey Is not scared of confrontation Adapted to western world & the Hmong Traditions She begins to win Walt over because she isn't scared to talk to him and is very consistent → bridges the gap between Walt & the family Is raped by the Asian Gang → Walt is deeply hurt by this Representative of first-generation- immigrants Racial prejudices against Americans (→ beginning: fight/ hatred with Walt) Does not speak English (speaks Hmong) Lives strictly according to her traditions (for ex. Clothing) Father Janovic Was the pastor of Walts (very religious) wife → promised her to take care of Walt In the beginning Walt rejects him ● He is very persistent and gets him to have a conversation multiple times Over time, their relationship develops and they begin to get along Kowalski Family Disrespectful, ignorant Don't get along with Walt → they don't understand him (which makes Walt sad) ● Only talk to Walt when they need sth, want him to go to a retirement home ● The Asian Gang ● Smokie Thao's and Sue's cousin ● Aggressive, gang bangers, unemployed, criminal Spider leader of the gang Always want to establish dominance, protect their territory Spiral of violence Shoot Walt in the end leads to their arrest because it's the first time one their crimes has been witnessed Themes & motives Racism Walt is very racist in the beginning → overcomes his stereotypes Ideal of white America / Nationalism is questioned in the movie (can't represent the country) ● ● ● Beginning: segregated society vs. End: multicultural society Raises awareness on developments in race relations/ populations and their background Walt uses racial slurs, ... → even he can overcome his racism Seeing people as individuals instead of a prejudice (!) → the multicultural society in Gran Torino ● HMONG -first generation immigrants (Phong and her daughter) keep up their cultural traditions SUE -she tries to assimilate to the American society →she dates a white boy; she mostly speaks English HMONG GANG (SMOKIE, SPIDER) -live according to their own rules; they protest against their father's values and terrorize their neighborhood -they are ruthless and street-hardened, violent (beat up Thao, rape Sue, kill Walt) -they are presented as the typical gang bangers who don't even stop harming their own family in order to affirm their power (Spider) WHITES -Walt Kowalski -Mitch, Steve and their families. - white flight to the rich residential districts of Detroit → Walt's racism LANGUAGE THAO -Thao is a complex character that can serve as a positive role model, depicted as an individual -racial slurs ("swamp rats", zipper head", "gook") -vulgar remarks ("Get the shit out of your mouth") -stereotypes about certain ethnic groups ("jungle people") -overtly racist insults -speaks in a harsh and demanding tone, growls at people -racist jokes - his ethnic background becomes a secondary issue as his personality grows LATINOS -live up to their own culture (e.g. music); weapons, they threaten Thao for no reason AFRICAN AMERICANS -live in their own ghetto-like neighborhood; aim to sexually harass Sue represent typical stereotypes for thugs terrorizing the streets, feeding into popular fears, they are used to set off Thao's character ORIGIN OF WALT'S RACISM -Walt's intolerance and racism is fed by his past as a soldier in the Korean War - he had to learn to have a low opinion of Asians in order to justify the atrocities -he calls all Asians "gooks" and "zipperheads" as all soldiers did in the Korean War CONSEQUENCES -ethnic groups live in parallel worlds - gloomy picture of a segregated society BEHAVIOR/ACTIONS -very rude behavior e.g. he does not lend a jumper cable to Thao; spits out towards the Hmong grandmother -rejects Hmong presents -makes fun of Thao -e.g. makes him count the birds in the tree; calls him "Toad" -BUT: protects Thao from the gang; saves Sue in the black neighborhood; finds a job for Thao; sacrifices himself for Sue and Thao Violence, Gun Violence Walt has at least two guns he does not hesitate to use (American self- image, self- defense) Gangs: shootings, crimes, ... →enforce dominance ● Rape of Sue, harassment of Thao, attack on the Lor Family's house Different Levels of violence: O Verbal tension, aggressive exchanges O Appearance of guns → spiral of violence O Escalation: drive-by shooting and Sue's rape o By sacrificing himself Walt finds a way to break the cycle of violence → Thao and Sue can live freely VIOLENCE LEADS TO THE INTENDED EFFECT -Walt successfully threatens violence to keep Sue and Thao safe positive effect - Walt scares the Hmong gang off with his firearm when Spider and the others want Thao to join their gang → Walt draws a gun to keep Sue safe when she is hassled by black youths on the street -Walt the of violence. create a safe environment teenagers VIOLENCE LEADS TO THE OPPOSITE EFFECT -violence leads to guilt instead of peace → Walt is haunted by his guilt because he had to use violence during the war, and he killed many men -violence leads to further violence: spiral of violence - Walt brutally beats up Smokie which unintentionally triggers the gang's brutal assault of Sue and the attack on the Lor house ➡ cycle of violence can only be broken by Walt's not using violence: in the showdown with the gang, he draws a lighter instead of a gun and he uses words to confront them → The cycle is only broken by Walt not using violence (he tricks the gang into shooting him with a lighter → looks like a gun pulled from his jacket) Masculinity ● alt's conception: O O Traditional definition of masculinity Soldier disciplined, strong, independent, pro guns Machines and tools, Gran Torino O o Smoking and drinking habits O Polite to women, typical gender norms apply for Walt Thao's conception: o Still searching for his identity O Female appearance, does "women's work" → his masculinity is questioned o Walt tries to "man him up" → development from a teenager to a young man STEREOTYPICALLY MASCULINE BEHAVIOR -rough talk (sexist, racist); car ownership; protective instinct; excessive consumption of alcohol; willingness to use violence/ aggression/ brutality "GRAN TORINO" PRAISES MASCULINITY -"Manning up" Thao: Walt becomes Thao's only male mentor/ role model and introduces him to a different sphere (the barber shop, the construction site, the hardware store) -boosts Thao's self-confidence and gives him orientation/ a feeling of belonging/ an idea what to do with his life -protective instinct: Walt takes over responsibility and protects Sue and Thao from the gangs "GRAN TORINO" CRITICIZES MASCULINITY -excessive consumption of alcohol: Walt drinks large amounts of beer and liquor and smokes a lot (might be responsible for his illness) -use of violence → threat of sexual aggression towards Sue (the black youths); Sue's rape (sexual aggression as a means to exert power); Walt's use of violence leads to more violence The American Dream From rags to riches, land of the free, land of opportunity, freedom ● Walt's American Dream ● ● O Thao's American Dream o Takes pride in his cars (cherishes the Gran Torino) O House = perfect image of American suburbia Conservative values: patriotism, family, buying American, flags, ... O Very vague, Thao doesn't believe in his future O Begins to take over Walt's American Dream O In the End: Dream is fulfilled (car, job, girlfriend) Sue's American Dream Female protector, speaks up, confident and bold Her own plans remain unknown She is a mediator between cultures (neutral, understanding, patient) gang O AMERICAN BELIEFS AND CONCEPTS IN THE MOVIE -self-defense - Walt threatens other people with his firearms to protect himself or other people from the O Religion -self-reliance → Walt maintains his house and cars and he tries to solve problems on his own -the right to carry and use firearms use of guns to protect one's property/family/ friends -individual freedom instead of trusting the government (police) -the right to privacy and individualism -being proud of one's country and its tradition/ cultural icons patriotism; being part of the US military; American flag; Ford -belief in hard work and success ● Dorothy's Funeral ● ● ● Walt's confession at the church ● ● ● Walt's sacrifice Christian wife, family pays respect in the church (speech: Father Janovic) Father Janovic ● ● o Tries to look after Walt & wants him to go to a confession Walt doesn't want to and makes clear that he rejects the church Talking about Life and Death O Walt reveals that he is haunted by his past → honest, opens up to Father Janovic Guilt and Redemption Walt feels guilty about the war and never being able to bond with his family His guilty conscience has made him isolated and lonely ● Symbols ● o Finally confesses, accepts Father Janovic as a pastor O Later: personal confession to Thao O Salvation that Walt needed, knew he would die soon om disease Violence in the neighborhood intensifies he feels guilty about Sues rape and the drive by shooting PAST MISTAKES THAT BURDEN WALT -he has never had a close relationship with his sons -he killed an innocent Korean teenager -he intensifies the gang conflict which results in the drive-by shooting and Sue's brutal rape HOW WALT ATONES FOR HIS MISTAKES AND REDEEMS HIMSELF -he is like a father for Thao who has no role model and lacks orientation he helps him to find a direction in his life -he saves the life of Thao, a boy of the same age as the Korean teenager -by sacrificing himself, he stops the gang from destroying Thao's and Sue's life any further Walt has not been able to atone for his guilt → he decides to sacrifice himself so Sue and Thao can have a normal life He plans his sacrifice and when his plan works out, he could die in peace Gun - Americanism, Tradition, masculinity, protection, violence Car (Gran Torino) - Americanism, masculinity, American dream, wealth Beer, cigarettes - masculinity, loneliness, drinking away pain/ guilt Silver star medal - War, violence, patriotism, racism Lawn, white picket fence - American dream, "safe haven", wealth, Walts ability to work/ do things on his own Tools - working class, Thaos and Walts relationship ● Traditional clothing - Hmong culture ● ● ● ● ● Church - Christianity, Walt's wife, redemption, faith Mirror - self recognition of Walt Lighter - experiences in the War, uses it to trick the Asian Gang into thinking he has a gun he was shot innocently → relieves his burden Cross - Walt lies with his arms spread out as he dies → symbol of his salvation Life and death – movie is framed by two funerals, life and death are often juxtaposed, Father Janovic often talks about life and death, Hmong baby is born → celebration The Ambiguity of belonging ● In Walt's life HISTORICAL BACKGROUND HOUSE/ NEIGHBORHOOD/ COMMUNITY WALT'S JOB WALT'S FAMILY WALT'S DOCTOR WAR/ VIOLENCE/ CRIME WALT'S PAST LIFE -Detroit in the 1950s peak population, well-paid jobs in the automobile industry -well-maintained house in a safe neighborhood where mostly white middle-class people/ automobile workers lived went to church, because it was important to his wife -worked all of his life for the Ford Motor company assembling cars -put the steering column in his own Gran Torino -married to the best wife he could imagine; two sons -he never had a close relationship to his -Dr. Feldman used to be his doctor (experienced, male, white) -fought as a soldier in the Korean War -won a silver star Medal for his service -killed at least 13 people, even teenagers -lost many friends in the war -learned to rely on himself and defend himself WALT'S PRESENT LIFE (AT THE BEGINNING OF THE MOVIE) -Detroit in the 21st century: decline of the auto industry; unemployment; dramatic drop in population; entire neighborhoods are abandoned -only white person still living in the only well-maintained house in a Hmong dominated neighborhood -all white people have left and are replaced by Asian immigrants -the church doesn't mean anything to him; no respect for the young inexperienced Father Janovich -retired; he still keeps his house/ yard/ car in perfect conditions -fixes things that don't need to be fixed -lost his beloved wife Dorothy -feels completely estranged from his two sons, their families and their ways of living; only companion is his dog Daisy -his old doctor is replaced by a young Asian female doctor -burdened by war memories and feelings of guilt -defends his property and possessions -he doesn't rely on the police and takes the action in his own hands -answers violence with violence O Walt is a lonely old man without many connections o Estranged from his family No real friends O He does not belong O → begins to form a bond with Thao and Sue (sense of belonging) What is ambiguous about his way of belonging? o Neighborhood: O O ● o Family: ■ Values ▪ oo . ■ O O Guilt: Member of the traditional, white and American society Lives in a Hmong neighborhood I Conservative values Attracted by the Hmong community upholding their traditions (important for him as well) Catholic Church: Father, but no relationship with the family He regrets that they can't bond or communicate right Realizes that he has more in common with the Lor family than with his own → Walt suffers from an ambiguity of belonging: his feeling of being an outsider with respect to his cultural background has made him a grumpy old man Part of Detroit's Polish Catholic community No emotional connection to the church (was maybe his wife?) Leaves his house to the church in his will →after the death of his wife he is left alone in a world he can no longer identify in (do not share his old-school values) The guilt of the war haunts him At the same time he seems to be proud of serving in the war ● How does Walt overcome is racism? O Watches Sue's and Thao's behavior catalysts for his change o Compares the Lor Family with his own → has more in common with the Lor Family Reflects on his time as a soldier Questions his stereotypes and moves beyond them O Opens up and reaches out to other people O Faces and accepts his past → after he saves both Sue and Thao from gang violence, he begins to form a bond with them. After some time, Walt and Thao almost develop a father-son-relationship → Walt regains his sense of belonging (belongs to the neighborhood, maybe church, ...) In Thao's life O Belongs to his large family, Hmong culture, American O But doesn't have friends/ girlfriend/ clear plans for the future → no sense of belonging No male role model, doesn't fit in his traditional family Begins to see Walt as a father figure sense of belonging What is ambiguous about his sense of belonging? O Peer pressure (cousins), caught in the middle of nowhere (doesn't fit in Hmong culture nor the American) o Cultural belonging (American vs. Hmong) O Gender role (Thao as a boy (perceived as female) vs. young man) → finds a male role model (Walt) and finds a sense of belonging to him and the neighborhood, gets a girlfriend, relationship with his family changes → develops plans for the future, finds his identity ● In Sue's life O Belongs to her family and the Hmong culture but also part of the American society (American friends, school, ...) → feeling of belonging, well-integrated, confident What is ambiguous about her sense of belonging? o Hmong culture & American way of life O Bridges the gap between the two cultures The relationship of Walt and Thao Racist prejudices on both sides, do not talk to each other Thaos & Walts realtionship: Sue invites Walt to dinner with her family he realizes he likes them, Thao begins to work for Walt → they form a bond, Walt teaches him tob e an man & get a job Failed initiation: Thao tries to steal his Gran Torino Gang fight, Walt scares them away neighborhood hero Turning-point: Walt observes Thao helping a woman changes his perspective of Thao, Walt saves both Thao and Sue from gang violence Walts giult & sacrifice: Walt sacrifices himself so that Sue and Thao can life a normal life, dies is peace redemtion → In the end, Thao respects Walt's decisions, appreciates the chance to start over (which Walt gave him), his male identity has formed, Walt leaves him the Gran Torino as a sign of respect & friendship → both characters are influenced by each other and change over the course of their friendship Language in Gran Torino ● As a Marker of level of integration: O Both English and Hmong are spoken in the movie, older generation of Hmong community does not speak English Younger generation speaks English integrated better (Sue, Thao) language o ● Racist ● Analysis Signaling masculinity O o Vulgar way of talking underlines masculinity, swear words, commanding tone Thaos development →walt shows him how to come across like a man and use the right language when talking to his boss/ other men, is taught stereotypical conversation topics (women, cars, ...) ● ● ● ● Helpful phrases ● ● ● ● O O O ● ● Walt calls Asian people racist slurs (just like in the war) Does not care about Hmong culture/ names ● Does not use slurs when talking about black people his racism is mainly limited to Asian people explainable by his experiences in the war Introduction: Question/ Topic, Dates of the film + texts Analysis: O Discuss the Arguments (examples from the film) O Give quotations (direct quotation → line, indirect quotation → of.) o Interpret/ explain Conclusion: summary + own opinion based on the analysis This word/phrase suggests that... This word/phrase means that... The meaning of this word/phrase is... This vocabulary is chosen by the writer to suggest... The writer uses (language example) to focus the reader's attention on... This image/idea is reinforced by the writer's use of... The writer repeats (language example) to draw attention to... (Language example) is repeated to emphasise the key idea of... This use of (language example) reminds the reader that... The writer wants the reader to recognise that... Language has been used to persuade the reader to... like/agree... The use of (language example) used to describe (subject) reinforces the reader's awareness of... Through the contrasting use of (language example) the writer is able to reflect the character's... The writer's use of (language example) is further reinforced through the use of (language example)... By using the (language example) and (language example) the writer is able to contrast... *Source: www.lindaslernzettel.de -> all images are from her website !